Entry Date
Nick Name
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Entry 101 of 211 |
I found a problem on the 1724.5 Steil last evening when spraying bugs. The end of the main and the last couple secondaries were looking off color, just like the start of the disease that hit last year. I gave the whole patch a foliar shot of Agri Fos after spraying the bugs. Then this afternoon I mixed up Agri Fos, Companion. I heavily sprayed around all sick leaf nodes, any roots coming to the surface and the stump. If I don't see good improvement soon, I will remove all of the sick vines and try to salvage a backup pumpkin on a secondary. The rabbits went beyond just nibbling vines and chewed a pumpkin on this plant. Time to get serious with them.