Entry Date
Nick Name
Thursday, August 09, 2018
Essex, UK
Entry 71 of 97 |
Crazy times in my patch. My remaining squash has finally fallen all the way back and the 'top' is now resting on the ground and can't fall any further. It is still growing despite the bent stem and sapping like crazy. Have dug out a massive trench underneath to prevent the stem from further crushing, which seems to be working. Fascinating to see how far and how large the roots have got, going right down into the clay subsoil, which is great to see. If I can nurse this through to the weigh off I could end up with one of the oddest shaped squash ever. At least ten secondaries still to terminate but the patch is nearly full, I hope to see fruit growth remain steady, if not increase, as I begin to terminate them. LOTS of rain today, which is a little worrying.