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Subject:  Colorado tomatoes

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Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


18. 2.27    Wardrop, Errol    Kiowa     Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off    2.21Wardrop12
19. 2.22    Grande, Gary    LITTLETON    Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off     6.62 MegaMarv
20. 2.22    Ritter, Leif    Centennia    Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     5.59 Zappa    self    big zac
21. 2.21    Wardrop, Errol    Kiowa     Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off     3.96 Marley 1122. 2.14    Lee, Michael    LITTLETON    Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off     5.95 Domingo x 6.23 Mega Zac    Big Wixom X Open
23. 2.11    Wolff, Ryan    LIttleton    Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off
24. 2.01    Holck, Erik    Lakewood    Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off     Boudyo
25. 2.00    Grande, Celeste    LITTLETON    Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off      Big Zac
26. 2.00    LEE, MICHAEL    LITTLETON    Colorado    United States    Smith Farms Pumpkin Weigh-off    BIG WIXOM X OPEN    DOMINGO X MEGAZAC    
27. 1.97    Lee, Michael    LITTLETON    Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off    4.28 Spaziani 18 x open    7.1 Big Zak X 8.22 Damingo
28. 1.91    Wohlert, Calvin    Centennial    Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off
29. 1.60    Luers, Scott     Ft. Collins    Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off    Strickler 8.36
30. 1.48    T-Rod     Denver     Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off     4.8 Koniezzny

10/6/2022 7:01:38 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


1. 4.65    Bieser, Michael    Mesa Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     3.08 Mailey
2. 3.88    Luers, Scott    Fort Collins    Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     Sutherland BZxDom     open    Big Zac x Domingo
3. 3.69    Johnston, Mark    Boulder     Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     4.647 Domingo (op) 14
4. 3.43    Johnston, Mark    Boulder     Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     3.69 Johnston    Self    Domingo
5. 3.28    Bieser, Michael         Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     3.364 Thurber    Open    Bezrazmernyi
6. 3.28    Johnston, Mark    Boulder     Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     2.784 Thurber    open    Big Zac
7. 3.20    Brannan, Ted    Erie     Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     8.41 McCoy    Self    Big Zac
8. 3.11    Luers, Scott    Fort Collins    Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     Sutherland BZxDom    Open    Big Zac x Domingo
9. 3.04    Johnston, Mark    Boulder     Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     Domingo
* 2.96DAM New, Chad    PARKER     Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off    
10. 2.95    Johnson, Mark    Boulder     Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off      Big Zac

10/6/2022 7:02:02 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


11. 2.67    Hoffa, Lance    Lakewood    Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off     6.14 Brown    Open    Domingo
12. 2.66    Luers, Scott    Fort Collins    Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     Sutherland BZxDOM     Open    Big Zac x Domingo
13. 2.62    Wohlert, Calvin    Centennial    Colorado United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off
14. 2.52    Kuehner, Corey    Erie     Colorado    United States    Early Tomatoes     5.46 Clementz     self    Domingo
15. 2.34    Wardrop, Errol    Kiowa     Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off    2.21 Wardrop 12
16. 2.30    Lee, Michael    LITTLETON    Colorado    United States    Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off    4.28 Spaziani 18 x Open    7.1 Foss (Big Zao) X 8.22 Marley (Domingo)    
17. 2.29    Wardrop, Errol    Kiowa     Colorado    United States    Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off     Big Zac

10/6/2022 7:02:07 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


well.....(sigh) it hates me. oh well list is more for me than anybody. needed a way to keep it online

10/6/2022 7:03:18 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


1. 4.65 Bieser, Michael Mesa Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 3.08 Mailey
2. 3.88 Luers, Scott Fort Collins Colorado United States Early Tomatoes Sutherland BZxDom open Big Zac x Domingo
3. 3.69 Johnston, Mark Boulder Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 4.647 Domingo (op) 14
4. 3.43 Johnston, Mark Boulder Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 3.69 Johnston Self Domingo
5. 3.28 Bieser, Michael Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 3.364 Thurber Open Bezrazmernyi
6. 3.28 Johnston, Mark Boulder Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 2.784 Thurber open Big Zac
7. 3.20 Brannan, Ted Erie Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 8.41 McCoy Self Big Zac
8. 3.11 Luers, Scott Fort Collins Colorado United States Early Tomatoes Sutherland BZxDom Open Big Zac x Domingo
9. 3.04 Johnston, Mark Boulder Colorado United States Early Tomatoes Domingo
* 2.96DAM New, Chad PARKER Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off
10. 2.95 Johnson, Mark Boulder Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off Big Zac

10/6/2022 7:04:19 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


11. 2.67 Hoffa, Lance Lakewood Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off 6.14 Brown Open Domingo
12. 2.66 Luers, Scott Fort Collins Colorado United States Early Tomatoes Sutherland BZxDOM Open Big Zac x Domingo
13. 2.62 Wohlert, Calvin Centennial Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off
14. 2.52 Kuehner, Corey Erie Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 5.46 Clementz self Domingo
15. 2.34 Wardrop, Errol Kiowa Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off 2.21 Wardrop 12
16. 2.30 Lee, Michael LITTLETON Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off 4.28 Spaziani 18 x Open 7.1 Foss (Big Zao) X 8.22 Marley (Domingo)
17. 2.29 Wardrop, Errol Kiowa Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off Big Zac

10/6/2022 7:04:36 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


18. 2.27 Wardrop, Errol Kiowa Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off 2.21Wardrop12
19. 2.22 Grande, Gary LITTLETON Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off 6.62 MegaMarv
20. 2.22 Ritter, Leif Centennia Colorado United States Early Tomatoes 5.59 Zappa self big zac
21. 2.21 Wardrop, Errol Kiowa Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off 3.96 Marley 11
22. 2.14 Lee, Michael LITTLETON Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off 5.95 Domingo x 6.23 Mega Zac Big Wixom X Open
23. 2.11 Wolff, Ryan LIttleton Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off
24. 2.01 Holck, Erik Lakewood Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off Boudyo
25. 2.00 Grande, Celeste LITTLETON Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off Big Zac
26. 2.00 LEE, MICHAEL LITTLETON Colorado United States Smith Farms Pumpkin Weigh-off BIG WIXOM X OPEN DOMINGO X MEGAZAC
27. 1.97 Lee, Michael LITTLETON Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off 4.28 Spaziani 18 x open 7.1 Big Zak X 8.22 Damingo
28. 1.91 Wohlert, Calvin Centennial Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off
29. 1.60 Luers, Scott Ft. Collins Colorado United States Nicks Garden Center Weigh-off Strickler 8.36
30. 1.48 T-Rod Denver Colorado United States Jareds Giant Pumpkin Weigh-off 4.8 Koniezzny

10/6/2022 7:05:04 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


there all better.

10/6/2022 7:05:18 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


see if this one looks any better on the phone
1. 4.65 Bieser, Michael Mesa Early     3.08 Mailey
2. 3.88 Luers, Scott     Fort Collins    Early Sutherland BZxDom     Big Zac x Domingo
3. 3.69 Johnston, Mark     Boulder    Early 4.647 Thurber Domingo
4. 3.43 Johnston, Mark     Boulder    Early     3.69 Johnston        Domingo
5. 3.28 Bieser, Michael Mesa     Early     3.364 Thurber        Bezrazmernyi
6. 3.28 Johnston, Mark     Boulder    Early     2.784 Thurber        Big Zac
7. 3.20 Brannan, Ted     Erie     Early     8.41 McCoy        Big Zac
8. 3.11 Luers, Scott     Fort Collins    Early Sutherland BZxDom    Big Zac x Domingo
9. 3.04 Johnston, Mark     Boulder    Early      Domingo
DAM 2.96 New, Chad     Parker    Nicks     
10. 2.95 Johnson, Mark     Boulder    Jareds      Big Zac

10/7/2022 3:29:22 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


:/ stupid formatting

10/7/2022 3:30:12 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


1. 4.65 Bieser, Michael 3.08 Mailey
2. 3.88 Luers, Scott     Sutherland BZxDom     Big Zac x Domingo
3. 3.69 Johnston, Mark     4.647 Thurber Domingo
4. 3.43 Johnston, Mark     3.69 Johnston        Domingo
5. 3.28 Bieser, Michael 3.364 Thurber        Bezrazmernyi
6. 3.28 Johnston, Mark     2.784 Thurber        Big Zac
7. 3.20 Brannan, Ted     8.41 McCoy        Big Zac
8. 3.11 Luers, Scott     Sutherland BZxDom    Big Zac x Domingo
9. 3.04 Johnston, Mark          Domingo
DAM 2.96 New, Chad         
10. 2.95 Johnson, Mark          Big Zac
11. 2.67 Hoffa, Lance     6.14 Brown     Domingo
12. 2.66 Luers, Scott     Sutherland BZxDOM     Big Zac x Domingo
13. 2.62 Wohlert, Calvin
14. 2.52 Kuehner, Corey     5.46 Clementz    Domingo
15. 2.34 Wardrop, Errol     2.21 Wardrop 12
16. 2.30 Lee, Michael     4.28 Spaziani     Big Zac x Domingo    
17. 2.29 Wardrop, Errol          Big Zac
18. 2.27 Wardrop, Errol     2.21 Wardrop 12
19. 2.22 Grande, Gary     6.62 MegaMarv
20. 2.22 Ritter, Leif     5.59 Zappa     Big Zac
21. 2.21 Wardrop, Errol     3.96 Marley 11
22. 2.14 Lee, Michael     5.95 Konieczny    Big Wixom
23. 2.11 Wolff, Ryan    
24. 2.01 Holck, Erik     Boudyo
25. 2.00 Grande, Celeste      Big Zac
26. 2.00 Lee, Michael     5.95 Konieczny     Domingo     
27. 1.97 Lee, Michael     4.28 Spaziani 18 Big Zac X Domingo
28. 1.91 Wohlert, Calvin
29. 1.60 Luers, Scott      8.355 Strickler Domingo
30. 1.48 T-Rod     4.8 Konieczny Big Zac X Domingo

10/7/2022 3:39:01 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


1. 4.65 Bieser, Michael 3.08 Mailey
2. 3.88 Luers, Scott Sutherland BZxDom Big Zac x Domingo
3. 3.69 Johnston, Mark 4.647 Thurber Domingo
4. 3.43 Johnston, Mark 3.69 Johnston Domingo
5. 3.28 Bieser, Michael 3.364 Thurber Bezrazmernyi
6. 3.28 Johnston, Mark 2.784 Thurber Big Zac
7. 3.20 Brannan, Ted 8.41 McCoy Big Zac
8. 3.11 Luers, Scott Sutherland BZxDom Big Zac x Domingo
9. 3.04 Johnston, Mark Domingo
DAM 2.96 New, Chad
10. 2.95 Johnson, Mark Big Zac
11. 2.67 Hoffa, Lance 6.14 Brown Domingo
12. 2.66 Luers, Scott Sutherland BZxDOM Big Zac x Domingo
13. 2.62 Wohlert, Calvin
14. 2.52 Kuehner, Corey 5.46 Clementz Domingo
15. 2.34 Wardrop, Errol 2.21 Wardrop 12
16. 2.30 Lee, Michael 4.28 Spaziani Big Zac x Domingo
17. 2.29 Wardrop, Errol Big Zac
18. 2.27 Wardrop, Errol 2.21 Wardrop 12
19. 2.22 Grande, Gary 6.62 MegaMarv
20. 2.22 Ritter, Leif 5.59 Zappa Big Zac
21. 2.21 Wardrop, Errol 3.96 Marley 11
22. 2.14 Lee, Michael 5.95 Konieczny Domingo
23. 2.11 Wolff, Ryan
24. 2.01 Holck, Erik Boudyo
25. 2.00 Grande, Celeste Big Zac
26. 2.00 Lee, Michael 5.95 Konieczny Domingo
27. 1.97 Lee, Michael 4.28 Spaziani 18 Big Zac X Domingo
28. 1.91 Wohlert, Calvin
29. 1.60 Luers, Scott 8.355 Strickler Domingo
30. 1.48 T-Rod 4.8 Konieczny Big Zac X Domingo

10/7/2022 3:44:40 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


screw it I give up

10/7/2022 3:45:18 AM


Little-TON - Colorado

Aint easy to post stats on BP.. but really great job

10/7/2022 3:54:34 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Quiter !!! Lol... :-)

10/7/2022 5:36:23 PM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Lol.... Just kidding Scott, it looks great to me but I know when I would try to post something like this it would look one way on my phone screen but come out completely different on a post.

10/7/2022 5:39:19 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


ha ha ha. ya I so did quit. But not till after I made a mess of things :)

10/7/2022 10:51:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Congrats on your 3.9! Its funny how fickle they can be as to whether they continue to plump up or not. While some growers do make it look easy, imho getting above 4 lbs is not beginner level growing (as I am sure you now unfortunately realize).

But don't get discouraged, at least your state record isnt 16 lbs... ugh, lol :)

10/16/2022 1:55:30 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


lol Gritty. ya my state record is a bit more attainable. The 3.90 probably would of hit 4lbs if I could of left it on the vine a couple more weeks, squeezed out that last tenth of a pound. Just ran out of time since that was the last chance to get it weighed. I have learned a LOT my first year. I have a pretty good idea where I missed some weight gain opportunities. I didn't get the state record but I got close. To end up with the 2nd and 3rd biggest tomatoes my first year is pretty satisfying honestly.

10/16/2022 2:23:38 PM

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