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Friday, March 27, 2020
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 63 of 417 |
Abysmal tomato germination my seed may have begun germinating when I saved it I left it warm and damp longer than it should have been 7/144 sprouted and those that did sprout seem to have been amongst the smallest seeds they are rather small. 0/30 in the third batch because I added too much feather meal and this rotted the entire soil. 36 more in the dirt... 4th and 5th batch. Its the tomato equivalent of the invasion of Normandy here. If anyone wants to chat about coronavirus or gardening stuff text me? 2 o 6 9 for 7 for for 83. Still up for tomato team mates or i will go it alone. . . It doesnt matter one bit. I will have have tons of fun with whatever cards are dealt to me...