„Surprise-Egg`s“ ( in german „Ü-Eier“ or „Überraschungs-Eier“ ) is the german grower-slang-word for a ( strategic..) mix between giant and squash. Unspoiled the word „Überraschungs-Ei“ is used for a german child-chocolat-special with some little toy`s in it.-----------------
„Small-Seeds“ were named the allowed member-seeds ( under 400lbs) of an special challenge at „Crazy-Growers.de“. Into to the final score came only the pound-difference between the used „mother-seed“ an the final weight of the descendant.------------------
266 MC-Krueger10* ( 909 Swarts08* x 1092 Martin06 )
106 MC-Krueger15 ( 1431 Wuersching14 x 1103 Martin14*)
105 MC-Krueger11 ( 266 MC-Krueger10* x 1177 Haist08* )
146 MC-Krueger11 ( 1065 Clark09 x 1027 Kent08 )
103 MC-Krueger11 ( 1199 Swarts05 x 264 MC-Krueger10 )
102,5 MC-Krueger15 ---“FREDDY“--- ( 1266 Jany13 x 1180 Daletas03 )