Watermelon Growing Forum
Subject: Lime
Date Posted
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
I'm applying lime should I till it in or does it matter?
1/3/2011 6:47:43 PM
Dave Bhaskaran |
Rochester, MN
I would rototill it in.
1/3/2011 7:21:52 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Why do people use Lime?? Just asking I have never used it afraid of raising My PH.Should I??
1/3/2011 9:37:44 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Hhg, I think that "IS" why people use lime...to raise the PH level!!! Peace, Wayne
1/4/2011 1:12:19 AM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
You'll get faster results if you do till it in.
Hhg, The only way to know is to do a soil test.
1/4/2011 4:06:43 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I was wondering Ive heard a lot of gardeners say they lime every year just like gramps did.I couldnt figure out why in less there were lots of pine tres around.This were the same people that said gramps was Milking his Kins.LOL
1/4/2011 8:23:45 AM
Minnesota Melon Man |
Rochester, Minnesota
I added lime this year, and yes, I rototilled it in.
1/4/2011 5:28:12 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Lime is good if used properly. I used dolomitic limestone last year. It will lower high PH & raise low PH. Lime definitely needs to be mixed well into the soil. Be aware that too much lime will "burn" plant roots and can even kill plants.
1/4/2011 5:35:32 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
TD, serious??? lower high PH & raise low PH? Serious? Peace, Wayne
1/4/2011 6:14:52 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Yes Wayne, it really does just that.I learned about this in my younger & more foolish days when I used to grow pot.
1/5/2011 6:05:35 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I use sulfur to lower my PH I also used it to lite my wacky tabacky back in my foolish days.LOL
1/5/2011 7:05:43 PM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
Thanks everybody, I will try to till it if it isn't too wett. We,ve had a lot of rain and even some white stuff. I started a new patch for next year. 5 Dump truck loads of sand out of our lake and 7 dump truck loads of well composted cow manure. Ph was 5.5. The only thing that I wasn't maxed out on was Calcium, so I had to get calcitic lime.
1/6/2011 5:55:24 PM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
Dennis I haven't forgotten you still going to send you those seeds you wanted
1/6/2011 5:56:25 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Wowzers, only posted once on this thread, and the DEA, drove by my house today!!!!!!! I gettin Skaird!!!! Just kiddin!!!! LOL Peace, Wayne TD, so why does anyone use Sulphur? wowzerS!!! and HHG too!!!
1/6/2011 11:22:48 PM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
Wayne Some areas of this country have soils that are higher than ideal in ph. Sulpher combines with water to make acid and thus lowers the ph. Sulpher is needed by plants in about the same quintities as phosphorus BUT too much sulphur can be toxic. That's why we do the fancy soil test.
1/8/2011 7:36:52 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
The DEA wont find nothing here PW,Been 23 years drug free quit smoking cigs over 6 years now.The only thing smoking here is the seeds in my freezer!!!!
1/8/2011 8:05:40 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
My ph is 7.5 I dont want it to climb any more sulfur also helps reduce soil bourne crap.I use it moderately.I will apply early to mid april as melons like a lower Ph than Kins.Ive added sulfur to water(siphon feeder) & watered under canopy of plants in august to keep Ph down & soil bourne junk.Was this a mistake or not, Im asking all you edumacated people put there.
1/8/2011 8:17:31 AM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
HHG, I'd put the sulfur out now. The reaction between water and sulfur takes time but should be complete in 90 days or so with adequate rain or snow. Re-test in spring. Less chance of plant damage during growing season.
Had ph on my mind (sulpher) LOL
1/8/2011 12:07:37 PM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
Bro Dave The only calcitic lime I can find around here is feed grade. It has the same contents, but it is powdered rather than pellitized. Only difference I could find in one article it stated it takes longer to react, but doesn't say how long. Do you know anything about the stuff?
1/8/2011 1:20:23 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I cant till ground is frozen wont it wash away into wetlands than river???
1/8/2011 4:43:36 PM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
Hol, Look for a CCE(Calcium Carbonate Equivalent) and fineness factor on the lime. Basicly the finer it is, the faster it works. Either will work but remember lime takes longer to complete its job than sulfur does.
Hhg, Some could wash away. What you are trying to do is get the chemical reaction going well in advance of planting. Do it when you can. It may take a 1/3 less to get the job done if you have coarse texture soil.
Soil sample recomendations are based on a depth of 6 in. If you work deeper or shallower adjust accordingly.
1/8/2011 6:49:28 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
how much sulfur for 5000 sg feet? clay base soil 30 yds leaf compost & 20 yds of aged horse manure spread & tilled in fall. 7.5 ph on soil 7.0 ph on horse poop. growing melons on most of this.I could spread & rake it in by hand in jan or feb thaw.to wet to till would be a mess.I plan on growing a 312 melon so I want everything perfect.lol
1/8/2011 7:40:45 PM
Holloway |
Bowdon, GA
Thanks Dave
1/9/2011 1:05:45 AM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
Good luck on perfect!! My target ph would be 6.5-6.8. With that in mind apply 2 lbs. of elemental sulfur per 1000 sqf for each 0.1 unit that you want to lower the ph. 1/3 more for fine (clay) soils. When you need 30 or more lbs/1000 sqf its advisable to apply 2/3 of needs then retest after 90 days. You'll probably have more runoff with the clay so work it in asap.
1/9/2011 9:53:07 AM
brotherdave |
Corryton, TN
don't breath the sulfur dust
1/9/2011 9:58:42 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Wayne, I personally use sulfur around my blueberry bushes to, of course, adjust PH.Check out dolomitic limestone sometime. It's not a fairytale.
1/9/2011 1:08:15 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
thanks dave
1/9/2011 6:50:45 PM
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