Entry Date
Nick Name
Friday, September 22, 2017
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 174 of 211 |
Jacob got a closer look at the 1716 Schmit pumpkins than I could, and said it wasn't as bad as I thought. Mainly just cucumber beetle damage, not soft or very deep. He treated them with daconil and we will see what happens. I know the 95 degree heat today didn't help. The 288 is still hanging in there, only the oldest leaves are showing much age. We give it cold water in the morning, then water warmed in the garbage can in the evening. I am always scared of a big rain causing it to split, so we are keeping it moist. Plus we let one other pumpkin grow on a secondary vine, looks like it is well over 200# by now. It will be a shock absorber in case of a downpour.