1676 Daletas 42 Dap , est 550 lbs , 202 pounds for the week , averaging 28 per day.
2269 Patton 35 Dap,741lbs
341 lbs for the week,
Averaging 48 lbs per day .
1338 Martin 43 Dap,840 lbs
245 lbs for the week,
Averaging 35 lbs per day .
1989.5 plant B -39 Dap,840 lbs
293 lbs for the week,
Averaging 41 lbs per day.
1297 Young , 41 Dap,1011 lbs
324 for the week,
Averaging 46 lbs per day .
1989.5 Daletas, plant A -46 Dap -
-1231 lbs ,331 lbs for the week,
Averaging 47 lbs per day.