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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 35 of 54 |
Throwback Thursday, October 2009. I took my tripod out to the farm of my boss, Joe Wagner, to load his son's first giant pumpkin. This is the grower, Obie Wagner in the back of the truck, his friend facing away, then left to right me, state forester Steve Swinconos and my co-worker Darcy Keil. Obie's pumpkin weighed 700.5#, and won him a plaque and a cash prize for the second biggest pumpkin grown in Jones County. I was shut out by a flood that year, while my son Jacob managed a 568.5#. Darcy is a real inspiration to me. He survived a blocked carotid artery, kidney cancer, and a massive heart attack in the recovery room after his cancer surgery. It took ALS to finally stop him. I figure that if he could fight off all of that, my little problem won't stop me.