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Saturday, January 11, 2020
Little Ketchup
Grittyville, WA
Entry 9 of 417 |
Hit by BER just like clockwork 11 DAP. The calcium reversal probaby happened yesterday but didnt 'look wet' until today. I added a small amount of fertilizer about dap 9 and I probably let the soil start to get acidic? Or maybe I am not watering at the correct time of day? And I should have cut back on the watering. But I dont think I was overwatering the plant is moderately big and with the fan and lights and at about 30% humidity... it has been needing the water. Anyhow the gain today was awesome... 3/4 inch in one day. But the calcium didnt keep up... So I can kiss that kind of gain goodbye. Almost a nice tomato. So close. Might be time to scrap this project but there is a still longshot a tiny bud that could be open at the end of the month. Its on a quadenary branch (whatevers after tertiary)... So...Should I stick with it? And keep the pressure on you, bnot?