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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 1062 Entries.
Wednesday, January 1 View Page
Just sitting home today relaxing watching the deer outback.Thank God they dont come around in the summer.It must be the music that keeps them away.WWTDD What would Todd Dawson do??lol My daughter Liz told Sherry that would be some good meat.lol Was thinking about growing some maters in the basement with my melon head lite.But on second thought I think I will grow the website instead.Going to Orlando in February so I dont need more to tend to.So far been a really cold winter with plenty of snow.Calling for 6 inches tonight. 2014 will be a great year!!
Thursday, January 2 View Page
Tried to post pics of Deer but I keep getting a Syntac error pop up. Here is the deer just a few feet behind the barn where I grew the long gourd last summer.They weren't scared at all.We let the dogs out they didn't budge.They sat there for hours on New years Day!If your in the area Todd stop for lunch.Bring your bow I will spark up the grill.
Sunday, January 5 View Page
I think its snowing? lol calling for 12 inches today.The high on Monday 1 degree & Tuesday a balmy 2 degree high predicted.
Sunday, January 5 View Page
Sunday, January 5 View Page
Didnt work Cecil! testing I cleared recent history
Monday, January 6 View Page
Monday, January 6 View Page
Ladies & gentleman Bubba is BACK!!!lol I reduced the size of the pictures to 8m.Question is whos been playing with my camera??lol
Monday, January 6 View Page
I think it snowed last night.like 16 inches!LOL
Monday, January 6 View Page
I remember winters like this in the 60s & 70s. Welcome Back!
Wednesday, January 8 View Page
Orange tree is getting huge.Thought I would bring it upstairs to get some real sun.Roads are a sheet of ice its 7 degrees out.Should warm up tomorrow and close to 40 on Saturday."The coldest winter I ever spent was in Michigan" yesterday 13 below zero actual temp.lol
Wednesday, January 8 View Page
Heres 3 of the products which are helping keep the Orange tree looking good!These will also be the 3 products that will be shipped to the 1st place winners of last years WWGG contest.Plus!!For each class you enter in 2014 you will get 1 of these products(limit 3).You need all 3 to really be on top of your game.I will be using the Piranha & Tarantula for the first time ever in 2014.so check us out Worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Wednesday, January 8 View Page
Rain coming this weekend getting the snow off the roof.So I dont have to sleep with one ear open.
Friday, January 10 View Page
Have some great seeds coming in.This is just a start Maters from France!Kins from Napa!Melons from Hope!Wisconsin!Rhode Island!More seeds Alaska!Ontario!Nova Scotia!Germany!From 2012 I have the Freak!1684 Delaney!1634 Werner!1730 Werner More on the way! Will be opening the 2014 enrollment this weekend as the blizard has me ahead of schedule.So watch for flying seeds!lol Worldwidegiantgrowers.com 3- 1,000$ prizes
Friday, January 10 View Page
Oh! Dont forget the title that continues to elude me.We have these great seeds.Will Bubba get closer to the title in 2014?Will the sunshine in 2014 in Bubbas patch?Will Chris Kent send the WWGG some of his great seeds?Will Bubba Presley send the Muddy Waters Mafia to his house with some cement shoes if he doesnt?lol!Stay tuned to find out this & more.ROFL!
Friday, January 10 View Page
Wow! Look what came in the mail! Thanks Tim!!
Friday, January 10 View Page
Wow! This must be get your seeds day!These will go in the WWGG giveaway along with the Mathisons
Friday, January 10 View Page
& yet more Great seeds that came today!
Friday, January 10 View Page
This is the last one that came today.I threw my other 1161 in the picture to show off.Lol Yes there the real deal.One is from Mark Lombardi.The other from my good friends PNWGPG & Ron Barker.I dont think the 1810 is the best kin this seed will grow.I will give it one more shot in the Kin cave back to back with Tiny.I think with an early spring & push it hard it will grow bigger.
Friday, January 10 View Page
Just in case there is any confusion.WWGG does not have an Auction.Instead I sponsor site through advertisers & such.I will have a free seed raffle to all members who join.March 1st I will draw seeds randomly(members),but the hot seeds will go in this round as a bonus for signing early.I will also start member only product give aways soon.So the earlier you join the better chance of winning you have.I wont compete with traditional clubs.So seeds are given away after auctions are done.WWGG supports the community at large.I also dont have newsletters.Im a walking newsletter just call me anytime.lol I will spend my efforts looking for Sponsors to grow prize money for most veggies.Thanks for reading.
Sunday, January 12 View Page
I love this time of year enjoying my ice tea on the deck!.No time for this lounging in the summer.This was my first home grown lemon I ever grew.Who'D thunk?? It would mature in the winter.lol
Sunday, January 12 View Page
It started to snow so I went inside on January 6th!
Sunday, January 12 View Page
Then I thought Im all out of lemons.I will go out & get some more.To hec with old man winter.
Monday, January 13 View Page
Wow more seeds today! look at these great crosses 971 Wild from Germany.1789 wallace X 1694 Meijer. Also the 1320.5 Aasman 1104 Wallace X self.Ok If you self it is it stilled called a cross??lol Or is that a Criss. Criss Cross?? lol Mike says that his 1104 wasnt pollinated till July 11th.Wow Great job guys.If you would like to grow one of these shoot me an E-mail Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
More great seeds came today.Thanks Chris!These will go in the members seed raffle.I noticed 131.5 Long gourd I bet Chris wishes he had entered that class last year.lol I met Chris & his father a few times at Pt.Elgin in the 90s.Nice people I love Canadians real down to earth people.I might have to grow this 131 & cross it with Johns 129 winner of the 2013 WWGG.Only 3 months till germinating time!lol
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
Here is a pic of my good friend George Llyod hunting Squash Vine borers.This was before we could afford fancy sprayers and such.lol George is just getting over Pneumonia so please say a prayer for him.
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
I used to take my 180 lb melons & 789 lb kins to Pt Elgin. I bet they still have the same MC.He did a really good job.
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
Heres Marvin Mitchel with my 848.5 in 2002.The only year I ever won Michigan for biggest Kin.Marv weighed it on the vine.It was still growing about 1 lb a day the last week it grew.
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
Ok Marvin & Darrel have talked me into doing a tall Sunflower class.They also have John Butler & Art Johnston on board.They are contacting others.If your interested contact Marvin Mitchel or Darrel Berry.I think we have enough interest now to do a 150$ first 100 second and 50$ for third place.Please let us know if your in for a 25$ membership Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com I should have this in place by the weekend.
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
If it grows to like 15 people we will raise the purse.
Thursday, January 16 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Tallest_Sunflower_.html New class open due to several requsets
Friday, January 17 View Page
Some say Im a dreamer!But I was told by many to set your goals high.I maybe a madman but here is my goal to have a 1 million dollar total purse for like 20 veggies.lol.Im not stopping till they plant me in the dirt or I see the WWGG logo on the side of a Nascar!lol Punk ON!!
Friday, January 17 View Page
More great seeds for the WWGG free seed raffle March 1st Thanks Paul & Cheryl If you would like a free membership.Just submit form & enter 1 class on me.Any 2013 top 21 GPC Pumpkin finalists can have a free membership with a seed donation.Just write seed donor in the comment box.Pick any class you like. All are welcome to join.You can find address to ship seeds on website.
Saturday, January 18 View Page
Hit the flea markets today.I found this great deal The whole box 25$.Theres 3 Grand Funk Railroad.There from Flint just 15 miles north of me.The Police,Styx,Aerosmith Jefferson Starship,Cheech & Chong!lol The 8 track shack will get a restocking this spring.Some guy told me I need to get with the times & buy some CDs.I told him Dont tell me how to invest my money & I wont tell you how to listen to your favotite bands.lol
Saturday, January 18 View Page
More great seed! The mother of all future mothers!!This makes 2 for the Kin Cave.Im a little wish washy,but right now Im thinking 2- 2009s Back to back in the kin cave, 800 sg feet each.The next 2009 I get in trade goes in the seed raffle & 1 lucky member will win it.
Saturday, January 18 View Page
More great seeds for the raffle a state record here! Thanks Gary!
Sunday, January 19 View Page
Here ya go Todd 5 deer about 200 feet behind my house.
Sunday, January 19 View Page
I found these hot items at the Salvation Army store where I do all my personal shopping.One mans junk fits real nice in my trunk and the money I save gives me a little spunk!lol Watermelon bucket for mixing me magic hydros at seedling stage to 4 or 5 leaf stage. Air tight Seed container,When I was a kid in the 70s getting a Buzz & a Woody was something all together different then today. lol
Tuesday, January 21 View Page
More seeds to add to the seed raffle.Thanks OVGPG and Pete!
Tuesday, January 21 View Page
4 degrees out at dinner time calling for 10+ below tonight.
Thursday, January 23 View Page
Thankyou Thankyou Very Much!!! To all the folks who are posting there ideas & opinions for the WWGG.Come join us & win a free membership I hope to give out 3 http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=12&p=499474 I have been called a dawg & told I hang on like a pit bull!lol Its AWL GOOD!
Friday, January 24 View Page
More great seeds for the WWGG free members seed raffle.3 of these will go in the raffle.
Saturday, January 25 View Page
More Great seeds. Thanks Joel! Dang that 1770 looks like a sleeper to me.These will go in the Kin & Squash raffle.March 1st somebody will own them. Hello Members! Were at 60 members already with 2 new classes the Bubba/smokey challenge and Tallest Sunflower contest/classes. I really like to get everyone one on board by Feb 1st if possible.Due to shipping supply & demand issues my life would be easier this way.If your on a fixed income I understand & money is tight.If you like you can sign up now & put the check in the mail in mid February if this works for you.I will order product Feb 1st so I need a head count on the sample bottles you will all receive. As a incentive everyone who joins prior to Feb 1st will be entered into a drawing. First prize 1 liter Voodoo Juice 85$ value 2nd prize 1 liter Tarantula 85$ 3rd prize 1 liter Piranha 85$ 4th prize 1 liter B-52 45$ 5th prize 1 liter Ancient earth 27$ 6th prize Bubba Presly/Worldwidegiantgrowers.com T-Shirt. gray or black BOOBY prize lol! Please sign up By Jan 31st midnight to be entered drawing Feb 1st If you have already entered please forward this to a friend! A friend with root mass expanders and a Bubba Presley shirt is a friend indeed!lol Thanks to awl!!!Mark
Saturday, January 25 View Page
Wow! These sold for 280$ a set tonight! WOW Eddy you da MAN!!I have 2 sets that will be won in the WWGG mater class.6 people will win a pack & the other 3 sets will be grown by me. March 1st raffle
Sunday, January 26 View Page
LOL! If you cant laugh at yourself its time to go home.Wait a minute I am home.LOL!
Sunday, January 26 View Page
68 members and climbing! Its snowballing!! Run BUBBA RUN!!!
Monday, January 27 View Page
We just got our 70th member mates! Welcome from down under Michael Stillman.He is the 11th member in tallest sunflower class.You to can send a photo of your tallest sunflower with you dingo if you like and win.lol If we get 6 more in this class I will be crunching numbers to raise the purse for this class.Look at Mikes FB page https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.243743899106674.1073741837.219059978241733&type=3 Dont forgot Product raffle on Feb 1st end of the week! Thanks to AWL!!!!!
Thursday, January 30 View Page
80 members now! 1st product raffle this Saturday 6 prizes to be won by early bird members. 1st prize Voodoo Juice 1 liter 85$ 2nd prize Trantula 1 liter 85$ 3rd prize Piranha 1 liter 85$ 4th prize B-52 1 liter 45$ 5th prize Ancient earth 1 liter 27$ 6th Booby Prize Bubba Presly T-Shirt Priceless lol! I will ship these March 1st with your members pack & seeds. David Cantrell just won a membership! Congrats Join now 2 days to first raffle. Worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Friday, January 31 View Page
More great seeds for the Squash seed raffle 22 in contest now!
Saturday, February 1 View Page
Saturday, February 1 View Page
More Snow!
Saturday, February 1 View Page
Giant Veggie Dreaming on a winters day! There saying 20 inches by Tuesday.If it keeps on snowing The plow man will have all the money.25$ a pop to get the driveway & 245 feet of sidewalked plowed.
Saturday, February 1 View Page
Bubba Livestock! lol
Sunday, February 2 View Page
Aint this the truth! In tired of hearing this idiots on the radio saying Yankees can drive on ice.It aint so!Either Im getting older or the drivers in the north are getting worse.We get 2 inches of snow & the freeway looks like scrambled eggs.lol I feel like Brooksie on Shaw shank Redemption.When they let him out jail.Whys everyone in such a hurry!lol Slow down Speed Racer!!!lol
Sunday, February 2 View Page
I think its time to get out the roof rake.lol
Tuesday, February 4 View Page
More Great seeds in the mail 255 Mitchells.They went all the way to Canada & back only 10 miles from where they were started.lol From one loonie to another Thanks Guys~!Butler Sunflowers for our new contest.20 foot plus seeds here.Thanks John I will share these with growers.
Tuesday, February 4 View Page
Look at these great field pumpkin crosses.2013 GPC Champ!!22 people in FP class 6 more & the 1st prize jumps to 1000$.You can request one of these seeds if your in the FP class.Thanks Todd for being so generous.Write in comment box which ones you would like shipped in your members pack.While supplies last.Watch for flying seeds!!
Tuesday, February 4 View Page
Whats better then a friend in need? A friend with seeds! Another great grower here.If anyone sees a seed there dying to grow let me know and I will ship it so you can sow.lol
Wednesday, February 5 View Page
More Snow! 5-7 today!.If it keeps on snowing the shovel is going to brake. If it it keeps on snowing The snowman is going to have a nervous flakedown.lol
Thursday, February 6 View Page
I told you was having a nervous flakedown>lol
Friday, February 7 View Page
More Snow more Seeds, Its Awl Good!! Some European Honeys!!Going in the seed raffle March 1st
Friday, February 7 View Page
Just got this Christmas card today it was mailed on the 19th of December.It was mailed 5 miles due west from here.lol I wonder why some stuff never makes it to Canada or Europe?lol
Friday, February 7 View Page
Sunday, February 9 View Page
I dont always show off my long gourd,but when I do I lay it on the table.
Sunday, February 9 View Page
Im going through the seed exchange seeds that were sent by Shannon Engels. Im basically looking for Bushel gourds & tall sunflowers for the 2 contests at WorldwideGiantGrowers.com this 2014 season. I found this funny bag of green stuff next to Wizzys Bi Color Squash?Coincidence?IDK??lol
Sunday, February 9 View Page
Bushel Gourd growers here is the start of your seed raffle.New contest for this class on website. http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bushel_Gourd__heaviest_.html Please send seeds to WorldwideGiantgrowers 103 W.Sherman st Holly Mi.48442 USA
Sunday, February 9 View Page
Thanks to Marvin John & Art we have lots of seeds for new tallest sunflower class. http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Tallest_Sunflower_.html Please send your seeds if you want them grown.
Wednesday, February 12 View Page
4 days to the next free member raffle Heres our last raffle, Same prizes will be won again! 1st prize Voodoo Juice 1 liter 85$ Mike Asaman 2nd prize Tarantula 1 liter 85$ Allen Lyvers 3rd prize Piranha 1 liter 85$ Bryan Mailey 4th prize B-52 1 liter 45$ Lorie Gfeller 5th prize Ancient earth 1 liter 27$ Rick Angelino 6th Booby Prize Bubba Presly /Worldwidegiantgrowers.com T-Shirt Brian Staring NEED SIZE?? added Bonus Prize 7th Prize Kushi Kush 1 liter 40$ Andrew Pilger Join now Hot seed raffle in 2 & 1/2 weeks
Thursday, February 13 View Page
The Root Mass Expanders are here! (running in circles screaming like a girl)The Root Mass Expanders are here! Getting ready to ship the first week of March.The Europeans & Australians membership packs will ship first.Then my neighbors to the right the Great Canadians ship 2nd.Sorry Americans last but not least.I figure theres will take longer so to get there.The temps are warming up!So I can ship soon.Get your product by joining WWGG http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Membership.html Hot seeds! Cool Product! Nice purse!Great Growers! Product Raffle in 3 days! Top seed Raffle March 1st! Join now! & watch for flying prize's!!!!!! http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Membership.html
Saturday, February 15 View Page
Heres what you ladies should get your husband for Valentines day.I stopped & looked st them today.$17,500.The rear tiller is another 2400$.I will tell Sherry all the guys are getting these from there sweethearts.lol This is my goal for 2014 to win enough prize money to buy one.Dream it Achieve it.Believe in yourself!
Sunday, February 16 View Page
My new growers Hot line.Call anytime.If Im a sleeping the phones not a beeping!lol!
Monday, February 17 View Page
More Snow! calling for 4-6 inches tonight.Cabin fevvverr sittinngg in.Neeeed suuuunnshinee BaAaDDD! Send HelP!Will ctrawl to Orlando to GeT oUt oF tHiss CrAAPP!!!.
Tuesday, February 18 View Page
I was digging through some seeds this morning looking for a 1290 Porier.I found this seed.Phil & Jane dont have anymore they tell me.Phil & Jane can you shoot me a note.Does this seed look lagit??I dont remember where it came from.If its lagit I would like to find a good home for it.Im on the Hunt for the 1623.5 Wallace.The pun intended.lol Will trade the 901 Hunt for Wally.Getting packed for Orlando I havent seen Goofy & Mickey in years!Cant wait 85 & Sunny!!There saying!My wife says you are Goofy!!lol
Tuesday, February 18 View Page
This label was in the seed bag.Im thinking TD might have given me this seed in a bag with hundreds of packs in it.
Monday, February 24 View Page
Wouldn't you know it I pulled in the drive way from Orlando,ten minutes later the UPS truck pulls up with the WWGG rosettes.I could of gave Chris & Fabrice theres in Fla.lol What part of me failing to order them earlier does not constitute an emergency for the rosette company.lol Hey! If you were one of the top 3 in the Worlddwidegiantgrowers contest and are going to the Seminar in Circle-ville on March 8th or the OVGPG seminar.please shoot me a e-mail I will bring your Plaque or Rossettes to the seminar & products you may have won.I will be going to both seminars & the Michigan one also.
Monday, February 24 View Page
Meet some really great folks in Orlando.Gary Miller the only man to squeeze into Tims parade.WOW!!On awl the top 3 growers
Tuesday, February 25 View Page
Here is a keepsake from Orlando, Great Time!Great Folks!Great Memories! I won the hot seed Saturday night 2009 Wallace.This seed will be re- won,this Saturday is the WWGG BIG RAFFLE! GOOD LUCK to awl! You can win a hot seed with every class(contest) entered. I need to clear up some confusion.Were not teaching classes.The word class is the type of veggie your entering. So Please join! The Big seed raffle is March 1st,after that you get a seed,but the hot ones will be gone.10 giant contests posted at Worldwidegiantgrowers.com Thanks Judy Barnnie for the cute buttons you provided at the convention.It was nice meeting you. If I spelled your name wrong dont feel bad I had them add the ZZZZZ on mine.lol
Tuesday, February 25 View Page
More Great seeds raffle in 4 days. Wow! some great growers joining up!
Tuesday, February 25 View Page
I hadnt been to a GPC convention in 13 years.The social networking was really cool.I met Dale Marshal & his son.We had some good laughs.Its great to put a real face & personality on all my internet bromances.lol Nice meeting you Dale! Did I tell all of you about my skinny friend who moved to Alaska?? lol Shoot me an e-mail for the punchline. Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Tuesday, February 25 View Page
I almost didnt escape from this place.lol
Tuesday, February 25 View Page
Stopped at a Compost farm on the way home from Orlando.Just 5 minutes off the freeway.The guy wasnt thrilled that I wanted a sample.He had to flip a pile in the cold winter.Poor fella lol This is 2 year old compost.I will send it out to be tested.50 yards 750$ plus 125$ a hr to deliver on a 50 yard gravel train.so talking 1000$ to 1100$.I should have done this last year.
Wednesday, February 26 View Page
WWGG is giving this to Chris along with his first place plaque I should have in a few days.I also will have a Big watermelon plaque made up like the ones Joe Jutras makes for the GPC,but a watermelon instead of a kin.Very nice Joe! Whoever grows a World Record in any class/contest of veggies will get one each year.
Wednesday, February 26 View Page
My Evil plan to take over the Giant Pumpkin World is starting to unfold.lolol. Step 1 Testing compost prior to purchasing.The compost farm kept insisting there test results should be sufficent.I said you dont understand.Im trying to grow a world record pumpkin.lol The competition is intense!
Wednesday, February 26 View Page
If you need a bag to send sample in I have dozens of them.I can put one in your members pack.send a note.Punk ON!
Wednesday, February 26 View Page
Gave the WWGG a facelift.The new logo is on the homepage/header.This will be my business card. The Big SEED raffle this Saturday you get 1 draw for each contest entered. Just had a e-mail to put all 5 draws in the kin raffle.So the more contests you enter the more draws you get. 10 classes in all.The Bubba Challenge gets a kin seed raffle draw also.plus the 4 seeds that come with class.Its awl good!
Wednesday, February 26 View Page
Heres the back of card
Thursday, February 27 View Page
Ok here ya go! 2-239 Leonards in original pack. These are going up for Auction here on BP.The money will be used for a youth contest.Im thinking a participation plaque & some cash! for each youth that enters.I have 3 now on board . 2 in melon class & 1 in Kin class. I say 20 & under to get in youth class.We need to get our kids and grand kids in the patch. Go to seed & raffle board to bid on seeds.These are getting hard to find.All money will go to youth class.
Friday, February 28 View Page
GOT KENTS?? Seeds will be won tomorrow March 1st at 8 pm. Members Only FREE raffle!! Then in March I have a special Members only FREE raffle & heres a early clue after going to Orlando by car with Chris I stumbled across something in the Smokey Mtns.Lets just say I have the dirt on Chris Kent.I will announce this raffle next week.Join now & watch for flying seeds!lol
Friday, February 28 View Page
Got Kents!
Friday, February 28 View Page
Ok So there is no Hanky Panky going on.I will use a random number generator to pull the Big seed raffle.I just talked to Chris Kent & he wants a draw for a kin seed.So I will video tape the drawing of the number.If someone close to me wins.I dont want anyone thinking its rigged.So in 24 hours or so I will load up the camera & download Shoot the numbers for the seeds for all the veggie classes.The 2009 Wallace will be the first seed drawn out.Then the 2032 Mathison & so on.Good Luck to awl!!!! Saturday night March 1st 8 pm.The melon raffle the 350.5s first 4 sets,then bills 316 2 sets & so on.Squash 1486 Jarvis.First seeds out.Maters Fabrices go first & so on.
Saturday, March 1 View Page
The seed has been won I will post video as soon as its ready.Heres a clue a man won.First name starts with a Vowel.lol
Sunday, March 2 View Page
More CoooLLLLDDDD!!!!!& More SSSSnnnoooowwwww!4-5 inches last Can anybody tell me what happen to the January thaw,the February thaw??? This is getting stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 2 View Page
We have liftoff.Jose Rodriguez my 100th member from Alamo Texas just called the 1317 & 1478.5 have popped up in 2 days.He said he has never seen them germ so fast.Says he will cross tiny with the 1610 Leiber.Im excited! We all know everythings big in Texas.I cant wait to see his Kin! lol
Monday, March 3 View Page
Its like minus one out.The jet stream is in Arkansas.Where is all this cold air coming from that pushing the jet stream south?The north Pole? I heard Globally this is the 4th warmest winter on record?Is this true?If it dont warm up next month Im' moving to Garner and grow with Todd or maybe the Smokeys??lol
Monday, March 3 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHNWX864eyQ Meanwhile on the other side of the North pole. Global warming??lol Oh couldnt be???Thats ridiculous idea?
Monday, March 3 View Page
The 1623.5 Wallace is here.The 1623.5 Wallace is here.Running in circles hands in the air(in the Buff.Oh! TMI sorry!lol Look at this crafty guy cardboard insert.Only paid 3.79 to ship from Canada.I will be growing this with the 2009 Wallace.Im torn between growing 2- 2009s back to back in the Kin cave or the 1623.5 back to back with the 2009? WWPD??What would Pap do???WWRD What would Ron do??Please send me a response??Ok time to get dressed & go bowling.lol
Monday, March 3 View Page
Sorry for the delay in posting winners.I will get them posted by weeks end.Monday nights I bowl with my better half.I came back from Orlando last Monday to bowl & was telling my friends at the alley I won the 400$ pumpkin seed at the GPC convention.Shortly there after they pulled my ticket for the Black Jack game.You have to bowl 21 pins in 3 throws to win the jackpot.Well needless to say I won 275$.lol 30 minutes later they pulled my ticket for the strikeball.lol only 50$ jackpot.I only bowled 9 pins & won $9.Well they pulled my ticket again tonight for the strikeball.lol The girl selling the tickets said there cutting me off.I cant buy anymore tickets.lol Well I will post all 250 seeds won by weeks end.I will then start shipping member packs & supplies promised.Still to cold here to ship high today was 14 degrees last night -10. Sorry again for the delay once I win the lottery I will stay home full time & run website!lol in till then Please bare with me.
Wednesday, March 5 View Page
Picked up the plaques today hard to photograph.Time to start packing & shipping
Wednesday, March 5 View Page
Heres the Plaque & Rosette Pete won.For 2014 I have some really cool ones being made up.
Thursday, March 6 View Page
Drum ROLLLLLLLLL!! Congrats Will ship soon. Im a week behind but lots of time till plant off!
Thursday, March 6 View Page
Im not Joshing Ya! Dont be a dope grow a Giant Lope.lol Congrats Josh you got Chris Kent by like 2 lbs. If your coming to Southern Ohio seminar this Saturday I will bring this & your ferts. call me 248-818-0104
Thursday, March 6 View Page
Heres Chris Kents plaque & a WR rosette & 1st place Rosette.Any World Records grown will get a Special Rosette & plaque for there hard effort and great accomplishment.
Thursday, March 6 View Page
Way to go Chad!1st Place WWGG!! Chads son Jackson has joined the fun & will grow 2 pumpkins this year.Nice name.lol
Thursday, March 6 View Page
Way to go John!
Thursday, March 6 View Page
And another John! Boy these Canadians are great growers.Congrats to awl!!!!!!
Friday, March 7 View Page
Trying Linus Van Pelts tip testing compost for herbicides.
Friday, March 7 View Page
Made up a basic root mass expander schedule for the Advanced products we will be using this summer.I had quite a few ask for this.I will mail one to every member with your product. The Membership list is posted please go to website and make sure I have you in the contests you choose.Dont tell me at the scales it will be to late. Thanks Mark
Saturday, March 8 View Page
Went to Southern Ohio today with Alan Langiness.Now I cant decide what to grow the 1623? Snowball?lol .Im leaning towards snowball.lol
Saturday, March 8 View Page
Im not the only gasssy one around!lol
Saturday, March 8 View Page
Learned a lot from Matt DeBacco.It takes 2 grains of pollen to pollinate a seed.Id better double up on my stamen skills.lol Nice Meeting you Matt!
Saturday, March 8 View Page
I meet AbbyNormal!lol
Saturday, March 8 View Page
Was able to give Chris Kent his 1st place plaque & World Record rosette in person
Saturday, March 8 View Page
Josh Scherer was also awarded 1st place for his 47 lb Cantloupe.Nice seeing you again Josh and thanks for the seeds.If you join the lope class I will send you some of Josh's 47s.
Sunday, March 9 View Page
I agree Jack!lol
Sunday, March 9 View Page
Heres the Mother daughter Snowball line.Now if I could only get the other 2 daughters missing here.I could then decide which one to grow.Anybody got one to spare for my 2014 potential line up?
Sunday, March 9 View Page
I traded Chris Lyons a 1161 Rodonis for this seed.Most would say I got jipped,some would say Chris got jipped.I would say Chris got the seed he wanted and I got the seed I wanted.Chris also agreed to donate 25 seeds to the WWGG membership if he grows a monster.I have known Chris since 1996 as my first trip to a scale was Pt.Elgin. Still undecided grow it or save it for 2015?
Sunday, March 9 View Page
Heres where I spend half my life.growing the membership.My wife says all you do is sit at that computer.I tell her all you do is sit in front of that TV.lol These are all my Pt Elgin keep sakes I most of them engraved withe the weights on them.The first one I won in 1996(4th) was a 137.5 melon in 1998 I had a 181.5 & took 2nd place.The kins I think the best I ever did was 7th place with a 789 I grew from the 935 Llyod or the 723 Bobier.I guess I do better in the melons then kins,but I hope to fix that this year,with a little good weather?Frost is 5 feet deep now.lol They say it will be June before it is out of the ground.maybe late June.I may have to heat the soil.Im thinking post hole digger & hot water heater & garden house.lol Somebody stop me.lol
Sunday, March 9 View Page
Radishes popping up like rednecks at Walmart!48hrs Thats good! Matt Debacco said I should germinate some in regular soil to compare how they perform as they develop.Only problem is its all under the snow.
Monday, March 10 View Page
Radishes in compost day 2.I will try & make no mistakes this year.So anything going in the patch will be tested.This is a poor mans test to make sure the compost is not tainted with who knows what?in this day and age.I heard its ok to make mistakes,just don't make them twice. The weather has broken in to the 30s instead of the bitter single digits that went on for months."The coldest winter I ever spent was in Muddy Waters Michigan".NO LOL!! I bet the incests will be few this year though.Im sure this may have even killed some cooties in the soil.Be carefull what you ask for you might get it.lol
Monday, March 10 View Page
Chris just asked me if we still had snow.Does a pumpkin grower have dirt?lol Its like mid 40s today feels like 70 to me.This is the shallow are in the yard.
Monday, March 10 View Page
Hopefully the final meltdown,but I bet we get a couple more storms before its over.
Monday, March 10 View Page
I think this is what they call Karma.I won a 2009 Wallace in Orlando.Then gave it way to the WWGG members raffle.Few days later an offer came for another 2009 Wallace.It came today.Life is Good! Thankyou Thankyou Very MUCH!!!
Tuesday, March 11 View Page
Have you ever wondered what a 2 time world record holders soil is like?The secret is in the soil!You could give this man just about any of our seed lines and he would grow a 240 or bigger fruit.Soil & technique is wear its at.A great seed in the wrong dirt is dead in the water.lol You could say I have the dirt on Chris now!lol On the way back from Orlando I stole this jar off a shelve in his garage.BTW Chris your staples are in a box now.lol I then took the jar & headed to his patch in the dark.His hound dog Bubba tackled me & starting having his way with my leg.lol I managed to escape & get this jar full of soil from where the 350.5 was grown.lol Call me a dirt collector I have a jar in the garage from 1997 from George Llyods patch.lol So anyway I was thinking a soil raffle for MEMBERS ONLY ,Now at 40 members in Giant Watermelon Contest.I will give 2-350.5 Kents,2-291 Kents-2-297 Kents & this jar of hot soil.Dont tell Chris he doesnt know.lol If you want to enter free raffle shoot me a note.Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Tuesday, March 11 View Page
Radishes looking pretty good forgot to turn the light on today.Talked to the compost farm.They tell me,several universities & organic farmers have tested there stuff for herbicides with no negative results.So it looks like a go with this compost so far.
Tuesday, March 11 View Page
After a few nice days half the snow has melted.There saying 10 inches of new snow tomorrow RITSL. Rolling in the snow laughing.
Tuesday, March 11 View Page
I have grilled some big weenies.I have been called a big weenie.Last year at Hamilton Ohio was the first time I met a women with a big weenie!lol Nice Weenie Sue !!lol
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
There saying this snowfall could put us over the old snow total record for the season.5-10 inches predicted.I think I will stay home & fill members packs.As soon as it warms up I will ship them.
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Jacksons first encounter with seedlings.Now to train him to fill member packs.lol
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Ok so I took a break from the WWGG Man Cave to spend a minute with Jackson Reed.I sit down in the Recliner next to the China Hutch.Jackson Reed jumped up on my lap reached over & pulled his favorite book out of his book drawer.lol The nut dont fall far from the tree.lol!
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
more lol!
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Too Much!lol
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Looks like we are going to get the full 10 inches
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Wanting to sell this, after 3 years I realize,I will never hook this up.I like to be home when I water.I have a few friends, contrary to popular belief.lol That will water for me when Im out of town.So best offer takes it.Never been used.Not sure the value,as I bought a package deal.Free shipping!
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Heres Andy Box's Membership pack!This is a 75$ membership in 3 contests Giant Pumpkin/True Green Squash/Bubba Challenge. Dang!plus entry for prize money & monthly giveaways!Dang! Who do I have to sleep with to get in on this? Bubba Presley??lol Worldwidegiantgrowers.com Will ship when temps warm this month or early April? Anybodys guess at this point??
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Digging the car out so I can go to the post office.lolFor the love of Bubba.UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Paul Rosquita from Washington state.He won the Voodoo & Ancient Earth 1 liters in monthly raffles & contests.3 little bottles came with membership.Congrats Nice Field Pumpkin 121.5 lbs 3rd place 125$ and a Rossette.Thanks for rejoining Paul!Boxed & waiting on the weather.ColdMageddon 2013/2014 Membership is open till June 1st!
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
This is some southern feller Todd something? Oh thats right Dawson.Yeah thats his name.He took 2nd in watermelon contest 305$ cash & this Sweet RosettA!!!!He won some 291 Kents & I threw in some 260.5s for good measure!I hope you grow a 360 lber!one pound smaller then mine.lol
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
I had a requset for the name of Jacksons favorite book.
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Decide to turbo charge the radishes
Wednesday, March 12 View Page
Liquids are nice,I will use a sprayer to inoculate the kin leaf nodes this summer at the base of the stalk.
Thursday, March 13 View Page
I didnt have enough things to do was getting a little bored with all my free time.LOL So I picked this up in Fla. last month this is a lime tree to go with my lemon & orange tree.Chris Kent bought one also.Ok the contest is on!!Chris who can grow the biggest lime(citrus) tree.He has slight advantage,climate wise.but thats ok I like a challenge! Orange ya glad they dont sell redwoods??lol
Thursday, March 13 View Page
You ever have one of those days when.You thought I better go back in the house & crawl back in bed?lol It was like 0 out this morning.Dang!!!UNCCCLLEEE!!! There caling for 40 tomorrow!!woot woot!!Then I come home to some great seeds.A very nice member traded me these for a B-52 1 - liter.Thanks! I just added the bottle to your members pack.Will ship if DeepFreezeMaggedon ever quits :(---<
Thursday, March 13 View Page
I think the radishes are liking the compost.There happier then a pig in poop!
Friday, March 14 View Page
Jackson reed really likes to help this boy loves the plants.Nothing like hands on training.I cant wait to take him fishing.I should be all afternoon untangling his line.lol He just brought me the I phone and said I see pumpkins.lol He scrolls through the photos and looks at Brookler the lookler with the 1478.5. He has a big interest in the gardening already.He will be 2 May 16th. What a joy!
Saturday, March 15 View Page
More Great seeds! I received a bubble yesterday from Alamo Texas.11 year old Jose Rodriguez found me on the internet & loves to grow.He has Tiny growing already.lol This makes it all worth it.There are some fary tale pumpkin seeds & yellow squash seeds here.Thanks Jose I think this kid is pretty smart I think there will be some great ones grown from Tiny & Jackson Reed & the 1067.5 Kent this year.
Saturday, March 15 View Page
Ok this wont be happening when Snowball & the 2009 Wallace go in.lol If Matt doesnt use the name SnowBacco for his new Kin.That will be the name I give the 220 DeBacco offspring this summer.I have made a final line up decision.Here it is. 2009 Wallace 220 DeBacco 1530 Gehweiler 1st in WWGG contest. 1478.5 Clementz 1317 Clementz 1067.5 Kent I failed Chris last year growing Dolly it was a great plant & was 1000 pds by the first week of August.I will grow his 1067.5 Kent in till I get it right & the weather cooperates. If you want to grow it I have extra seeds or contact Chris Kent he is SmkyMtnPumpkin here on BP.21 people in the Bubba Challenge now 2 are growing the 1067.5 Kent 2010.
Saturday, March 15 View Page
I couldn't find my Ohio valley hat this morning I usually wear it to work.So I grabbed this one instead.I told Sherry I cant find my udder hat.Sherry said your wearing your udder hat.lol If that went over your head,no worries the udder hat went over my head to.LOL!!
Sunday, March 16 View Page
If anyone wants to grow a 700 lb perfectly round orange kin this year.I have a couple to spare.I wish I had space & time to grow this.This was the winner at OVGPG or you can get seeds from the Club & support a great group.Congrats John!
Sunday, March 16 View Page
Its starting to melt! I wanted to post a apology to anyone I may offended in the past 2 years on BP here or anywhere else for that case.It recently has been brought to my attention.That a couple people dont like me.lol A couple?lol I was recently told by a person that I had talked to in over a year that I had my head up my butt.My immediate response was"I kinda like my head up my butt!My poop dont stink?lol Well I like it in here smells like roses dead ones ,but roses.Another guy said no one likes a braggart!Well How do you win something & share the joy with others and not be called a braggart??Not sure really how to do that??Anyhow.I come from a family where we duked it out & ten minutes later all was forgiven.We didnt hold grudges,but I see some do. So I truly am sorry for any harm I may have done.It was not my intentions.Please accept my apology! Time to move forward! Upward & onward! A wise very spiritual man told me once."You cant hold a rock in one hand & flowers in the other.You have to drop the Rock" So either way Please take the flowers Im offering. I dont want to be the knot in anyone's stomach,I would rather be the chuckle just above your buckle.lol Have a Great Life!
Sunday, March 16 View Page
Got Neptunes!! If you dont think these are great seeds you must be from Uranus!lol These just came in so if you want to plant these this year & will commit to growing them.I will send you some. Also I keep forgetting to ask Frank Mudd one of the nicest best growers in the world for some seeds.We still have a month to start seeds.Frank please let me know?I start my melons mid April as do many of the top growers.
Sunday, March 16 View Page
Time for a haircut.
Sunday, March 16 View Page
Lets see how they grow now!I had a request to ship some to St.Thomas Ontario.Lets just say I will send them with the Butler as they are a fine work of ART!lol and I aint LYON.lol
Sunday, March 16 View Page
I think I can ship the in a Jar vis the USPS lol!
Monday, March 17 View Page
Ok the launch pad is ready! Will ship a few packs today,mostly to warmer climates & one to Canada to see if it makes it not frozen.One some dont think of this your package could spend the night on a truck in a parking lot or broke down on a freeway.So I will take extra care and get these out slowly.As Bubba Presley once said "Only fools rush in"lol. was 20 degrees here yesterday & 9 degrees right now! We might be growing lettuce & snow peas this summer!Ok New contest Who can grow the biggest pea pod!lol Just kidding!
Monday, March 17 View Page
Jackson came in this morning & grabbed the water sprayer & insisted on watering the plants.I think he will be a great grower!Then he picked up the Tiny labels are started rattling on about pumpkins.lol The nut don't fall far from the tree.lol
Monday, March 17 View Page
Making my grand dabiou
Monday, March 17 View Page
Making my grand debut on Big Pumpkins.com today! Great site!The rumor of my demise was greatly exaggerated & the coldest Winter I ever spent was in Muddy Waters. Bubba Twain!lol
Tuesday, March 18 View Page
Man! Those are some happy radishes!lol I saw Matt just posted so keeping up with the DeBaccos lol!Nice day sun shining Heat wave 45 degrees out.I shipped a few packs today.Phill & Jane Mr.Wellington & Llodd let me know when your shipments arrive.I will ship a few more tomorrow to Tennesee & Kentucky where temps are safe.
Wednesday, March 19 View Page
Teaching Jackson Reed How to transplant!Grandma had kittens when she walked in the room.lol I figured if spring wont arrive we will make it happen anyway.
Wednesday, March 19 View Page
Hes a looker! I likes to get dirty!lol
Wednesday, March 19 View Page
Grama washed him up,but he is back at it again.lol
Thursday, March 20 View Page
I couldnt really sink my teeth into how many 260.5s are left.So I decided to count them.There is 165 here.100 will go back in the freezer,for 2015.A couple dozen have been spoken for.Some will sell at WorldClassGardening.com Started with 1,608 in 2011 when the 260.5 Clementz was the 11th largest melon all time ever grown that year & #3 in the GPC.Only to be outdone by that Iceman feller & that guy from the Smokeys!lol Cant think of there names right now!I gave away hundreds of them.Thanks for growing them!When there gone we move forward on the next HOTTIE!!
Saturday, March 22 View Page
Happy Happy Happy!!! Radishes!!!!!!!!!! My wife said if I dont stop spending so much time on gardening stuff & the WWGG she is going to leave me.So I asked her.Does this mean you want a refund on your 2014 membership?
Saturday, March 22 View Page
Meet Limey! Jackson Reed & I transplanted this a few days ago.I just added the secret ingredient Smokey mountain soil.This stuff is more fertile then Octomom.I will take a fork & blend it in.Lets see how Limey grows?? Back to shipping. I see a warming trend coming mid week.Will ship soon.
Sunday, March 23 View Page
The drama queen moved out so I converted her room into the mail room.She found a handsome feller with a good job,and moved out.God is Good!!I asked Sherry if she would like a 1st floor laundry.She said no,doesnt want a dishwasher either,likes doing them the old fashioned way. So The WWGG mail room was born.lol People ask? how I get this all done?Well the month of Jan/ Feb/March there aint much to do in the frozen north.Im an outside guy who hates to read.I rather write then read.So we grow the Website all winter & grow the veggies all summer.Here is one thing I did read in a Bible while taking a Class in 2004 I was on a spiritual journey that year. My journey eventually put me back in the patch as I didnt grow from 2004 thru 2009(plus a torn rotator cup)Genesis 2:15 God then placed Adam in the garden to tend it & keep it.So I must be pleasing God as this was his original intent for me.Thats my story and Im sticking to it.lol Break over back to shipping!!!lol
Sunday, March 23 View Page
Starting to see the grass.Still colder then the butt on a Penguin.Should be 50 by midweek.WOOT WOOT!!! See the walnut tree in the background.Well I just talked to Bubba James Tree Service.He will cuter down 300$ & haul it away.Done deal.Its 40 feet from the patch & on the north side.The wind is generally out of the west & south.Noreasters are rare around here. Either way! taking no chances.I might be hurting my numbers the maters are only 35-40 feet from it.I was told 60 feet was a safe distance.Got WOOD???
Sunday, March 23 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK3F7P8G8as Mid June 2011 the 260.5 Clementz was starting to take off.The entire Month of May was crap.Even with plants in the ground & cables going almost 0 growth in May.The above video was September 9th.2011 So dont sweat a late spring! Its awl Good!
Tuesday, March 25 View Page
Jackson's new slippers.I wonder if these come in my size?lol I cant wait in another month.Jackson will be saying to the Kin Cave Pa!!Still colder then Northern Canadian Bat poop out there.Warm up coming in 2 days.
Tuesday, March 25 View Page
Radish/Compost update,After 5 solid months of below normal temps.These radishes are my only hope of a green future.Still snowing out.No LOL! I hope April brings hope of a warm to hot Summer,without all the clouds.2013 was Cloudmaggeddon.
Wednesday, March 26 View Page
Oh that 260 was a main vine about 10 feet out
Friday, March 28 View Page
I think I will have a new weeding buddy in a few years.He dont miss a watering.
Friday, March 28 View Page
Grandmas getting up there,with all those candles I figured I better not mess around taking a knife to a gunfight.lol I had to get Jackson to put the cake out with the plant sprayer.Almost set the house on fire!~LOL!
Friday, March 28 View Page
Happy Birthday! Granny!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 28 View Page
Keep this under you hat.Coming soon.Bubbas Backyard Growing secrets!
Friday, March 28 View Page
Yes starting April 15th I will post a video every 2-3 weeks showing the different stages of plant development in most veggies on site.This will be directed towards the new grower,to help them get off to a good season.Also showing how I use the ferts & root mass expanders by Advanced Nutrients.I have taken advice from several Heavy Hitters & world record holders on how to apply them.
Saturday, March 29 View Page
My phone rang this morning and a nice grower from New Hampshire said he was near by & wanted to stop by.We had a nice visit & he gave me these LG seeds & will drop some packages off to some members in his area. So busy didnt have time to get these LG seeds I will grow these this summer for sure.Thanks Steve it was a pleasure meeting you.Thanks for the free shipping.Giant Veggie growers are the best!
Sunday, March 30 View Page
Ok the radishes are on fire! I just reinoculated them with the root mass expanders from Advanced Nutrients.I will follow up with some Ancient Earth,& some ferts lets see how they look May 1st??Even in this shallow soil.
Sunday, March 30 View Page
Time to ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 30 View Page
Looks like I have a jump on the long Gourd Contest! This is a new variety. I call it The Muddy Waters brown gourd.LOL!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 31 View Page
Sometimes I take things to literal and out of context.LOL
Monday, March 31 View Page
First nice day.Sit the citrus outside.Should hit high 50S today Woot! Woot! after 5 solid months of SubZeroFrozeMaggeddon.I hade it threw the worst Cabin Fever outbreak since the 1880s.Shipped all the Canadian packs today.If your joining?If I dont get the product out this week. It most likely wont get there in time to use on seedlings.
Tuesday, April 1 View Page
Winters finally over.I survived 5 months of sub zero hell. Thank God I'm perfectly normal unharmed from this traumatic event.
Tuesday, April 1 View Page
A dozen members packs ready for Michigan Giant Pumpkin Growers Seminar this sat morning 10:30 am.in Lansing.I also will bring some free product for the raffle giveaway.Plus a side dish ,Bubbas baked beans.It ought a be a gasssss!.If anyone wants some products shoot me a note.35% percent discount to members of the Michigan Club off msrp.The Ancient Earth Humic/Fulvics rocks 1 liter bottles available. Hope to see ya there!Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Wednesday, April 2 View Page
Was today Monday? I walked out the door,My lower back was sore,I thought this would be a good day to stay home.I fought the urge & went to pick up a door at the lumber yard to install for a landlord.I came out of lumber yard my van wouldn't start,as I called the landlord to tell him I was having a Vehicle issue,he better let the tenant know I'm not coming.My cell phone went wacky doodle.I tried to call home and couldn't.Tried to text and only worked intermittently.So I got a ride home from a lumber yard employee.Only 1 mile from house.I then took my wife's car & headed to the next town to get my phone looked at.LOL!Stopped & picked up at oatmeal at Rotten Ronnies as I hadnt eaten yet.I love McDonald oatmeal.I got down the road starving by now.There was no spoon in the bag!lol I thought I should of went back to bed 2 hours ago.lol What A day ,but came home to a nice surprise .Thanks EDDY!!! I will send the 1623.5 to my good friend Ron Barker who has agreed to grow it with some Advanced Nutrients Products.
Thursday, April 3 View Page
I'm getting really good reports on Tiny.In Alamo Texas she is vining out well.In Alaska germinated in less then 40 hrs.Last year the 1067.5 Kent was first out of the ground & did quite well for me.With 23 growers taking the Bubba Challenge I think we will find out how great the genetics are from Dave & Rons superb efforts.1495 was the female here,The male pollinator grew a couple 300 lbers that were very typical for the 2009.The plant was very nice & green & aggressive.I gave the second 300 lber to Home Depot for a kids event.I should go back & get some seeds from it,they said they kept them.
Friday, April 4 View Page
Bought a newer truck.Tired of throwing parts at my old van.This is a 2009 garage kept 48,000 miles.Cant wait to get it the logo on it.Anybody need a work van?lol I sent out the last 20 member packs this morning.The first 121 have been shipped or will get tomorrow at seminar in Lansing.Only 5 more to ship,will do Monday A.M.and I'm done for now.
Friday, April 4 View Page
Radish's on Root Mass Expanders update.There starting to vine out.Is this normal?LOL!
Saturday, April 5 View Page
Went to Michigan Giant Pumpkin Growers Seminar.The Club had this really nice plaque custom made for Bills 316 Melon.This is the first smile Ive seen on Bill face in years.I think he likes it.lol Nice job Guys!Nice seminar!!
Saturday, April 5 View Page
Ok time for my bragging rights.I did this 3 years in a row now.Only problem there getting smaller.2011 3.89 State record.2012 3.63 Now this.Time to hit a 5 lber this year.Thats my goal this year.New state record Mater & Pumpkin.We better throw the melon in also.The triple crown.You gotta believe in yourself.If not who will? Great Day! Had Fun!!!
Sunday, April 6 View Page
Time to start checking to make sure I have my poop in a group.Here is 4 sets of cables for the kins.Plugging them into test.I left last years in the soil & they were plowed under.I will do 4 plants with cables and 2 plants without.I need 2 sets for my melons.I will do a 20 by 20 with 2x6 sides raised bed and grow 2 giant watermelons outside.I will order 2 new sets.If anyone has a couple sets to trade for product?Please let me know?
Sunday, April 6 View Page
Went to Growers Seminar Yesterday.I heard a lot of people talking like were going to have a cold summer.Well I heard Joel Olsteen for a minute this morning.He may not be preaching Good old Hell fire religion.Which is fine by me.He is however a great motivational speaker.I have been pointed out as making crazy predictions. So here is.Tim Parks> another one of my Thinking positive,believing in myself crazy predictions. Were going to have a warm to hot summer,Starting in May it will get warm fast here in the Michigan area.I will grow a new state record Pumpkin at least 1800 pds a new state record Tomato and last but not least a new personal best watermelon,That will have Bill biting his fingers at the scales.lol Having fun! I hope you believe in yourself and grow a world record 1 lb smaller then mine.
Sunday, April 6 View Page
April 6th still snow in the bushes,60 degrees today.Should be Easter eggs in the bushes not snow. I got a feeling its going to be a hot one this summer!
Tuesday, April 8 View Page
Recycling I think these 1 gallon jugs will work great for growing the watermelons.They can spend a month in these if needed.It looks like a warm spring headed this way.Call me an optimist Please I prefer it.
Tuesday, April 8 View Page
Pull the duct tape & go.I will drill a few holes in bottom and place a plastic bag in pot for added insurance of the soil staying with the roots. And poke holes in the bottom of bag.Must have good drainage.
Wednesday, April 9 View Page
Coming soon! Bubbas Backyard growing Secrets! SHH!! These mystery seeds will be in Video #1 Seed starting tips.I will post video this Sunday evening. This will be the first in a 12 part series ending at OVGPG with my heaviest PumpKin/melon/mater/longourd/squash/FP on the scales.Watch for flying veggies!!lol Flying down the Ohio turnpike.LOL
Wednesday, April 9 View Page
You never know what secrets might be revealed???or where Bubba might take you????
Wednesday, April 9 View Page
On the plastic Jug.I stuff a couple plastic grocery bags in handle so roots dont grow in to handle.Then slip a liner in jug.This is a poor mans 1 gallon pot for the frugal.I may not even use these, or just try it on a few.
Wednesday, April 9 View Page
I just got this seed pack in the mail from Canada.I think this is from the GVGO,but not sure? I had a recent request for a heavy carrot seed.If youre still interested let me know I will ship you this pack.
Thursday, April 10 View Page
Ma Ma always told me to get my POOP in a Group! Cant wait to show her I finally did! Welcome our new Tomato Sponsor.If you are interested in worm castings,let me know I can get a discount for WWGG members.This is a 1 lb bag.I will be loading there stuff this Sunday on site.
Thursday, April 10 View Page
Got POOP! Hey what did the red wiggler say to the other red wiggler at the worm poop farm? Sh$t or get off the organic matter!lol
Friday, April 11 View Page
Had the new logo put on truck today!
Friday, April 11 View Page
Will be adding more on bed of truck next week.Some sponsor stuff
Saturday, April 12 View Page
Gorgeous day out The 291s & 260s just popped up yesterday.I cracked the shells off with my leather-man pliers last night. No need to acclimate there first day is in the sun.I may keep an eye on them if they look stressed I will shade them.The radishes still cranking.My head is swollen up with allergies something terrible.I never had this problem 10 years ago.Think I got a bad case of O.L.D.lol
Saturday, April 12 View Page
Storm came through & Dolly took cover
Saturday, April 12 View Page
Hail size hail.You say what the hail??
Sunday, April 13 View Page
If you havent received your package & seeds by the 15th of April call me or shoot me an E-mail.Bubba Hot line 248-818-0104.Warning! I can talk the bark off a tree! I will ship the 2013 winners products Monday a.m.If you need anything added to your package.Shoot me a note. Will make a seed starting video today,Time to start your melons if you havent yet.I may even start the Kins today & get a jump on planting,It looks like a good long range forecast for Muddy Waters, anyway.Video should be up by dark thirty today.No worries lost of time left.If your new you have all week and the following week to get things going.
Sunday, April 13 View Page
Heres most of my 2014 line up.I will grow the 1st place winners each year of the WWGG if possible.Im lying to Chris Kent though & growing the 291 Kent mother of the 350 instead.My 260.5 also are on the deck getting some sun.I have always believed that was one of the best seeds out there.This will all go in Bubbas Backyard Secret Garden.SHH!!Dont tell anyone>
Monday, April 14 View Page
260 & 291 in there 2 gallon pots.I have never put them in such big containers before.With the root mass expanders and unpredictable weather.I figured why not.They can stay in these for a month.Keeping them close to lite like 2 inches or less & have a fan in the room going about half the time.I might start kins tomorrow or the next day.
Tuesday, April 15 View Page
It's Back!!!!!!!!!! The coldest Spring Bubba ever spent was an April in Muddy Waters! Bubba Twain
Tuesday, April 15 View Page
Baseball season is here! Believe it or not?
Tuesday, April 15 View Page
Here comes
Tuesday, April 15 View Page
the PITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 16 View Page
You never no what secret might be told on Bubbas backyard Growing secrets! Go tell a friend then keep it a secret!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ADLNyykIW0
Wednesday, April 16 View Page
Living dangerously letting Jackson near the watermelon seedlings seedlings.
Wednesday, April 16 View Page
Is this the next mother of all mothers?? 260.5 bagged tagged & Ready to ROCK!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 16 View Page
I was going to start kins early,but will wait till Sunday the 20th.Cold out & looks like a normal slow warm up the next 2 weeks.
Thursday, April 17 View Page
When I was in Fla.I found this egg.I think it might be a reptile? Its starting to hatch??
Thursday, April 17 View Page
Letting the 2014 Melon Sisters get some sun.Will be low 60s today.Still a little nipply out ,but better to keep them acclimated & strong,then under a light.What doenst kill you makes you stronger.
Thursday, April 17 View Page
Im so tempted to help it get out,but I remember the butterfly story in the cocoon.Patience grasshopper Patience! I think its a turtle.Time will tell.
Thursday, April 17 View Page
Thursday, April 17 View Page
It has an eyeball
Thursday, April 17 View Page
Jacks Concerned
Thursday, April 17 View Page
Jacksons playing it safe.lol
Friday, April 18 View Page
Jackson loves his new pet.He says Alligator real good.Quite a talker he is.
Friday, April 18 View Page
Here it is.
Friday, April 18 View Page
If you look at the garden as a whole its 10,000 sg feet.It would overwhelm you at thought of doing all this at once.I take it one corner at a time.I cleared some wood & old junk out of this corner.I will make a raised bed 24X20 & fill with top soil/compost/Alpaca poo.I figure if Chris&Todd are doing it, maybe this will give me warmer soil early on & get the plants moving faster in May.I know they do it for drainage & will do it for warmer soil.SHH!! Dont tell a soul!
Friday, April 18 View Page
Giant Watermelon project #351 Kent Equalizer Patch.lol!10 inch raised bed.First day in the patch I needed a good work out.
Friday, April 18 View Page
Finally removed the Long gourd vines. Nice day about 60 out.Calling for 70s this Easter weekend.Praise the Lord!
Saturday, April 19 View Page
I think its time to pull the trigger,The next 72 hours is the most important 3 days of the season.I feel a funny feeling in my stomach.Is it anticipation?Or should Sherry pull my finger??
Saturday, April 19 View Page
Sending out the last 1317s Tinys for the season.The rest will go in Bubbas secret seed vault.Not even Sherry is allowed near the seed vault.I am resending a Members pack today that never arrived.Funny both were from Wisconsin.If you havent received your members pack contact me ASAP! Please if you have joined WWGG & dont find your name on the Membership list at Worldwidegiantgrowers.com & dont have your product call me 248-818-0104
Saturday, April 19 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bubba_Smokey_Challenge.html If your late to the internet here is a contest offering 1,000$ 1st place 500$ 2nd place 300$ 3rd 100 4th Only 10 days left to join.You must pay 25$ entry fee to win.You get 4 seeds of your choice,1067.5 Kent,1317 Tiny or Jackson Reed.1478.5
Saturday, April 19 View Page
Saturday, April 19 View Page
Well The pulled finger did the job!I feel better now! Heres the line up! soaking for 1 hour.
Saturday, April 19 View Page
Heres the other half, with the 905 Mohr squash still in the pack.Will see if I have room in chamber.If not will start in 3 days when I remove the first plant.I remove the plants as soon as it breaks ground.bottom heat no good once germed.
Saturday, April 19 View Page
I laid saran wrap across the top help keep moisture in the peat pots.I also sprayed the inside of pots with water to dampen.I figured the dry pot would suck the moisture out of the seed starter mix.You want them moist not wet.I will remove saran wrap in 2 days.Let the Fun Begin!!
Saturday, April 19 View Page
260.5 Clementz is in the lead 11 days old.I gave them at light dose of Ancient Earth,Iguana Juice & B-52 1 teaspoon to 3 liters of water of each product.I never used to fertilize melon seedlings as I lost a few seedlings in the 90s due to to hot of soil I thought??I think it was the Miracle grow with the little balls in the soil.To hot for seedlings??Maybe Maybe not?I dont use that stuff anymore.
Saturday, April 19 View Page
Raised bed for Watermelons the 260.5 & 291 will go in here.Basicly this will prevent soil from washing into wetlands.It is a half raised bed.I dont see the need to complete the highside.The pole was Sarahs (German Sheperd)post from 2011.weed barrier to slow down wild vines growing along the edge of wetlands.
Sunday, April 20 View Page
Starting with 10 melon plants,there enjoying the grow lites 750 watts this Easter morning 12 days old.I will narrow down to 4 plants 2-260.5s & 2-291s to plant in new raised bed location. I have 20 kins in the germinating chamber,that will be 30 plants in 2 & 3 gallon bags to care for.I had a friend ask me if I would start his seeds for him?He is doing nothing.LOL!I explained to him I was a busy feller!LOL!
Sunday, April 20 View Page
Close up,Then eventually I cull down to 2 plants on 450 sg feet. The best 3 here are the 260s,but the 291 Kent has been my favorite seed since 2011 when I grew a 198 buried & ignored for the most part in the Weeds!!!!Great SEED!
Monday, April 21 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV-jaUl-ZBw Heres where I plan to be May 1st if all goes well,Only this year 2 plants in each cave getting 800 feet each.Dave forgot to send my free 1495s.lol! So tiny gets planted instead.
Monday, April 21 View Page
You might be a redneck if you have a water tower in your yard & your chickens know your first name.Eri won rookie of the year at Andy TS last year.I think he has Pumpkin Fever.I gave him the tank & told him I would donate 1500 feet of drip tape to his patch if I can grow my 905 Mohr Squash here.Its only 1 mile from my house.I told him to paint EriVille on the tower.lol
Monday, April 21 View Page
That tank will hold 312 gallons,He will warm the well water & add ferts in tank. This photo is the 1530 Gehweiler site.I will be adding 5 yards of compost here.I will be trying a new idea I have for growing Chads seed.He won 1st in WWGG in 2013.I will grow the first place winners each season.Stay tune to Bubbas Secret Garden Videos to see the new method I will use on the 1530.
Tuesday, April 22 View Page
1067 Kent The first 2 to pop up.Same as last year.First up & my biggest kin last year Dolly was 1326.With a good year & some normal sunshine we could add 500 pds to that? The little Kin that could! Less then 3 days should see some more later today I remove them from the heat once popped.Bottom heat bad after that.
Tuesday, April 22 View Page
Dr Melon Head is IN!! Removing shell from seedlings.Just gently squeeze shell it will crack & will brake loose.Dont use tweezers,Your not taking a walk on the Wild Side with Lou Reed.LOL!
Tuesday, April 22 View Page
Your free! Now Fly Away!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 22 View Page
Ok! Melon Sisters meet the Pumpkin Sisters!lol Put the kins in there 3 gallon bags as soon as they broke soil.removed the shells with pliers.So far I have 3 Tinys 1317s 2-1530 Gehweilers 2-1067 Kents 2 1478.5 ClementzZZZ.Still waiting on the 220 DeBacco & 2009 Wallace.I think there just trying to be fashionable late Being girls and all.No Worries if they dont germ I may or may not start my back up seeds.I kinda believe whats is is.Kinda like destiny.I may just grow whats in front of me, ready to rock!!
Tuesday, April 22 View Page
260.5 ClementzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz low 50s cloudy today plants spent the day under the lites with a fan going
Wednesday, April 23 View Page
Ok the 2009 wallace has popped a root after 3 days,220 DeBacco nothing,So I really want to grow SNOwBAcCO!So I will soak my back up for only 30 minutes instead of 1 hr.& wrap it in a paper towel.Only thing I can figure is to wet?Maybe?Still have the first one in soil.I may end up with 2 plants?If Lucky!Will give one to ERI to plant at ERIVILLE station #15
Friday, April 25 View Page
Heres a 2009 Wallace wrapped in a paper towel.First one in the pot didnt make it.Looks like my 220 DeBaccos are not germing .Did one in a paper towel method & 1 in a peat pot.Another grower sent me an e-mail & said he was 0 for 3 on the 220.So in less Matt mails me a plant.No SnowBacco this year.(tear running down my cheek):(........... 2009 Wallace is still in the race though. If they dont go looks like 2 Tinys get put in & ???
Friday, April 25 View Page
Heres the feeding Schedule to get plants growing.I have had a few e-mails on how much to water each plant.You want to water the root zone of the plant.These beneficials react with the root system no need of getting it 5 feet in front of the plant.Just the present roots.So a small plant maybe a Qt or liter of water,bigger plant 1 gallon or 4 liters and so on.When the plant is 3 feet long I will mix a 5 gallon pail & water a 360 degree circle around plant about mid may!Any Questions call 1 -800 Bubba-Kin lol JK 248=818-0104 or e-mail Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com If you want Beneficial/Mycorrhizaes 5 -15 feet in front of plant You need to do the Ron Wallace inoculated cover crop see DVD at Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers.I will be showing this method in the next Bubbas Secret Garden Video in 10 days.SHHHH!!!"I'll Be BACK!!!!!!!!!!Bubba Schwarzenegger!LOL
Friday, April 25 View Page
Dave told me I need a new truck.Thanks Dave Good sound advice! I cant wait to pull The Tiny II or Walletta or the Dollys Double DD revenge.(The anticipation of who will be on top is GREAT!)!to Ohio with this puppy.Will get banners for the side of trailer made.This will fly down I-75 Screaming like a Girl!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, April 26 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bubba_Smokey_Challenge.html Contest Closes in 5 days.My R&D department in Washington State alias Ron Barker PNWGPG,has made a great suggestion. There will be a 1st prize Golden Bubba Teeth award!+1000$ 2nd prize Silver Bubba Teeth + 500$ 3rd prize Bronze Bubba Teeth + 300$ 4th place Donkey teeth award! lol! +100$ plus the Top 3 here will be next years Bubba's Challenge! Join now 5 days left!!!!!!!!!!! I will design & have the awards made this fall Thinking either a plaque with a place for the teeth to sit or & medal like the Olympics. There maybe a bonus (free product)for the winners posting there picture on the internet sporting there new teeth.lol
Sunday, April 27 View Page
I think the problem with the 220 & 2009 Wallace.They need a little more mositure to germinate.I carefully dug the soil down beside the seed with a pencil.I have a root on the 2009 but looks dry so I hit it with some warm(tepid)water.I set the peat pots in a bowl of water for a minute I think the peat pot is sucking up the moisture.I may use Styrofoam next year instead.Problem is you only do this once a year,So its hard to remember last years issues.I did however germinate 100% all the other seeds 1530,1478.5,1317,1067,905 Squash,under the same conditions.Go figure.18 for 18.Melons were 10 out of 12 plants made it.Weather stinks 56 for the high,calling for rain & 50s all week,Should I slow the plants down now? or speed them up?Will call the Psychic hot line to get the forecast for next week?The first full week of May.
Sunday, April 27 View Page
28 plants! kins 8 days old.I just hit them with SensiGrow Voodoo/Trantula/Piranha all in a 4 gallon bucket.Did 20 mls of SensiGrow & cap full of the others.small 8 oz bottle.I want the roots as big as possible while still in the pots.I think the root bound scare is overrated.If you think about it?Huge roots in a pot will grow fast & aggressive when they hit the patch.If there going in circles in wont be for long.I think a lot of the old school thinking is all wet.In my not so humble honest opinion!Gave kins 24 oz.of Fert/water 3 gal pot & the melons 16oz in the 2 gallon pots.
Monday, April 28 View Page
We have Walletta's!!Two 2009s Removed shells.as the first 2009 I didnt remove shell immediately & later was mush inside.Be careful I am a professional,Dont try this at home.lol! removing shell requires a steady hand & common sense.To rough you will damage the root.Looks like if they continue.They both will get a kin cave.800 sg feet each,back to back with the 1067 Kent and the other with Tiny 1317 ClementZzZzzz.220 Still in pot no root scraped the funky green film off seed & replanted with some voodoo juice.Will give SnowBacco a few more days as 1 member told me his 220 took 9 days to come up.Either way I have 20 plants to grow,need 6 with culling thats 12 plants.other 8 will go to locals bad looking plants may hit the dumpster or to a non committed grower who will plant & come back in 3 months to look at it.lol Will watch the weather, weekend transplanting & Video #2 (Bubbas Secret Garden)not looking good with a rainy forecast all week.
Monday, April 28 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ADLNyykIW0 Thank God for Obama Care ! Bubba got his teeth custom fitted for the next video. Theres a link up top if you havent seen video #1 There will be 12 videos with last one at OVGPG weigh-off on October 13th.Just a recap if your new to the community.
Tuesday, April 29 View Page
Rain storms this morning 50 degrees out.Everyone acts like this is unusual weather for Michigan.When actually this is quite typical for April.Compost farm called they may bring my 50 yds today.I like the guys spirit.He said he didnt care if it rained they were bringing it this week.My ground is as hard as a rock by the driveway so it shouldnt be an issue.
Tuesday, April 29 View Page
Compost came today.Two days early.I might get the kins in this Sunday,or early next week.I cant wait for the first clown to come by & tell me that aint 50 yds.Every year I bring in a load somebody tells me I was ripped off.LOL What ever. Nice day low 70s,Twister season is here.
Tuesday, April 29 View Page
This is what us Yankees call a Gravel train.I know in Washington state the pup on the back would be on a trailer.
Tuesday, April 29 View Page
Whens the last time you F one ?? I had a few members request this product.It's presently un available on the public market.Shhh! its a secret! I just got a special shipment from California.I can ship these in the US for 25$ a liter or 75$ for 4 liters.Great for foliar spraying.FulVic's I will ship soon to all the pre orders.Thanks for waiting.Local pick ups 20$ a liter 65$ for 4 liters
Tuesday, April 29 View Page
That Washington State trailers tongue would be like 15 feet long.
Thursday, May 1 View Page
Ok! The Bubba Challenge contest entry is closed.We have 24 eager growers on board. ThankyA! Thank yA! Very much for joining! Check the members list if your not on the list you wont get prize money payable next winter. http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/2014_Members_List.html Dont make me get out my straw hat and give my."What we have here is a failure to Communicate,seems some of you growers are hard to reach" Speech Check all 10 contests to see if your listed in each veggie you paid for. All other contests close June 1st. Thanks again Cool Hand Bubba!!!!!!
Thursday, May 1 View Page
Plants growing slow in the basement 64 degrees at night.Plus I may have gone a little heavy on the water.So I increased the heat placing a heater under table & hanging a drop cloth from ceiling to try & contain heat from the Melon Head hood.Was about 72 today at plant height.small fan going will lets plants dry out a little.Foliar fed them B-52 & F-1.2 inches of rain last night.so weekend planting not looking good.Maybe a Tuesday planting at best.No worries,No hurries.The plants are better off in pots then in cool cloudy Mud.
Friday, May 2 View Page
This years spot for Jackson Reed.1478.5 Clementz Im hope full this seed will go heavy with the 1723 Marshal as the male pollinator.Which is the 1634 Werner selfed. Should be in the ground in 1 week.No worries No hurries.
Friday, May 2 View Page
Kin cave II 2009 Wallace & 1067.5 Kent. We will give these 2 another try. Great plants!!!
Friday, May 2 View Page
Kin Cave I 2009 Wallace & the Tiny,Im wondering if the 1317 will have big leafs like Dad or tiny leafs like Mom??I hope there Tiny easier to weed by far.
Friday, May 2 View Page
1530 Gehweiler I got a feeling this Bad Dad from Chad will be a double digit heavy lad!!!!!!!!! Its all mud right now should dry out by Monday or Tuesday!If the Lords willing & the creek dont rise?????????????????
Friday, May 2 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY Great song! I have shared this before.I love it!
Sunday, May 4 View Page
You might be a Redneck if you cancelled the Sunday picnic,because the table was being used for more important things.I borrowed the hoop house from the patch to get my kins acclimated.It was 4 oclock today before we hit 50(real Windy)The insect screen should provide protection. degrees & mostly sunny out.Looking better this week.I hope we dry out.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
SHHH!! Dont tell Mrs.Bubba I borrowed her thermometer.The weather has been a slow warm up,and with the frost 5 feet in the ground 3 weeks ago.48 is a little on the cold side 58 might get me excited.Will spread the compost today & till.I hope to get plants in by weekend.No worries like the little mater said to the big mater."There is lots of time to Catch up"! I will get soil cables in today & plugged in.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
260.5 ClementzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz My 2nd favorite seed waitng for lift off,spent the day in the 60 degree sun.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
Compost spread & tilled today.Im getting smarter in my old age.I left some compost in Screen house for vine burying in June & July.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
Raised Melon bed will cross the 291 Kent X 260.5 Clementz this summer.I think with the raised bed the 291 will think its in Serville! Should have plants in ground in a couple days
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
Thats Sevierville! Hope to have plants in the ground this weekend.Maybe Friday? No hurry need to do it right.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
I had the AN logo on truck changed I didnt feel it flowed together right.This is much smoother.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
decided to start my maters a couple weeks earlier the normal.They will go on the berm where the sunflowers were last year.Started 18 plants.I hope to have 12 germinate
Thursday, May 8 View Page
Was going to start putting houses back together today.looks like 1/2 of rain last night put the stoppers to that.I hope Friday is dry.Still shooting on getting plants in this weekend.
Thursday, May 8 View Page
This little guys passion for working the dirt & growing pumpkins is amazing!He helped me drag the 30 foot long hoops across the yard,He grabbed one end like he was 15 years old,best helper I ever had.My daughter couldnt believe her eyes.LOL! The nut dont fall far from the tree. He is going to be a great worker.
Thursday, May 8 View Page
He loves the dirt.It was 85 today but to muddy to plant.I did however put the knee walls back on the Kin cave I.Calling for rain again tomorrow & Monday.I better get them planted & covered with plastic Sunday to keep the heavy rains off next week.Looks like it might be a repeat of last year.I hope not,But this climate change is starting to look predictable.
Friday, May 9 View Page
oH nO! There getting BiGgeR!!! Storms wil be here in about 1 hr.Brought the plants back inside for protection & to get some lite.
Friday, May 9 View Page
I had taken today off work to get kins in the ground,But heres the Bigg BUTTTT!!!!For all you Big Butt lovers!!lol More rain today.I think were getting the same weather the southerners got last year,but not as heavy.I covered each planting site with plastic,So maybe a Sunday planting is possible???????????
Saturday, May 10 View Page
Ok plants back outside this Saturday morning.There looking good,acclimated by now.The storms yesterday were light,about 1/4 inch of rain.So if the Lords willing & the creek dont rise the plants will be in by Sunday night.Lots to do,screen covers on the kin caves,soil cables,etc.We will get er done.Myself Mike and Eri.We can do the work of one man!!Why Certainly!!! see ya! Will check email tonight if I can still walk.lol
Saturday, May 10 View Page
Kin cave covers are back on.
Saturday, May 10 View Page
Kin Cave II plot site for a 2009 Wallace & 1067 Kent.Will plant tomorrow on Bubbas Backyard Secret Garden video Part 2
Saturday, May 10 View Page
Back filled & ready!
Saturday, May 10 View Page
Will plant the melon sisters here tomorrow.There looking good much bigger then last years plants.
Sunday, May 11 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=UphsMiiyZRM Bubbas Secret Garden video #2 is up.Was real busty trying to beat Mondays forecasted rain.So if I missed any info for newcomers shoot me a note.Oh If using bags I found cutting the bottom out first and placing your hand over soil works like a charm.lol
Sunday, May 11 View Page
Correction try this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UphsMiiyZRM
Monday, May 12 View Page
I scrambled all weekend to get plants in ground.lol Now this.
Monday, May 12 View Page
2009 Wallace on the left,Tiny to the right.
Monday, May 12 View Page
2009 on the left,1067 Kent on the right.Just wanted to be able to look back in a month & see there progress.I will have to cover them in a couple days as we will drop in the 30s
Tuesday, May 13 View Page
Heres my back up melons.Best looking plants I have ever had on May 13 th.Advanced works great!!Big Roots!I planted some out in the mud Sunday.looks like rain all week 2.5 inches thus far & more to come.Weatherman just said the Detroit area will get another3/4 to 2 inches today.Headed out to cover Kin caves with plastic.I will just do the center 20 feet to keep the small plants from total saturation.I have lots of backups.So no worries.If they die in the mud I will replace them this weekend.Rain is forecasted to stop by then.
Thursday, May 15 View Page
My maters are up.I may have planted a few a little to deep.There were like 4 that didnt pop up.I scraped the surface and found a loop stem trying to rise. Well 4 inches of rain now & turning cold tonight.No worries for the Kin cave 2009s Tiny and Dolly's Mom & melon sisters..I can only provide heat for a few.The 1530 & 1478.5 will pull threw without heating cables or I will use back ups Monday when the cold snap ends??If it ends??Thank God for back ups that are looking sweet.I have been rode hard and put up wet this past week.From 78 to 38.PURE MICHIGAN!!!
Thursday, May 15 View Page
Danger Will Robinson! Danger Will Robinson!! Just wanted to post this for the newbies.When transplanting in to the patch.Dont fertilize your plants.Give them 5 days depending on temps to start growing,before you use ferts on the.Then only give the 1/2 strength formulas.The root mass expanders are not fertilizers.I will put out a new Video 3 this weekend with more transplanting tips.With all the hustle & RainMaggeddon I think video 2 was missing a couple topics.Just a warning before you plant.If you already hit them with ferts and they look wilty??Shade them during the heat of the day.
Friday, May 16 View Page
Heres the backups,brought some of them back in last night.Actually on the right here my 905 Mohr Squash.The left Tiny.In the back melons.Frost last night and for the next 3 nights.No real warm up for 5 days.Looks like a early jump is lost,Well it aint over till Big Ma Ma Bubba starts singing.
Saturday, May 17 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC-uyTXfH78 I made a video 3 early as I thought #2 was a little flat & left out some good stuff.Please like the video if you like it.
Saturday, May 17 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=197671 Im 9 days behind last year.lots of time to Ketchup!!
Sunday, May 18 View Page
This is a 291 Kent.I had to tighten up the melon sisters by moving the plant 6 inches to accommodate the little hoop house I am using.In the process this plant got yanked out of the ground(gently)of course.Im always gentle handling melons.Any HOO! I carried this plant to the basement in the palm of my hand roots exposed to the world,like a bad bleach blondes hairdo.I put in in my dirt tub & covered the roots with dry peat mix.24 hrs later I noticed it as ALIVE & looking good.So I put in in this cup & watered it.I think these melons are pretty hardy.I put a bigger plant in its place.SHH! Dont tell Bill & Marvin.My melons are looking better then I have ever seen before on May 18th.SHHH! Ok heres the update 140 members now!! Heres the link to WWGG video page.Please share with all your friends.http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bubbas_Secret_Garden_.html
Sunday, May 18 View Page
My 260.5 ClementzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz Hands down my best plant ever on May 18th,about a 4 inch vine coming out the center.The Advanced Nutrients are working great!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 19 View Page
There was a load of manure in the back of this truck at the start of video 3.lol Now its loaded with Bubbas secret Giant Watermelon amendment.I havent used this stuff since 2011 when I grew the 260.SHH!Dont tell Chris or Todd.Its a secret! Alpacca Pooo!!! Aged!!!!!!
Monday, May 19 View Page
Oh! driving on patch today after 5 inches of rain last week.My patch drys out in 3 days.Good drainage really helps.
Monday, May 19 View Page
OMG! I have to share this story.Earlier this Evening I was on the phone to Chris Kent.Jackson Reed walked in the kitchen holding his sell phone talking like he had someone on speaker phone just like me.It was cute and I told Chris how smart he was.later on I came in from the patch and I noticed the black jacket was off my otter box.Its getting old and comes off easy.I thought what the hell it must have fallen off I need to be more focused.lol My daughter said I have no idea where it is Dad.My wife thirty minutes later told me Jackson took my jacket & put it on his phone.LOL! This kid is pretty smart for 2 years old.
Tuesday, May 20 View Page
Call me crazy I shipped this 1317 Clementz Tiny a 1 month old plant(3 gal bag) to a great grower today.He lost his to frost.We will know if it makes it Thursday night.I used similar packing methods as Chris Kent did sending me Smokey Lovelace.If he wants he can post its arrival on his Diary.The 1317s are great looking plants thus far.40$ to ship.If I paid 100$ more they promised the box wouldnt get thrown for 300$ it would go straped to a pallett.lol I told them I would take my chances for 40$.its pinned inside so if they flip the box upside down the weight will go on some wood braces.not the plant.The bag is duct taped down so the dirt cant come out.I think it will make it.
Wednesday, May 21 View Page
Bubba James came by today & cut down my walnut tree.If one more redneck tells me I should cut down a 35-40 foot tall plus tree next to power lines myself.(Cutting down trees is very dangerous).I will scream like a girl.This tree was 30 foot from patch.No more wondering if it is affecting my weights.Its gone.Thankyou Bubba James! Thank ya Very mulch!! 84 degrees today so humid feels like August.Tiny is my best looking plant, Vining out now!then the 1067.5 Kent.The 2009 Wallace sisters are 5 days behind so not really fair to compare them.My 260.5 is looking great about a 6 inch vine now.Best start ever.Heading out to till in some Alpacca into melon raised bed.
Wednesday, May 21 View Page
Nice JoB!
Thursday, May 22 View Page
The weather has finally broken,Kins are looking better & vining out.Couldn't be happier with the melon sisters.Looking great.Its still early with over 9 days to go in the month.Nights will hit the low 60s this weekend.Woot Woot! Watch Bubbas Secret Garden on You Tube #3 is a hoot,so Im told .Will have a new one up on Monday or Tuesday.Should have so plant to bury by then.Holiday is early this year.I think the vines will start running like Bubba and a Ostrich in the three legged race real soon.
Thursday, May 22 View Page
The Tinester!Tinyetta! Looking good! starting to vine out!
Thursday, May 22 View Page
Ronster! RonBo! 2009 Wallace growing in Kin cave 1 with Tiny.5 days behind Tiny.I have faith it will catch up.I should have left it in the grow bag as its first 5 days were a cold wet mess.Plant was to small to handle the cold.Its coming around.
Thursday, May 22 View Page
Kentster! ChrisBO!!!lol 1067.5 Looking great!
Thursday, May 22 View Page
2009 Wallace PapBO!!!in Kin cave 2.This is the one I planted in video 2 .It was to small at the time.Again should of left it in the bag till the next weekend.No genectics were harmed in the poor planting timing of this great seed.It will be BACK!!!!!!!!Its looking a lot better then a few days ago.
Friday, May 23 View Page
This mornings feeding regiment.Watch video 4 this Monday night for the Secret dose.SHHH!! Bubba reveals all in Secret video.If you didnt see video #3 in its entirety Please go back & see Bubbas bad habit?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC-uyTXfH78 Bubba will push these plants like a unwanted Politician religious fanatic off his front porch!!
Saturday, May 24 View Page
Ok Pap Wallace refreshed my memory of the reason for the Holiday weekend.Thankyou to all Vets and a special Thanks to those who died for there country.A lot of them came back alive,but were never the same like my father.They should never be forgotten.John Michael Clementz served 2 tours in Vietnam.Stationed in Rota Spain,San Diego,Jacksonville Fla.23 years U.S.N Jet & Cobra helicopter mechanic. War should be our last & final option to resolve global issues.Its way to costly of precious lives.
Saturday, May 24 View Page
Time to plant the 905 Mohr true green squash.
Saturday, May 24 View Page
She might be root bound 3 gallon pot.No worries Big Roots Big Fruits!
Saturday, May 24 View Page
Planted my back up 291 Kent a few feet from the first one.I will cull one of them in about 1 week
Saturday, May 24 View Page
260.5 Clementz running like the wind with 1 week left in June.I'm liking it!!
Saturday, May 24 View Page
I mean MAY!!!!!!!lol
Sunday, May 25 View Page
I would like to ask for a moment of silence followed by the Serenity prayer.The 1067.5 Kent has lost her sister today.I never liked the culling idea,but Ron Wallace & Chris Kent cant both be wrong.So the one on the left is a single D.The one on the right grown with soil cables is a Double DD.Dont want the roots to get inter woven with each other.Only Double DD sisters are allowed in the Kin Cave!Shh! Dont tell Ma Ma Bubba.This plant will grow SmokeyEtta!Dollys Revenge!!!LOL!
Sunday, May 25 View Page
Its official Bubba kicked Handyhomegrown to the curb.He dont like Committees.plus he figured HHG has been kicked out of everything else.lol.So now he has only Mark to deal with.Mark might be next!lol BTW after culling the 1067.5 as soon as I got back from the compostarium.I used Marks 2 trench system patent pending.lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtrLpF3wOWc
Sunday, May 25 View Page
I used Piranha & Trantula in the trench. Danger Will Robinson!! ALERT TO ALL LOCALS THE CUCUMBER BEETLES ARE HERE!! Doors will go on kin caves today.I found a beetle on the 1067 Kent!
Monday, May 26 View Page
1478.5 ClementzZZZz 5 inches of rain is hard on a guy.no soil cables.They would have been better off in bags.They will come back.I found a 1/2 dozen cucumber beetles having a party under the plant on the right.I know it was a party cause one was on top of the other one.lol Sevin dust! Partys over! Look under the cots thats where they hide.
Monday, May 26 View Page
Sorry the last photo was the 1530 Gehweilers.Heres the 1478s & the 905 Mohr upper corner.
Monday, May 26 View Page
2009 Wallace coming around
Monday, May 26 View Page
The other 2009 Wallace next to Tiny
Monday, May 26 View Page
Tiny What a difference 5 days day makes.Note to self leave plants in bags till there big.Planting a small plant never did good for me.
Monday, May 26 View Page
Dont forget to support your MV or it will snap.1067 Kent
Monday, May 26 View Page
1067.5 Meet Smoketta I should have this pollinated by June 1st.Watch out Ron & Tim.Here comes BUBBA!!!LOL
Monday, May 26 View Page
Look whos moved in.I hope there done by early July.I wont plant gourds till mid June.I just need one batch of LGS to win the Master growers award.So I will plant them late.I havnt even started seeds yet or FPs
Monday, May 26 View Page
My maters they should go in about June 1st.
Monday, May 26 View Page
Bubbas first parade today!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez0YMSDLkNQ Will make video 4 in a few days on burying vines & feeding plants.
Tuesday, May 27 View Page
291 kent in the ground a few days now this is the backup
Tuesday, May 27 View Page
260.5 ClementzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz is on fire!!!!! When the competition see the ZZZZZZZ they FreeeeeeZzEEE! LOL!
Thursday, May 29 View Page
1067.5 Kent The last of the back ups.This plant is so aggressive.I will drive it out in the country about 10 miles and hope it doesnt find its way back.lol The 1067.5 is doing great bigger then last years on the same day.The 2009 wallaces are about the same as last years.Slow starters.Tiny is looking almost as good as the Kent.Shorter but greener 4 feet long with 1 foot secondarys.Will make video this Sunday.
Thursday, May 29 View Page
Well I only made it one mile to Eris house.You might be a redneck if you kiss your kin before you plant it.lol
Friday, May 30 View Page
Squash vine borer traps are here,Thanks Joel Holland.This is the reason I built the screen houses back in 2000 to keep them out & aphids.If your not ready for svbs this side of the Rockies.Your party is already over.I will set these up to keep the population down.They work great each year I catch less and see less SVBS.First year 158 second year 100 or so.We will see how many we get this year?
Friday, May 30 View Page
Oh in Michigan they show up mid June.You still have time to order traps.
Saturday, May 31 View Page
Last weekend to join.Contest's close Sunday at midnight.You may find this hard to believe,but there are couple people who dont like Mark.So if this is the case? You can enter your membership to Bubba.SHHH! We wont tell Mark.Good Luck to AWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!Have a great year!!!!!! http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Membership.html
Saturday, May 31 View Page
2009 Wallace! Starting to go!
Saturday, May 31 View Page
The other 2009 Wallace,Starting to look good!The 1317 & 1067.5 are my best plants so far will show them in Sundays video,Drip tape went in today.Hope to plant maters tomorrow.
Sunday, June 1 View Page
Time to start the Long gourds.I will soak them for a few hours as they tend to be buggers.
Sunday, June 1 View Page
Soaking the peat pots.I learned this from the wiZZZZZZZZ.I took a power nap this afternoon.Bubba aint done that in months.Pumps in river,drip tape is operational in Kin cave 1 & kin Cave II.Elevated walk planks are in.Bubbas been rode hard & put up Wet.Plants are looking GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 1 View Page
Video #4 is up see who won the sensi grow?
Sunday, June 1 View Page
Sunday, June 1 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHNpMLrTx70 lol One of these should work
Sunday, June 1 View Page
I planted maters today.These are the final 6 they made it.The rest go to Mike steele & friends to grow.
Tuesday, June 3 View Page
Robins under the deck,about ready to fly.1/2 rain yesterday.Foliar feeding this am with sensigrow B-52 & F-1 Plants looking good.
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
1530 Gehweilers
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
1478.5 ClementZzZzzzzzzzz Time to cull
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
291 Kent with redneck wood chuck protection.
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
Time to remove wood chuck cage.Plant about 3 1/2 feet long.
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
That was the 260.5 Clementzzzzz
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
Tiny & RonBo Wallace! Tinys almost 8 feet.Ronbo 4 feet
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
Kin Cave II Smoketta on the left,PapBo Wallace on the right.About 8 and 4 just like the Tiny & RonBo.Cool snap coming today,I sprayed all plants with AgriFos,Cloudy morning good time to spray.It said to Agitate the mix while spraying.My wife asked me why I was calling the sprayer names.I told her I was agitating the mix as it said on the destruction's.lol
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
Oh & 5 inches of rain last month in 1 week has hatched a buttload of skeeters.Know I know why Im against nude gardening.Dang I'm all bitten up this am.
Saturday, June 7 View Page
Oh NO! Kryptonite!
Saturday, June 7 View Page
Tiny 1317 ClementzZz 9 -10 feet long,right on schedule.My plan to grow a new State record is starting to un fold.Thats my low goal,Hoping for the big WORLD RECORD really.I can see this plant being 15-17 feet long by June 18th.Thats my target date.I am burying the secondary's earlier the ever.Plus I am feeding them more often.Studying the leaves is really telling me what they need.These plants still need more nitrogen.I didnt overload the growing sites with organic matter as it could shoot my nitrogen so high I dont have a good balance.plus too much organic matter near stump I believe leads to disease.Easier to add nutrients then to take away overloads"Grasshopper"Old Proverb say "He with Biggest Pumpkin Have Biggest EGO"lol
Saturday, June 7 View Page
RonBoW Wallace!!! Going out to foliar feed with B-52
Saturday, June 7 View Page
The Old proverb should have been"Easier to add Blump to Rump then to take Blump off Rump!Bubba Lee!LOL!
Sunday, June 8 View Page
Sprayed all plants with Daconil.Kins growing slow 6-7 inches a day.Not bad with 49 degree nights.Still on target for pre June 20th pollination on 2 plants.Melons slow with cold nights.Looks like a 10 degree warm up in 2 days.
Monday, June 9 View Page
Will be 79 today which equals 90 in the kin cave.Jackson Reed is ready to garden.He loves to water the maters.I sprayed all kins/squash/maters with Cal Carb.Great product!I also started the curves on the M.V.on the kins at 9- 10 feet.I pinched a marble size one off the 1067 Kent at 8-9 feet.The next few wont get pinched as they maybe my keepers.Looking Good! Thus far The fans will be blowing today.
Monday, June 9 View Page
Shhh! Bubbas Secret growing tip #34. When Ma Ma Bubba is at the store getting Polident & Rope for dental floss.Sneek into the linen closet.If you keep the soil cool there will be much less scorching on leafs.The 1317 seems unaffected but the 1067 Kent is more heat sensitive.Once the leafs are full grown they shade the soil themselves.
Monday, June 9 View Page
1067 Kent on left,PapBo Wallace on the right.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Shhh! Rain is our friend.Quiet Mrs.Tooter Turtle Is busy!
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
If you look close you can see the eggs in the hole.This will be a no till zone.Tooter Turtle & Mr WiZard from the 60s for you young folk.They showed up on the 10th this year.I like to keep a record of this.Im sure the broken shells add calcium to the soil.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Heres another by the Kin Cave II.There should be another 1/2 dozen by the end of the day.Jackson will love them as did his Mother over 20 years ago.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
1478.5 ClementZzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Looking good!Sprayed B-52 on all the leafs this am.With some Wet Betty,F-1 and overdrive.I figure the rainwill wash it in.Cant hurt anything.They should be greener.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
260 ClementzZZZZ Still protecting the MV tip with the bird cage.If Woody Wood Chuck shows up I will be sleeping out here.lol I have live traps set with cabbage.If caught I will drop them off by Marvin & Darrels patch.lol Just kidding guys.But does anyone have Joe Plattes address?lol I will look into buying some pine needles today & some weed barrier,like them rebels use.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Ok The rain is great! Gives me a chance to breath.I'm painting an exterior Aluminum siding spray painting.Good time to start the field pumpkins.I barely have room for these will squeeze them in by the compost pile.I line up of 2 plants.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
I love these rain days,just planted my Zappas.Frank & Moon are in the ground.Planted in the compost pile & along the mater berm near my 905 Mohr Squash.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Dang Burn it! Bubba thought those was painter turtles.Turns out there snappers.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Tiny to the right.2009 Wallace behind Jacksons head.Plants are greener then they appear in photo,must be the flash that lightens them.3/4 of an inch of rain made it in here.over an inch out side the caves.Soil test said my calcium is high.So I will slow down on the Sensi grow & just feed B-52 for now.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Tinys first prospect at 11 feet
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
Tinys second prospect at 12 to 13 feet.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
1067 Kent! Just like last years.All kinds of kins.These are at 10 & 11 feet.
Wednesday, June 11 View Page
1067 Kent This one at about 13 feet.I think a June 18th to 20 is possible.
Friday, June 13 View Page
Jackson just told me ."We need Pumpkins really Big"lol Im creating a monster.Meet the Tiger woods of giant Veggie growing in training at 2.lol What a blessing he is.I'm so glad to have him in my daily life.I told Liz when you get out of College and find a job.He stays here.lol You can go have more.lol Hes a keeper! Friday the 13th.Will set out SVB traps today & treat all plants with merit.Im sure they will be here any day now.If there not already.This will be there second treatment.I will even do the kin cave plants.In case we have long cloudy periods like last summer.I may peel back the screen to give the plants more sun.Shhh! Bubbas secret # 48
Saturday, June 14 View Page
Woke up to the furnace running.43 degrees out.I love Tubelow Michigan where its always cold.lol I do love the cool weather,problem is my big melons dont.Melons are moving slowy,but are vining out ready for the warmer temps,mv 5 feet finger vines 2-3 feet.looks like a possible June 20-25 pollination.Thats great!When & if they ever come.I cant believe the kins! There on fire.That 1 inch of rain 3 days ago got them going,regardless of the temps.I think the root mass expanders are kicking in.I will bury vines this AM and finish my weed block sand on my melons project.I think some Ancient Earth will pull them out of the cold snap.
Saturday, June 14 View Page
Bubbas secret growing tip #101 I bury the vines with the gutter getter.No amendments added(Compost) will water amendments in as I go.
Saturday, June 14 View Page
Shhhh! Dont tell Chris Kent this sand was trucked in from Tennessee.My new raised bed will should put me on the leader board this year.
Saturday, June 14 View Page
My 162B MacKinonn has popped.I only have 2 long gourds that popped out of 9.137.5 and my 114.88.I started 5 more soaked in Piranha & Tarantula.We will see if they pop.
Saturday, June 14 View Page
1317 Clementz.I picked a kin off the 1317 Clementz today at 9 1/2 feet.The next honey is at 12 feet.I like that better.more plant in front of the kin.So hoping for a June 20th to 22nd pollination on Tiny.Plant is looking good.I will stop with the B-52 F-1 foliar sprays as I dont want to over do the nitrogen.You have to read the plant very carefully grasshopper.Kinda like Ma Ma Bubba sometimes hard to read,but you better figure it out fast or your days are numbered mister>>LOL
Saturday, June 14 View Page
He she is 12 feet out 1/2 1495 stelts 1/2 2009 Wallace.I have noticed that the 2009 Wallace seems to be dominant thus far.Big leafs & the fruit shape is more oblong the 1495s were rounder.Time will tell but I think we have a great cross here.
Saturday, June 14 View Page
1067 Kent I did foliar this plant tonight along with all the outside plants.B-52 F-1 Wet Betty and Overdrive.Im going to pond these plants till they scream Im' Green I'm Green!Stop it Mr.Green Jeans.
Saturday, June 14 View Page
Kin on 1067 it should open first at 10 feet.Still deciding if I should keep it??
Sunday, June 15 View Page
1478.5 Clementz Bubba elevated plank(patent pending)"The Bubba Plank" installed & vines buried.Watered with drip tape.Ancient Earth,B-52,Overdrive & Nirvanna.Plus a splash of Piranha,Trantula & Voodoo juice.
Sunday, June 15 View Page
Bubba Plank on the 905 Mohr Squash plus ran some more drip tape,Now last but not least the 1530 Gehweiler this evening.
Sunday, June 15 View Page
Birds eye view of the 260 & 291 Kent.I like to post these pics.If the wind is just right I can hear the fingernail biting coming from the south.LOL!Bubba loves to talk smack!@!!!!!!
Sunday, June 15 View Page
1530 Gehweiler getting its first drip tape.Even though some of these plants are not on a world record pace.They still could win some contests.I need one for Hamilton,Canfield,maybe a couple other weigh-offs.I would like to visit Pennsylvania or Chicago.
Sunday, June 15 View Page
1530 Gehweiler it has a long way to go.I wasnt sure if I would have enough planks to do the whole patch this year.I have wood to spare!I never throw away old decks when I get a deck job.some of these 2x12s are 25$ a pc & more.
Sunday, June 15 View Page
What a great weekend
Sunday, June 15 View Page
Cool card from my daughter. Plants are all up to date.Every single plant got care this weekend.Woot woot!
Monday, June 16 View Page
I cant believe how healthy these plants are.Wow! Advanced Nutrients rock!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 16 View Page
Jackson found the sand!~ 85 today 65 tonight.Hot all week.I hate it.The Kins & melons love it.Cal Carbed again tonight,
Tuesday, June 17 View Page
1317 Clementz 13 feet out side runners 8 feet.I hope she opens this Saturday or Sunday.I will be happy with a June 21st or 22nd pollination.This plant is almost flawless thus far.No scorching on leafs.The 1067.5 Kent is taking a beating with the heat.I have cal carbed 3 times & layed sheets on the ground.We hit 87 to 90 today.I will be home to mist the plants the next few days if that doesnt help I may pull the cover on the Kin cave II.The 2009 Wallace has scorched a little.The 1067 may open sooner then the 1317.Melons are doing great.
Tuesday, June 17 View Page
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
There calling for hail this morning.Bubba could hear the thunder to the west at 5:45 am.He dodged the lighting bolts & managed to get a cover over the 260.5 ClementzZZZ & a cage over the 291 Kent.Very dangerous for Bubba with all the metal in his teeth.He could get struck by lighting.The tornadoes are drawn to bubbas mouth kinda like a trailer park.They said possible 60 mph winds on the way.coming from Marv & Darrels direction.Due west of me.Take cover fellas!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
BubbaGeddon! is rolling in! I just recovered the 260 in the nick of time
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
1530 Gehweiler survived the storm 1 inch of rain.Blew through here like Bubba on a pocket rocket!Looks like she needs some B-52 foliar & some F-1.Will spray tomorrow night.
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
Brutus Magnum variety from Dr.Marv
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
905 Mohr Squash.I like to keep lots of records for future years.Looks like this weekend there will be a weeding party at Bubbas.Bring your own Ho!!lol
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
1478.5 Jackson reed ClementzZZ My RodoniS!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
260.5 My biggest melon plant ever on this date.Hands down! survived the storm.
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
Ok the picture I didnt want to show you,The 1067 Kent,Ouch! scorched leafs.The cover is coming off in the morning.I will roll it back & keep it ready for storms.The plant is greener then it looks the flash on the camera makes it look paler then it is.I figured out nothing made it in here last year.The screen I wanted was discontinued.I will have to get this one modified for next year.This plant will most likely be my first pollination this weekend.B-52 will be applied tomorrow also foliar.
Friday, June 20 View Page
The 1067 Kent is opening today.I will make video & post with Tinys pollination Video #5 should be up Monday.Its 64 degrees out.In Michigan the flower opens in the mid 60s & is fully open by 72 degrees.I have been watching this happen since 1996.
Friday, June 20 View Page
One grower told me I had my head up my butt on this temp thing.I told him"I kinda like it in here,smells like roses,lol ,dead ones but roses!lol Well flower should be open soon.off to the patch.Watch video 5 this Monday to see the plants & to get a good chuckle.Bubba may have little surprise for you
Friday, June 20 View Page
PapBo wallace will be the pollen used this am on the 1067 Kent I have bagged 2 males from PapBo off the MV.If you look to top of pic I have PapBos little female at aprox 11 feet,should get a June pollination on her.
Friday, June 20 View Page
Struggling to hit 70 today here over 1 1/2 hrs later.flower still not fully open.its 10:30 now.
Friday, June 20 View Page
I may have to bring out the hair dryer & warm this baby up."I'll be back"I will wait till noon to see if it gets warmer ,cloudy day.
Friday, June 20 View Page
While were waiting for the flower to fully open,I decided to plant the long gourds.The 137.5 Ansems & the 114.88 Clementz the only 2 that germinated.Jackson is scooping the Trantula & Piranha this child has amazing hand to eye motor skills.Very athletic can throw a ball straight to you 80% of the time.Im not a proud grandpa or nothing.Just saying.lol
Friday, June 20 View Page
137.5 long Gourd
Friday, June 20 View Page
114.88 Clementz LG
Friday, June 20 View Page
Stop its Hammer Time! He all hands on.If I say I'm headed to the Patch he says "I Go" lol
Friday, June 20 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq3erOSuPlY I made a short video pollinating the first Kin(1067 Kent) of the year. Video #5 should be up Monday Tiny should open this weekend. 1067 Kent plant in photo
Saturday, June 21 View Page
The boys are lining up.3 males from the PaBo 2009 Wallace plant.1 male from the RonBo 2009 Wallace.I hope this is a good cross with the male the same 2 generations in a row?Tiny is pollinated at 68 degrees & a little(not much) sunshine this am.Plant is 15 feet long & 24 feet wide,Matt Ds formula 15x24=360 divide 2 =180 sg feet and plant is growing fast and green as a bean. 1317 ClementzF X 2009M wallace is born.Please send shower gifts to Po box Bubba #1 Muddy Waters Mi.
Saturday, June 21 View Page
Tinys Baby at 12-13 feet 1317 ClementZZZZZZZZZZzz
Sunday, June 22 View Page
Pollinated the 905 Mohr this am.Will this turn green??I may have a kin here.I selfed it as I have no other squash about 9 to 10 feet om the MV. Video #5 Pollinating Giant Pumpkins is in the editing room should be up by Monday night.
Sunday, June 22 View Page
1530 Gehweiler,Wasnt sure if I had the energy to keep up with 6 pumpkin plants,2 watermelons,2 long gourds,1 squash,11 mater plants and 2 FP plants.So far I have all plants weeded buried & fed.I think I will stop now and have a bowl of ice cream.lol
Monday, June 23 View Page
Growing tip #113 Ok Bubbas latest invention.I remember Quinn saying he sticks his finger in the ground to check his moisture level down 3 to 6 inches. Well I place these around patch today out ahead of the present root zone.this way I dont chop any roots off.I will pull tube out to check moisture level & then place tube back in hole when done.Make sure soil is compressed before pulling out the first time.Bubbas moisture meter patent pending.
Monday, June 23 View Page
Maybe I will contact Dap & see if they will sponsor a class.We can use the moisture meter,then caulk the ones that blow up!!!!!!lol
Monday, June 23 View Page
Finally seen my dream melon at 10 feet on the M.V.
Monday, June 23 View Page
Here she is! What a lunker!lol Gave the plant 4 gallons of Sensi bloom with Ancient Earth by hand Around the outer root zone.Was a mostly cloudy day.I havent ran any drip tape in days.Ground has held water real well with plenty of rain lately.Bubba moisture meters are installed.Next watering will include AN goodies
Monday, June 23 View Page
Wow! I didnt pollinate the 260.5 Clementz till July 1st.I thought it was earlier.This should be a great year!
Tuesday, June 24 View Page
PapBo Wallace 2009 X 1067 Kent.I figured long & heavy X tall & big = Champion genectics
Tuesday, June 24 View Page
Heres the plant this is the one I planted on video 2,small plant when planted.cross is F2009Wallace X M1067Kent.It was in the high 60s this am & cloudy flower fully open at 70 degrees.plant 14 foot long & 16 feet wide.Fruit at 10 feet out on mv
Tuesday, June 24 View Page
Kline Squash will start this seed today as my 905 looks like its a kin.Will pull it in a few days if the 1159.5 germs?
Tuesday, June 24 View Page
Tiny Clementz Video # 5 Is up starring Jackson Reed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-F0uBvjQv4
Wednesday, June 25 View Page
Just got my little pistol out and pollinated the 1067F Kent X the 2009 PapBo wallace plant.1 male flower was used.Not sure if the first on took yet? So a little insurance in place.Dumped nearly 1 1/2 inches of rain out of the Kin cave rain gauge.Havent ran drip tape in about a week.Steady but not heavy rain continues like every other day.More cloudy weather then I would like to see ,but overall plants are good.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
This is my lime tree I bought in Orlando this past winter.lol Funny story back in April I had the plant out behind the house.I went bowling & won 220$ that night I was so excited I came home & forgot the plants were outside.It was like 50 degrees out.When we woke up there was 2inches of snow on the ground & all over my citrus trees.I thought I killed it.It was going to be one of Bubbas secrets.lolDang & I challenged Chris to a citrus contest.LOL! Whens the deadline? Chris?LOL I'M BACKKKKKKKKKK!
Thursday, June 26 View Page
Heres the lemon tree coming back.If Mark dont kill ya,he will make you stronger!lol
Thursday, June 26 View Page
Pollinated the 260.5 Clementzzzzzzzzzz today X the 291 Kent at noon time.about 74 degrees out.Came home for lunch.She was closed up solid at 8:30 am.Is that nail biting I hear?She's a lunker about 3/4 of an inch long I'm guessing.lol
Thursday, June 26 View Page
Tinyetta II apears to be growing.The 1067 Kent pollinated on the 20th didnt make it the next one down appears to be going good.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
Decided it was time ti trim the maters this was there first pruning.This is the Brutus Magnum by Marv.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.01 Boudyo
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.57 Boudyo
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.01 Boudyo I love getting dirt under my nails.lol
Thursday, June 26 View Page
Figured I better plant My field pumpkins its almost July.lol Planted next to the compost pile I will be happy with a 80 lber,dont have much time to spend on them. 162B Mack & the 131 MacKinnon
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.83 Boudyo .A cut worm took this seedling down.I took the top half planted it deep.hit with the Advanced Nutrients root mass expanders.Doing well 2 weeks later.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
3.4 Catapano its been raining so much its been hard to feed them.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
5.35 Lyons trimmed & fed tonight,Sensi bloom Iquana Juice,Ancient Eatrh ,Piranha.Trantula,Voodoo juice.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.01 Boudyo 1 mega blossom
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.57 Boudyo
Thursday, June 26 View Page
6.83 Boudyo
Friday, June 27 View Page
The weather hasnt been Ideal,But heres the big BUTT!I'm not complaing!This is the 2009 Wallce RonBO!!!!!!! First female pollinated X the 1317 ClementZzZzz Tinster!!!!!! Cool this am started out about 62 now about 68 in kin cave I.I wish Baby Bubba Bumble Bee was here.He is gone for the weekend to see his father.I will go back out and rub round 2 on the stigma again.I likes lots of SeedZZZZZZZZZ.
Friday, June 27 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-F0uBvjQv4 Heres a new program I'm starting.Watch & share video #5 on another site, like twitter,Facebook,Pinerest etc.Everytime you share it you will be entered to win free product.I will post it to Facebook.If you leave a comment & share it to your page is an entry & so on.You can send me an E-mail if you like & tell me how many shares you did.I will announce the winner on video #6 we will do this for every video this season.Plus the present Raffle were already doing.Both winners will be announced on each video.This is open worldwide.I will give a 1 liter of B-52 for this first posting.!Good luck!
Saturday, June 28 View Page
1530 Gehweiler X 1067 Kent.I crossed round heavy orange with long & heavy.Lets stretch these out & getem bigger.I was going to cross with the 1478 Clementz with is Big & orange & the offspring went heavy,but there were no males ready.So here it is.I didnt want to go with the same genetics The 2009 1317 the 1530 there all the same basically.
Saturday, June 28 View Page
1530 Gehweiler 6 lobe
Saturday, June 28 View Page
Danger Will Robinson Danger! I trimmed my maters a couple days ago & then fertilized them,Sometimes & get in a hurry & the brain aint working good,I knew after I did it it was a bad move,but they looked so light green I did it anyway.The next day, last night,They looked like a turd in a puch bowl.It was hot yesterday & will be hot again I put pillow cases on the cages to shade them today.I also gave them each a gallon of rain water to leach some off.I hope they dont abort.Just wanted to warn any newbies.Im not the mater expert!!
Sunday, June 29 View Page
1067 Kent,seems to be the fastest grower thus far.Having issues with leaf scorch.I pulled the cover back over the kin cave II as heat is not the issue.The screen will cut 20% of the suns rays so it can only help.Is this Nitrogen or a water issue?? anybody know?Sprayed Cal carb on new leafs.this is the 3rd time I sprayed.Will be hot today & tomorrow mid to high 80s & humid as H E double hockey sticks.I really hate the heat.I wish kins grew in the snow.lol Was in the patch at 5:30 & made it till 10:15.Stick me with a fork my BuTT is cooked.Will return at 7 pm & work till dark thirty.
Sunday, June 29 View Page
1478 ClementZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ X 2009 RonBo Wallace this am.2 male flowers were used.
Sunday, June 29 View Page
1478.5 Nice plant & the kin looks great,nice lobes.lol I also hung weed barrier in the kin cave I this am to shade the new growth.Buried some vines & cal carbed the young leafs.Need to get the vines buried on the outside plants. I'll Be BackKKKKKKKKK!
Sunday, June 29 View Page
1159 Kline Squash is up.Will place in ground this week & put the bird cage over it.This might be my last chance to grow a True Green Squash this year.
Sunday, June 29 View Page
It was cloudy & windy so after lunch I headed out to bury the 1530 vines.look who showed up at my vine burying party. The mighty SVB.You must be very fast grasshopper to kill an SVB with bare hand.When you achieve this you have earned your Golden Bubba TooTH!!!LOL I grabbed him while he squatted on a tendril.Go ahead make my day!!!lol!
Sunday, June 29 View Page
I was nice enough to bring him in the house.Now he poops on my desk.LOL!
Monday, June 30 View Page
Is this a sign? Tiny II.The North Star!!lol
Monday, June 30 View Page
Walked in the Kin Cave a few minutes ago.Wow! Cool! I think the leaf scorch is due to to much nitrogen up take from the temps jumping from 70s to the 80s.Even though I backed off on nutrients on this plant.which is getting very little scorch.The others that I sprayed foliars on seem to be much worse, plus I watered them with ferts through drip tape..Note to self back off ferts when temps get into the 80s.Trying to push them at the wrong time has a price.
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
Storm blew through last night,tore the cover off the kin cave II.I only had 2 screws holding the one corner on small cleat.74mph winds 25 miles south of us in Wixom.
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
It would take a lot of wind to tare this screen
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
1530 Gehweiler not harmed
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
I selfed the RonBo wallace this am 2nd one down the vine.Back up not sure on the first it appears to be growing slowly.Kin Cave I
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
Well over 1 inch rain and a cool down coming.This rain will help stop the leaf scorching.Here is the 1067 Kent 3rd kin X the RonBo wallace Back up kin.Pollinated this am 68 degrees
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
Tuesday is Tomato night at Bubbas.There planted east to west 4 to 5 feet apart.Staggered plants so they get more sun.North side of the Kin caves for wind protection.Mulched & trimmed.I have some nice mega blossums on most of the 8 plants here.I hope they take.Im seeing a little mater.Should have a better idea by the weekend.3 plants are my supersteak eaters,my favorite.
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
Forecast 82° 64° Today 74° 53° Tomorrow 72° 52° Thursday 74° 52° Friday 79° 57° Saturday Look at this Forecast The 4th of July this Friday 74 Woot!woot.The heat is gone.I love to cool temps.
Wednesday, July 2 View Page
Calling Dr MarV! We Have a Mega Mater on the 6.01 Boudyo
Wednesday, July 2 View Page
Planted the 1159 & 1389 Kline squash tonight.I put them about 9 feet apart the first one with a green fruit wins the spot.I also positioned the 1530 Gehweiler & the 1478 Clementz they apear to have taken softball size fruits.
Thursday, July 3 View Page
My only melon aborted.The 260,I have big plants running like Bubba in a three legged race tied to an Ostrich.There are no melons in sight.I started foliar feeds with Phosphorus & potash yesterday."I once cried cause I had no melons till I met a man who had no plants"
Thursday, July 3 View Page
Or was that? "I once met a man who had no melons and he cried in till he met his wife who had no pants."lol Its raining & 54 degrees out at 8 am PURE MICHIGAN!! I love it!!
Friday, July 4 View Page
Came back from the 4th of July parade & ran the weed wacker around the yard.My favorite friend the horse fly deer fly.Whatever biting bugger it was must of unloaded everthing he had on my hand.Looks like I will be taking a few hours off till the swelling goes down.Dang Burn Bugs!!I never seen it coming or going??????????
Friday, July 4 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2w4m418GPQ Bubbas first 4th of July parade! Enjoy the holiday.I will have video #6 up in a few days.
Friday, July 4 View Page
Tinys cull looks good to me blossom end looks solid.There are no back ups now.I will be growing this plant like a pitchfork.So the entire plant will be behind the fruit.I terminated the main vine today aprox 10 feet or so, past the kin.hoping this will help fill the plant in faster.Will do a spider plant & pitchforks on all the plants.
Friday, July 4 View Page
I had to see if I was talking smack,about Tiny being as big as a beach ball.
Friday, July 4 View Page
What a beautiful plant,I hope my soil is right this year.I have backed off the ferts,but will continue with the Voodoo Juice & root mass expanders.Learning to read the leafs isnt always as easy as you would think. Bubba is learning,mostly the hard way,trial & error.
Friday, July 4 View Page
Forecast 73° 53° Today 78° 59° Tomorrow 81° 69° Sunday 82° 63° Monday 77° 58° Tuesday Loving the cool weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 5 View Page
The DollyLama II LOL! I really like the shape of the 1067 Kent.Much taller then DOLLY I.
Saturday, July 5 View Page
PapBO (2009) Wallace looking good in the Kin cave II
Sunday, July 6 View Page
I think this 6.01 Boudyo is a nice one!
Sunday, July 6 View Page
I see 3 stems,Is this a triple??
Sunday, July 6 View Page
I hope she takes & stays for another 35 days
Monday, July 7 View Page
I think she doubled overnight,Looks like a caterpillar to me.I think I will call it Cat!Felix the Cat!Cause I think its Magical!!!!!!!!!!lol Pumped.The next 30 days will be a nail bitter.
Monday, July 7 View Page
It has 4 tits .Is this four maters???
Monday, July 7 View Page
5.35 Lyons Looks a little funky color.,but appears to be growing.
Monday, July 7 View Page
Storm went through last night The thunder and lighting was intense.The loudest I have ever heard.No damage to plants.I did notice some hail damage from the last storm.As the leaves grow bigger the holes get bigger.
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
Jack is Back!! TinyLama's 1317 leaf cut from
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
He was gone 4 days
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
Heres Tinys leaf
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
Jack was gone for 4 days.The minute I pulled in the driveway he insisted on seeing the pumpkins.I boy after my heart.Dap 14 PapBo Wallace 2009 X 1067 Kent.I will measure the on day 20.Tiny is at Dap 17
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
Another 3/4 of an inch today.total for 2 days over 1 & 1/2 inches.I think this will help develop some heavy fruit.Cool 70s for the next 4 or 5 days.Loving the cool temps!
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
Only Jackson is allowed to un veil my kins.He is actually very gentle with them.
Wednesday, July 9 View Page
Thinking this might be a quad?Not sure? 1 1/2 inches of rain may have slowed her down a little.Shaded & watched like a hawk if the ground drys out I will feed, Felix the Mater!If not will try some foliars
Wednesday, July 9 View Page
Dap 14 on Dolly II 1067 Kent X 2009 Wallace
Thursday, July 10 View Page
Video #6 is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqN1lCMeVY8 Anyone member or non member who shares the video on a social network is entered into a free product raffle.If you are one of the 2 winners on video 6 .Please contact me with your shipping address. Thank ya Very Mulch!
Thursday, July 10 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=203941 This was Tiny a Dap 20 last year.I will tape Tiny II in the morning for a Dap 20.One week earlier then last year.??I think she looks bigger this year.We will know in the morning ,Jackson said he will help me tape.
Friday, July 11 View Page
Dap 20 on Tiny II at 8 am cir 77 ss 52.5 ee 52.5 = OTT 182 142 lbs. thats 32 lbs bigger then Tiny I on dap 20 & we are 6 days earlier on a much greener healthier plant.I watered tonight with 1 liter of Overdrive & 1 carboload for 30 minutes.in each Kin Cave.first time & gave Kin cave one ferts in weeks.Plant is mean & green!!
Friday, July 11 View Page
DoLLY II starting to flyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Dap 16
Friday, July 11 View Page
PapBo Wallace Dap 17 growing a lot faster then last years 2009 The RonBO WaLLACE in kin cave one I just cut the first 1 off a basketball size & will go with the 2nd fruit(CANTALOUPE SIZE)2009 selfed.The first one is growing way to slow.Nice plant back to back with the Tiny 1317.I think it will grow fast now.
Friday, July 11 View Page
260 Clementz I pollinated in video 6.I haven't taped it yet.I bet it will go heavy to the chart .lol
Saturday, July 12 View Page
Calling Dr.Marvin To the delivering room. Ma Ma Bubba has given birth to 5 tuplets.lol!I dont know how big it will get ,but Bubba is pacing back & forth like Octo DAD!lol Send any growing advice to Bubba care of Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com You can see live footage on video 7 in 10 days or so.
Saturday, July 12 View Page
Note to self with all the rain 2 1 inch rain falls a few days ago.not a typical summer.I watered last night for 30 minutes to keep top moist.but really below that ground is still wet.More rain in forecast.looks like the year might go either way.Good or Bad??
Saturday, July 12 View Page
The TinyLama! grew 11.5 inches yesterday & I taped after 23 hrs not 24hrs.thats 26 lbs on the 2012 chart.Not bragging ,just wanting to know if everything is good.seems to be.The kins are taking off like a bad 6th grader on a stolen pocket rocket.Run baby Bubba RUN!!!!!!!!!!lol
Sunday, July 13 View Page
The TinyLama!!!!Grew 6.5 in circum in 24 hrs.I dont think I ever hit those numbers before. c=89 ee 59 ss 59.OTT 207=206 lbs. & 38 lbs.WOW!!! I will get dap 20 on PapBo tommorrow.Some people dont tape there fruit a lot.I wasnt going to this year,but Heres the Big BUTT!How to your gauge the plants needs & the fruit.Without your finger on her pulse.I will tape weekly & daily on my good ones.Dolly II & PapBO are looking good also.The weather isnt ideal? or is it??My plants are green machines!Feeling good like I was hoping I would!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 13 View Page
1530 Gehweiler pushing the jar that was placed 3/4 of an inch away last night. Some say I post a lot on my diary.I hoping for WR on diary posts.lol Some say I already have the title.lol
Sunday, July 13 View Page
5.35 Lyons I tied a long pc of kin cave screen to the stem/ fruit point for support.I want to make sure its in place early on.
Sunday, July 13 View Page
I see London, I see France ,I hope one day soon I will be doing the Fabrice Boudyo Mater DANCE>>lol 6.01 Boudyo I use some pulley ropes to pull main branch and second branch apart.this gives a couple more inches for Felix to grow.This puts a constant pull on the branches.I thought better to do early on.
Sunday, July 13 View Page
Bubbas Mater Cage 6 X 10 feet area designated to Felix.Cant take a chance on a dog ,woodchuck ,Hail?? Whatever??The roll of screen is ready to cover for storm or cold nights.I could toss a heater in here & have a 65 degree night,when its 40.Someone said I need to get a life.This is my life.LOL! We worship the Holy Mater!!!!Gods gift to man The garden.Oh & dont forget Eve!!lol
Sunday, July 13 View Page
291 KentF X 260 Clementzzzzzzzzzz. July 13th 13 is my lucky number.I can hear the finger nails hitting the floor from the south.LOL!
Sunday, July 13 View Page
260 Clementz late pollination's on huge plants.I will see how big I can get them this late in the game.I still think I can beat last years terrible numbers on the grafts.It wasnt the grafts fault I wasnt feeding them enough.I will push these hard the next 6 weeks.
Sunday, July 13 View Page
Heres the 260 there is another on the MV 25 feet away
Sunday, July 13 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=222256 Chris you won mine aborted.You want to have a mater contest??lol
Sunday, July 13 View Page
1478.5 Jackson Reed looking like a wheel.I might pull this plant & let both Kline squash grow in to this spot,doubling my odds of a decent squash
Sunday, July 13 View Page
Shading the 6.01 mater.This screen keeps 20% of the harmful sun off plant.This will also make the plant cooler on hot days.
Sunday, July 13 View Page
Had chicken egg foo Young tonight. Reminded me its time for Agrifos on kins & Daconal on me maters.Nice day 82 the high last night was like high 60s.The week ahead will be 70s & 50s.Loving the cool summer,with regular rain.Little heavy 1 inchers but not crazy yet??
Monday, July 14 View Page
Ok the tinsterII did it again,6 inches in circum in 24 hrs.thats 36 lbs a day.I never sawmore then 34 lbs a day last year and that was much farther along then day Dap 22.Cold snap coming high 66 tomorrow. Dap 20 today on PapBO 88.5 ss 56.5 ee 57 OTT202 192 lbs on Dap 19 on the Dolly II 87 ss56 ee 55.5 + 198.5 = 184 lbs will have daily gains on these tomorrow Ron Bo is selfed about a bowling ball right now.The first one was a staller,so I culled it. 3 out of 4 rocking ion the kin caves,not Bad!!!
Tuesday, July 15 View Page
I suppose you all wondering why I asked you here today? The DollyLama II is 20 dap.I brought the BW just in case the numbers are bigger then I anticipated.Here they are C 92 ss 59 ee 59 =OTT 210 =215 lbs That makes her the biggest at day 20, 73 lbs ahead of the TinyLama at day 20 !!WowZERS!!
Tuesday, July 15 View Page
PaBo Wallace (2009)Second biggest at Dap 21 Ott 223lbs doing 31 lbs a day just like the Dollylama!!
Tuesday, July 15 View Page
Dap 24 on the Tinster II OTT 230.5 = 282 lbs gain of 40lbs in 24 hrs.Good thing Tiny got a head start I think she will need it.lol The blossum end I think will make it, my guess is its 3 inches thick there.I hope Im right Time will tell.It always does. Ok I have 3 honeys going.Can one of you make it to the Top 3 this year??Is that asking to much?We will have order!Now stand at attention get your stem up PapBO!!!LOL
Wednesday, July 16 View Page
Felix! We had a big cool down,the jet stream has pushed down some cool Canadian air.I hope Felix can handle 55 degrees at night.Seems to be growing at aprox. dap 20
Wednesday, July 16 View Page
The mighty woodchuck has eaten on my MacKinnon,I wont sleep well at night,till I hang it from a tree & be Smacking him!!lol JK I wouldnt hurt him,just drive him ten miles & drop him off near a competitors patch!!lol
Wednesday, July 16 View Page
Mixed 6 gallons of Eagle 20 & sprayed all 6 kin plants.I saw 4 dots of PM on Tiny & a dime size spot.Other then that no PM yet.I also cut all the leafs that were touching the knee wall in kin cave to have better air flow.Then I dusted with sevin, the outside plants.Something is eating the leafs.I have had reports from other local growers of the same issue.1 guy said sevin dust cured the problem.The 1530 Gehweiler is on fire.Will do a Dap 20 soon.also sprayed the melons LGs & Fps with eagle.
Thursday, July 17 View Page
Jackson helped me cull the 260.The other one was much better shape.He really enjoys the garden.
Thursday, July 17 View Page
Here Chris the plant 1067 Kent is much greener this year.
Thursday, July 17 View Page
49 degrees last night slowed her a bit but should be 57 tonight,warmer & sunny/cloudy today low 70s.Loving this cool summer.I cant understand why people want to be hot & sticky??Yuck!!!!!!!!!!Warm trend on the way with humidity, saying mid to high 80s possible.I better get out the Monkey butt powder.lol Nothing worse then a chapped butt!!lol
Friday, July 18 View Page
Dap 20 on the 1530 Gehweiler.c 75.5 ss 50.5 ee 50.5 =0tt 176.5=131 lbs I think the weather slowed her down she was starting to go.Two nights in a row 49 degrees.The weatherman is full of $$$$.They said 57 for a low last night
Friday, July 18 View Page
Heres the 1530
Friday, July 18 View Page
Ok heres my dilemma.Felix(6.01) is going to grow into the main branch.Do I cut the main branch?It is 1/3 of the leafs on this small plant?I will post the question on the mater board.If I let it grow into the branch will it split?season mater growers please advise.I will post 2 more pics.
Friday, July 18 View Page
Heres the plant.Im thinking this is a small plant.The fruit seems to getting most of the growth.Plant growing very slow.The main branch cut off would leave everything on the right side of plant.I would loose the small side on the left.
Friday, July 18 View Page
Hers wheres the stem is buried I tied off early on as I could see where it was headed.
Friday, July 18 View Page
260 Clementz I'm way behind the pack now.About 15 feet out on the mv.Theres a lot of plant behind this baby.
Friday, July 18 View Page
291 Kent,Can you hear the finger nails hitting the floor!lol
Sunday, July 20 View Page
Time for Bubba to crawl out of bed & put his teeth in.Measured the kins this am.only about 5 hours of good sun yesterday,but temps up a bit,Gorgeous day went to farmers market and bought farm eggs & some sour dough bread!!Yum yum.I make a grilled ham & cheese on sour dough, if your ever over I will make you one.Warning you will throw rocks at your mom after eating my vittles.lol Ok here it is Tiny 36 lbs Dolly II 37 lbs PapBo 40 lbs gains.I think PaPBo might be the Keeper.Sounds real solid Great shape!!
Sunday, July 20 View Page
260 ClementzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzz Caged like the animal she is.Know you grow like a beast!!!lol
Sunday, July 20 View Page
Now!!!lol Should I cull it? its pear shaped.LOL
Sunday, July 20 View Page
Today Jul 20 Partly Cloudy 81°F 62°F Partly Cloudy Chance of rain: 10% Wind: NNE at 5 mph Details Mon Jul 21 Mostly Sunny 85° 65° Mostly Sunny Chance of rain: 0% Wind: SSW at 7 mph Details Tue Jul 22 Sunny 89° 71° Sunny Chance of rain: 0% Wind: SSW at 9 mph Details Wed Jul 23 Scattered T-Storms 74° 56° Scattered T-Storms Chance of rain: 40% Wind: NW at 9 mph Details Thu Jul 24 Partly Cloudy 74° 52° Partly Cloudy Chance of rain: 10% Wind: NNE at 11 mph what a roller coaster summer ,we still havent hit 90 yet.
Monday, July 21 View Page
Oh No Bubba! She had her first day of full sun in days and temps were in the low 80/60s Dap 30 on the TinyLama II !!The comeback kid!! cir 126.5 ss 77.5 ee 77.5 = OTT 281.5= 501 lbs gain 47 lbs. (leaving room for a 1 inch error thats still 41 lbs) Either way seems Tiny doesnt need cloudy days.Papbo gain 39 lbs Dolly 37 lbs. Much better then last years #s
Monday, July 21 View Page
Loving the shape of all 3 Kins Heres Papbo at 435lbs today Made video 7 yesterday should be up Tue or Wed.
Monday, July 21 View Page
Heres Felix 16 inch circum,plant 2 feet tall 5 branches 1 main vine.
Monday, July 21 View Page
Lots of room now.lol Felix
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
Dap 31 on the Tinster II OMG!! gain 43 lbs.I had to check with a 66 degree night thats warm here & a full day of sun 85 out.Today there calling for 90 out.Then back to 70 tomorrow.LOVE RolLerCoaSTER!!!sAY wHAT!!! lOVE ROLLER COAST ON DOWN!!lol! Pabo & Dolly will get there Dap 30 Thursday & Friday.There bigger then Tiny II on same daps.
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
Oh Felix the cat 6.01 Boudyo grew 3/8s last night now 16 3/8s
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
260 A tall melon & blocky
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
D O LL ys # II Blossom end Will post Dap 30 #s this Friday! Shes a Brick House!!!
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
Papbos Buttocks will post Dap 30 on Thursday.
Wednesday, July 23 View Page
This is a tap root.First leaf to the left of Papbo doing 44.5 lbs a day.So its not buried & may have to be severed soon.Thats a 5/8s inch OD pipe.I cant figure out why I would completely bury the vines & subject them to disease,with a tap root like this? If it popped a second root on top?wouldnt that just smother this root??Time will tell?I bury the node but leave the vine un buried.Are some people growing rhubarb?? I hope Aunt Betty dont show up & start pulling the rhubarb up.lol
Thursday, July 24 View Page
Oh No Bubba!!! The temps dropped to 52 last night after a cloudy day with 2 hours of sun.It was a nail bitter for sure. Dap 30 on Papbo Wallace 133 s 80.5 e 80.5 OTT= 294= 568 lbs.67 lbs ahead of Tiny on Dap 30. gain 44 lbs WOW!!Dolly & tinylama doing 40 lbs in 24 hrs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L815FIs7Qwc Even after Jackson Reed pounds PapBo in video 7 Still ROCKING!!!LOL Video 7 is up!! A must see ending.
Friday, July 25 View Page
Oh No Bubba! The youngest of the 3 BIG kins is the biggest on Dap30 Dolly II (1067 Kent) is 577lbs today.Thats 76 lbs bigger then Tiny II on dap 30.What a dilema.So the biggest is the smallest & the smallest is the biggest.lol Im so confused. Cir 132.25 s 82 e 81.5 OTT 295.75 Time to go buy some more cement board they have reached the end. Tiny is 662lbs & PapBo is 605 lbs. 49 degrees ouCH! growth went from 44 to 37 on PapBo & Tiny only dropped 3 lbs to 37 lbs also. Dolly gained 33lbs in 24 hrs.
Friday, July 25 View Page
The front of Dolly II Nice shape!! Looking for rain tomorrow ground getting real dry,been over a week since a good rain.
Saturday, July 26 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bubbas_Secret_Garden_.html Heres a list of all 7 videos for 2014, 5 more to go till weigh off at OVGPG If you share a video & shoot me an email Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com I will enter you in video 8s raffle.
Saturday, July 26 View Page
Felix the mater at Dap 30- 31 aprox. 18.5 inches.I dont think she will get real big,but maybe a PB???
Saturday, July 26 View Page
Donuts I love DoNUTS!!!!lol
Saturday, July 26 View Page
Talk about Donuts!!lol 1478.5 Clementz lol I will let the rest of the plant grow kins for the grandkids.only makes sense Jackson Reed grows a kin for Jackson Reed.
Saturday, July 26 View Page
dap 28 on 1530 Gehweiler will measure Monday. Does anyone know what insect eats holes in leafs & it looks like hail damage??There invisible?????
Saturday, July 26 View Page
front of the 1478 Clementz the vine after the plant was binding on the fruit.Now the entire plant is feeding the kin.Lets blow this wagon wheel up.lol
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Papbo starting to Split! this is a good thing Still cranking a t 40 lbs a day Just like Tiny II & dolly II
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Papbo starting to Split! this is a good thing Still cranking a t 40 lbs a day Just like Tiny II & dolly II
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Bubbas not taking any chances,so the goggles go on when he is taping the pumpkins,in case one blows.Don't want to loose and eyeball.Then he thought why take chances of getting your clothes splattered with pumpkin poop.So Bubbas taping in the buff.lol Come to the Michigan Giant Pumpkins Growers Patch tour this Saturday August 2nd at 10 oclock in Bubbas Patch.Then we got to Marvin Mitchells & Phil Andersons.Please Join Us.You ladys might get a treat & Bubba will be taping the kins.LOL JK!!
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Nice rain just came through the hail missed me. This is RonBo Wallace 2009.need to hit these leafs with some B-52 will do soon
Sunday, July 27 View Page
PapBo Wallace! Looks like a B-52 wouldn't hurt here also
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Dolly II the 1067 Kent.When I heard storms were coming I pulled the cover back on for hail protection.I enlarged the fruit pads today.
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Just wanted to keep a good diary this year its nice to look back years later.Heres the 1317 leader of the pack flirting with 750 lbs.
Sunday, July 27 View Page
1530 Gehweiler The toranado siren just went off,the kids are headed to the basement,Bubba is headed to the patch,SAVE THE KINS!!!
Sunday, July 27 View Page
1478 clementz
Sunday, July 27 View Page
Kline squash starting to vine out.
Sunday, July 27 View Page
MacKinnon field kins I must of scared off the wood chuck he hasnt been back!Bubba is pretty scary!lol
Sunday, July 27 View Page
19 inches today on Felix(6.01) BooD YO!!
Monday, July 28 View Page
Dap 30 On the Gehweiler this pic is Dap 28 ,but here are the numbers pretty good for a back burner baby,cir 124.5 s 75.5 e 75.5 ott 275.5 = 470 lbs
Monday, July 28 View Page
Felix is 19.5 this evening doing a 1/2 inch a day.
Tuesday, July 29 View Page
72° 54° Today 73° 51° Tomorrow 75° 57° Thursday 80° 58° Friday 79° 57° Saturday Do I hear a big FaT OUCH!! Those lows can be 4 & 5 degrees lower as those are city temps.
Tuesday, July 29 View Page
49 degrees last night.Ouch!!Dropped kins to the low 30s in gains.Dolly II was whining She told me a southern bell should never feel cold temps like this.I told her to suck it up.your a big girl now!lol Went out this morning & her blossom is sucked in.Be careful what you tell your kins it might happen.lol If your pumpkins are not talking to you yet?You must become one with the pumpkin,Grasshopper.Keep it going it will happen.LOL!!
Thursday, July 31 View Page
Tinyswartzanegger Dap40
Thursday, July 31 View Page
Dap 40 c=155 ss 92.5 ee92 + 339.5 = 861 lbs 31 lbs a day in a cold snap. 52 last night.
Thursday, July 31 View Page
The plant is so green & plush I am very optimistic she will go all the way!!! warm trend coming this weekend! Tinyswartzanegger says! "I'll Be BACK!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 31 View Page
Wanted a front photo for future reference.Nice stem still baby soft at 861 lbs.
Friday, August 1 View Page
August 1st update I was told Papbo is a whale of a kin..All 3 kins are over 800 hundred pounds Tiny is flirting with 900 lbs.There cruising at thirty and the weather is warming.Soil is stable,we will keep them trucking.if the weather is able. The voodoo juice is on the table & Bubba is drinking Black Label. Bubba wont panic as the nitrogen is good,I hope they keep going a few more weeks,like he was hoping they wwould,but its anybody guess if Bubba will taste sweet Sucess!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 2 View Page
I keep getting asked about my screen on the kin caves its good for 5-7 years http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Screenhouse.html
Sunday, August 3 View Page
Ok in my Arnold Swartzanegger voice! PabBO Wallace will pump you up!!DAP 40 902 lbs on the Bubba Chart.lol 55 degrees last night (ouch) daily gains 32 lbs
Sunday, August 3 View Page
PapBO will also Crack you up!!!
Sunday, August 3 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQUsFhsk5No&feature=youtu.be Felix the mater
Sunday, August 3 View Page
This has to be the tallest melon I have ever grown. 260 ClementzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZ OTT 142= 85 lbs
Sunday, August 3 View Page
291 Kent is catching up about 73 lbs. It sure does take away from your melons when you grow the kins.I hope to hit 200 this year,if the temps hold above 55 this month I might do it??Nights are forecasted 60 but were getting 55.Just glad it aint 45 :)+-<
Sunday, August 3 View Page
1530 Gehweiler Dap 36 cir 145 ss 86 ee 86 = OTT 317= 706 lbs Ma Ma Bubba told me this one is really growing.averaging 39 lbs a day for the past week.When someone not interested, points this out to you ,you know its true!!Its roots go into the kin cave 1,So its sucking up Tinys goodies too.lol
Monday, August 4 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=224960 This is the leader of the Bubba Challenge so far as I know? Go DALE GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 4 View Page
Jackson was not available for modeling today. so I brought in a stunt double.lol Dap 40 on the DollyLama!!! 1067 Kent Great plant! c=155.5 ss 95.75 ee94 OTT 345.25 =902 lbs. 10 day average 32.5 lbs a day with mostly 50 degree nights
Monday, August 4 View Page
PapBO & SmokeyBo are neck & neck at Dap40 Planted only 4 feet apart in the kin cave II. Getting the same exact everything sharing there root zones.I bet Pap & Chris never knew how close they would be.LOL!!
Monday, August 4 View Page
Video #8 is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhfeTILwzKw Please subscribe to my channel its free.You will be entered to win free product if you share the video with a friend,but keep it a secret!!!Send me an E-mail if you share it Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
1/8 inch of rain last evening looks like maybe another 1/8 through this am at 6:30 .We had regular rain through early July then 2 weeks dry.Then we had a 1 inch rainfall now a week later this.Tiny taped 999.5 yesterday.I will tape her this am as I used a new Adnanced product(New to me) yesterday and I want to see if Tiny gained??Yesterdays gain was 39.5 lbs.Hope to keep them going!!You never know when its GAME OVER!!!
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
Will start taping every 3-4 days on some & once a week on others.I feel I have there needs figured out now & I have blisters on my FINGERS!!LOL
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
Oh No Bubba!TinySwartzanegger is over 1000 lbs today.You better stop taping these kins or you will go blind! Dont worry Mr.Bill Bubba will stop when he needs glasses.lol Looks like a day of storms coming through we can use the rain.
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
Felix 22 inches and still green as a bean.
Wednesday, August 6 View Page
Took a survey on Bubba.I found 70 % like Bubba 10% neutral and 20% are actually offended & find him disrespectful. Im sorry to hear the disrespectful part,as this is not my intent.I simply want to have a good time & love to laugh.Bubba is ridiculous & we all have a different sense of humor.I can laugh at myself.I sometimes pick on myself so much people tell me to lighten up.lol So you cant please everyone & 70% is pretty good.My friend & camera man Mike thought of Bubba and said only you could pull this off,it wouldnt work for most others.I admit Bubba is weird,a little scary at times.But liker the Joker on Batman said"Why so Serious" Here is one reply in the survey Mark, I enjoyed Bubba in the 7 video. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard seeing tall bubba at the end. I think you're doing a fantastic job, an inspiration for sure.
Wednesday, August 6 View Page
Maybe I should mind my own bEE nestS lol! But I never do. I am an extreme optimist a dreamer.Optimism is the fuel that puts me in the patch 6 hrs a day minimum.I was told recently your counting your chickens before they hatch.Yes I am.You cant know that kin will go 15% haevy.No But I can believe and it will give me the energy to care for these plants like there all world records I hope they will be.Believe in yourself.Who cares if your predictions dont all come true.BELEIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to grow a WR this year if I fall short I hope to grow a state record that would be SWEET!!!lol If I fall short of that a new PB would be great.But whatever it ends up at. We had a blast Dreaming & Believing in ourselves.
Wednesday, August 6 View Page
RonBo wallace Dap 36 557 lbs selfed July 1st pollinated
Wednesday, August 6 View Page
Jackson Reed 752 lbs I will let this plant go wild ,kins for the kids
Thursday, August 7 View Page
Aug 12 PM T-Storms 79°F 57°F PM T-Storms Chance of rain: 50% Wind WNW at 10 mph Details Wed Aug 13 Partly Cloudy 77° 54° Partly Cloudy Chance of rain: 10% Wind N at 9 mph Details Thu Aug 14 Mostly Sunny 81° 60° Mostly Sunny Chance of rain: 10% Wind S at 7 mph Details Fri Aug 15 PM Showers 78° 59° PM Showers Chance of rain: 60% Wind SW at 10 mph Details Sat Aug 16 AM Showers 77° 57° AM Showers Chance of rain: 50% Wind W at 9 mph This has been our weather this summer,These night temps run 3-5 degrees cooler & the day temps 10 degrees warmer in the Kin Caves.They seem to like it.Im hoping to keep them in the 30 lb gains a while longer with these great nutes im using.
Thursday, August 7 View Page
Thursday, August 7 View Page
1530 Gehweiler Oh No Bubba Shes a looker just like TinySwartazanegger! I think there cousins DAP 40 c-156 s-90 e-91 OTT 337 =843 lbs 10 day average 37.3 lbs per day. This is the runt of Bubbas Fantastic Four 2014 line up.If if they don't finish well it was a Fantastic start :0)
Thursday, August 7 View Page
Ma Ma Bubba walks in the kitchen What are you doing Bubba?? Im counting my chickens. That egg on the left will be a double yolk.The one on the right a Rhode Island Red!!The one in the middle a rooster. Ma Ma Bubba= You cant do that!! Bubba- Its alright I called the Physic Hotline Dionne told me everything.ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Dionne ask for my credit card number.I told her you tell me your the Physic.lol
Thursday, August 7 View Page
MacKinnon Field Pumpkins 131 & 162B
Thursday, August 7 View Page
This one got away from me,so its open pollinated if at all?I been so busy with the kins.I have foliar fed these with the Advanced products.There looking great! TinySwartzanegger will be taping as big as Mom on Saturday the 9th.With 2 more months to grow.Im as happy as a pig in poop!
Thursday, August 7 View Page
Pabo splitting at the other end.Fingernail biting time.Wow this garden dirt taste like chicken.Do I hear a big EEEEWWW??
Thursday, August 7 View Page
That was PapBo the 2009 Wallace
Friday, August 8 View Page
Jackson was gone a few days to help his mom house sit for a friend.He always heads for the patch when he gets home.The nut dont fall far from the tree.lol Bubbas Survey really told me a lot.I had over 30 responses.4 dislikes the rest positive with a little.Not too much Bubba .I learned a lot from all the feedback.Thank ya very Mulch.I dont have time to respond to all the emails,Must keep patch in order.If you had a special concern,please shoot me note again.I will try & answer.The winner of the Survey raffle is Jeremiah Plansky.Thats funny because he just called me yesterday and talked kin care with me.I used a random number generator the number was 10.I will ship a SensiBloom A&B 1 liter by Advanced this weekend.Keep them growing Bubba will be BAcK in the saddle again soon.video 9 in a week or so
Saturday, August 9 View Page
Do I hear A big Fat OUCH??? Amazing how well the Fantastic Four are growing in these temps.There seeing 88 to 89 in the Kin caves.Most of the soil is covered with leaf canopy.Terminated the 1067 plant growth as they hit the wall.This helps keep the soil from heating up.The others still have a week to grow before the trynarys(pitchfork) hit the wall. This helps keep the soil from heating up.Day highs are low 80s then we drop to 51 at night.Two cool summers in a row & the ice caps are melting.Nobody wants to talk about it.The world is in denial.There is something going on called climate change.Its Ok! God has a plan and we are all in it.I cant wait to get to the next level.I bet we will be growing 10,000 lbers in Paradise.Back to the patch!!Have a Great Day!!
Saturday, August 9 View Page
Kline Squash looking good I will bury trim today & hit them with some overdrive.I hit them with root mass expanders last night.Im hope full I can grow a 500 lb squash by October.I like making crazy predictions like this. Dreaming is my fuel.Will also do the same for my MacKinnon FPS .As soon as I get a good FP will cull to one bury & terminate.Time is ticking.Run Bubba RUN!!!
Saturday, August 9 View Page
Felix is 22.65 this am DAP 45
Sunday, August 10 View Page
DAP 50 !!TinySwartzanegger!1317 ClementzZZZzz 1169.5 lbs today 5 day average 27.5 lbs average night temp 53 degrees.She is bigger then her mother now and I hope heavier.At seasons end the 1317 taped 1152.(tear running down Bubbas cheek)She looks just like Ma MA!Momma would of been proud I only wish she could be here to see this.lol
Sunday, August 10 View Page
Papbo Wallace Dap47 1092 lbs 6 day average 26.3 lbs a day
Sunday, August 10 View Page
Dolly II DAP 46 1024 lbs 6 day average 20.3 lbs a day
Sunday, August 10 View Page
1530 Gehweiler DAP 43 919 lbs. 25 lbs per day 3 day average.
Sunday, August 10 View Page
2009 wallace Ron BO!! Ron got the runt.I selfed this seed. Dap?? 706 lbs will check later I think like 35 days or so 13 day average 32 lbs a day.
Sunday, August 10 View Page
SORRY The numbers on RonBo were off a little. 2009 wallace selfed. Heres the correction 664 lbs Dap 41 13 day gain 29.2 lbs a day Felix the mater is 23 inches today
Monday, August 11 View Page
We just got had a 1 1/2 inches of rain.Only 1 inch made it in the kin cave.Detroit had 3 inches shut down the freeway due to flooding.Every bad storm this year has missed me.This should turn them kins on ,hasnt rained good in several weeks.
Monday, August 11 View Page
260 Clementz
Monday, August 11 View Page
Brutus Magnum
Monday, August 11 View Page
6.57 Boudyo These will go to weigh offs
Monday, August 11 View Page
6.83 Boudyo Will be just in time for a weigh -off
Tuesday, August 12 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=225801 TinySwartzanegger sends her best wishes to her sister In Alaska.She knew she would be a HUSKY gal!!LOL
Tuesday, August 12 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=225755 & her other sister in Seattle area .Keepem growing!!
Tuesday, August 12 View Page
Felix still green 23.25 inches just had 1 1/2 of rain.Will get the goggles out just in case.
Tuesday, August 12 View Page
Her side view getting taller
Wednesday, August 13 View Page
I gave this plant to a new grower & it was planted on June 13th root bound and looking bad.1478.5 Clementz Go Todd GO!!
Thursday, August 14 View Page
This is my niece Avery from Washington State.She lives about 5 miles from Ron Barker.Its a small world.This picture was taken last Sunday about 120 lbs ago.Here is the latest numbers on the Kins this am TinySwartzanegger 1317 Clementz Dap 54 1287 lbs doing 29.5 lbs day for the past 4 days. Dolly II Dap 50 (1067 Kent) 1145 lbs 30.25 4 day average PapBo Wallace (2009)Dap 51 1206 lbs 28.5 lbs 4 day average I will show kins in next video.should be up Monday or Tuesday. They seem to like the cool temps 49 last night,saying 46 tonight OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! been low 50s most of the last month.
Friday, August 15 View Page
1317 Clementz plant.I wanted to document plant condition mid August.I think its about the plant not the fruit.If the plant is warm the fruit is warm if the plant is cold the fruit is cold.There internally connected by water like the blood in your veins.If the plant is healthy it will carry the weights longer.If plant is wore out lbs drop quickly.I dont think you have to have huge 50 lb day growth if your plant holds up and can push 25-30 for a long time.Time will tell.Tiny has been at 29.5 average since August first.No drop.Even with the roller coaster temps 49 to 60 nights.Very little spraying of chemicals on these leafs.
Friday, August 15 View Page
TinySwartzaneggers pitchfork these leafs will feed her in September when the old leafs are crispy as toast.Ready to terminate all growth today.I might leave one vine growing as the main was severed weeks ago.
Friday, August 15 View Page
PapBos plant
Friday, August 15 View Page
Other side of PapBO (2009 Wallace) Think these plants get get 250 to 400 lbs in September.Call me crazy most people do.lol
Friday, August 15 View Page
DollyLama!! 1067 Kent She has the wettest spot in the patch.will revise my irrigation system next year to control this better.I will run the main line the 60 foot length of house and run tape the 28 foot direction.Will need more valves but will give me better control of watering.Will also place it outside the house for easy access,not bumping my big melon on the hoops.
Friday, August 15 View Page
Better late then never Long gourds
Friday, August 15 View Page
MacKinnon Field Pumpkin
Friday, August 15 View Page
This Kline squash should love the cool summer. My plan to win the Master growers award is starting to unfold.Im dreaming of eating my celebration Omelet at the awards ceremony in Pa. this winter With Phil & Jane.the Martins and I hope to meet Peter Sweet. Oh waiter! could I have Canadian bacon on that with some Wisconsin Cheese.Yes Thank you! That would be SWEET!!!lol
Friday, August 15 View Page
6.01 Boudyo Felix
Friday, August 15 View Page
Go to the mater board & guess the weight.Open to awl!!
Saturday, August 16 View Page
How do I cut it from plant?Do I cut the main vine? Do I have to remove it from fruit? Please advise?? Experienced growers or a GPC rep.
Saturday, August 16 View Page
Heat wave in the forecast.lol! Forecast 79° 62° Today 77° 57° Tomorrow 77° 59° Monday 80° 63° Tuesday 79° 62° Wednesday Extended Forecast
Sunday, August 17 View Page
1530 Gehweiler DAP 50 1165 lbs.I actully weighed this last Sunday she taped 919 and weighed 905 lbs.1 week later she is 1165.Wow! I thought she would slow down as I found at least 8 spots with SVBs 1 spot on the stump.I guess not.
Sunday, August 17 View Page
Looks like Gmay is the winner!!Congrats.with a 4.37 guess
Sunday, August 17 View Page
The plant was only 2 feet tall had like 6 branches.It set early I couldnt get a bigger plant out of it.Im real happy with the new PB!!Thanks for all the help Marv Julia & to awl!!
Sunday, August 17 View Page
y 08/17 83 | 56 °F Sunday 0% Precip. . Generally clear skies. Low 56F. Winds light and variable. Monday 08/18 77 | 59 °F Monday 10% Precip. Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 77F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Monday Night 0% Precip. A mostly clear sky. Low 59F. Winds light and variable. Tuesday 08/19 80 | 64 °F Partly to mostly cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms. High around 80F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Thunderstorms during the evening, then skies turning partly cloudy overnight. Low 64F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Wednesday 08/20 82 | 62 °F . Scattered showers and thunderstorms. High 82F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Wednesday Night 90% Precip. Thunderstorms in the evening will give way to clear skies overnight. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Thursday 08/21 79 | 64 °F Thursday 40% Precip. Partly cloudy in the morning followed by scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. High 79F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Thursday Night 40% Precip. Scattered thunderstorms in the evening. Cloudy skies overnight. Low 64F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. Friday 08/22 81 | 64 °F Friday 40% Precip. Partly to mostly cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms. High 81F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Friday Night 30% Precip. Isolated thunderstorms during the evening, then partly cloudy overnight. Low 64F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%. Saturday 08/23 80 | 65 °F Saturday 40% Precip. Partly to mostly cloudy skies with scattered thunderstorms mainly in the morning. High around 80F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Saturday Night 50% Precip. Chance of an isolated thunderstorm in the evening, then variable clouds overnight with more showers at times. Low near 65F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50 The weather is looking better to pack on some final summer pounds
Monday, August 18 View Page
RonBo Wallace The runt this year 887 lbs.I think I have a magnesium deficiency going on this one.I selfed it.It has the 2009 shape & color.I think the genetics are fine.Grower error.
Monday, August 18 View Page
Latest estimate on TinySwartzanegger In my Meryl Streep Australian The dingo got my baby voice. ONE BIG A$$$ ORANGE KIN!!!LOL Dale Marshal will be weighing his in one week,Cant wait!!
Monday, August 18 View Page
PapBo 2009 Wallace getting hard as a rock
Monday, August 18 View Page
PapBo 2009 Wallace getting hard as a rock
Monday, August 18 View Page
Dooly II Beyond hard as a rock! A solid BEAST!!
Monday, August 18 View Page
Dolly LOL I will have video 9 up this Thursday.Been real busy.Will see you then
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
I had to post a picture of my little garden buddy.He wasnt home when I picked it.He you said "you picked it" and smiled. Mu big air bubble mater!! I hope this isnt a trend!
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
I had to post a picture of my little garden buddy.He wasnt home when I picked it.He you said "you picked it" and smiled. Mu big air bubble mater!! I hope this isnt a trend!
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
Just Shot Video #9 will edit & have up in a day or 2.Live footage of Felix the 6.01 Boudyo being weighed bu Bubba!!
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
80° 65° Today 78° 60° Tomorrow 82° 65° Thursday 85° 67° Friday 87° 68 Saturday First Heat wave in August.lol
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
Ok! On to the next mater.Brutus Magnum variety from Marv 22 inch circum no hole.lol
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
Storms going threw this will help keep the weights going.
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
I love rain! When I hear people whine.Its raining out.I ask them do you know what the world would be without rain?I think these are the same folks who love the heat,but run inside and turn on the a/c when it hits 85 LOL!
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
260 stump
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
The vines seem huge to me this year??
Wednesday, August 20 View Page
Polinated the 1389F Kline squash this morning.I used a male from the 1159 Squash.Sorry been so busy I forgot the 1389 & call it the 1359 in video # 9 will be up on Thursday.Sorry Todd! Wish me luck! Shooting for a 500 lb squash by October 12th
Wednesday, August 20 View Page
SSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Video 9 will be up tomorrow.Sneaking up on 1500 lbs
Thursday, August 21 View Page
Letting Felix ripen.I think these seeds have a lot of potential.Like Tiny 1317 the genetics are some of the best in the world.Due to an early mega blossum on a 2 foot tall plant and over fertilizing which curled up all the leafs and left them light green for the balance of her 50 plus day journey.The small plant that looked like a turd in a punch bowl,turned out pretty good at 4.44 lbs.So this will be my seed for next year along with my new prospects this season.I have couple going Brutus Magnum 6.57 6.83 and have learned a couple things from Felix to give these a better shot.My good friend Jim Stage wants to clone the plant(6.01) I think we will do that keep er going this winter under a grow light.Something to do in January.
Thursday, August 21 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL03JIWG19c Video 9 is up.
Saturday, August 23 View Page
My Brutus Magnum This is not my first 3.42 lber I grew one a couple years ago.Has a soft spot on it.So its DMG! Summer has just arrived a couple days ago.Humid & hot nights in the high 60s,might hit 90 on Tuesady.only hit 90 once this summer back in June.Papbo Wallace (2009) is on FIRE!! Has caught up to Tiny I think?Will measure in morning to know for sure.I did a sneak taping this afternoon.lol Still trucking in the mid 20s on DAP 60
Sunday, August 24 View Page
TinySwartZaNeGGER!! 1317 Clementz running out of tape.Oh MY!I need a tape stretcher.Is there one in the house?
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Dap 64 & still trucking along .Shes a BUTE!!
Sunday, August 24 View Page
RonBO 2009 Wallace selfed just went over 1,000lbs estimate.
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Dap 57 for Action Jackson!! Naming this after Chads son & my grandson!The come from behind kid is catching up!
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Dap 57 for Action Jackson!! Naming this after Chads son & my grandson!The come from behind kid is catching up!
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Shes A BUTE!! 187.5 circum
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Dolly II 1067 Kent! slowing down on DAP 60 I had to remove a secondary yesterday not GOOD!I soil drenched the area with AgriFos & sprayed entire patch with Agrifos.I hope its gone.slowed to 15 lbs a day.My slowest now.Took out the 4 or 5 good leafs ahead of the bad couple.Humidity & heat not always your friend.
Sunday, August 24 View Page
1067 Kent her rear end reminds me of the front end of a Rolls Royce.lol
Sunday, August 24 View Page
PapBO wallace the Rock! Reminds me of Joe Plattes rocks he weighs in all the time.
Sunday, August 24 View Page
2009 Wallace PapBO!! X 1067 Kent This will be seed to grow.2 ROCKS!Big & Heavy!!
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Sunday, August 24 View Page
I hope Im not to late polinated my 2nd LG of the season.137 Ansems X 114.88 Clementz Did a 114.88 Clementz X 137 Ansem yesterday which was the first.Im hoping for a warm September.
Sunday, August 24 View Page
She is filling in.Cold summer so she is later then I planned
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Perfect timing for weighoffs 6.57 Boudyos will cull 1 in a few days after I see there shapes.
Sunday, August 24 View Page
Here is a sweet mega blossum on the 5.35 Lyons.I just watered all the maters with my new secret weapon tonight.Magnesium & sugars SHHH!!Keep it a secret.I didnt use this on Felix.I was too busy feeding the kins to read the bottle.I think this will rock there world and hopefully mine.LOL!
Monday, August 25 View Page
Its that time of year again! Its the happ happiest time of the year!!!!
Tuesday, August 26 View Page
Won the 50th Annual Canfield Fair today! 1200$ & this nice Trophy I heard there is really nice rosette coming to. The kin is my first Jackson Reed 1478.5 Clementz offspring.Thanks to all my good friends in OHIO!!!!
Tuesday, August 26 View Page
I love weigh-offs! Sure beats work
Tuesday, August 26 View Page
Here is a 1478.5 Jackson Reed grown by my good friend Todd & his wife Dawn.They planted a root bound plant on June 13th.It is taping over 700 lbs now.They have been using advanced Nutrients & my coaching.First year grower! Amazing.
Wednesday, August 27 View Page
Had to slide PapBO(2009)back 3 inches was starting to kink the vine.PapBo has taken the lead from TinySwartzanegger,is now 3 lbs bigger and doing 27 lbs a day for the last 3 days.Anxiety starting to build.Send HELP!!!LOL!
Thursday, August 28 View Page
Congrats to Dale Marshal of Alaska! You are the leader in the Bubba Challenge and the Grand Champion of the Alaska State Fair!! Big Bonus! Howard Dill Winner!!!
Thursday, August 28 View Page
SHHHH!! Nobody has told PapBo Wallace its time to slow down.Nobody is allowed within talking distance of kin.OUCH!51 degrees last night,but apparently they like those temps.The next few nights will be warmer.Rollercoaster weather mostly cool. Not as cloudy as last year.
Thursday, August 28 View Page
Congarats to Dan MacCoy you are the leader in the mater contest at Worldwidegiantgrowers.com The 1,000.00$$ is yours if no WWGG member tops your 8.4 New World Record!! plus next year you will receive FREE 1 liter of Piranha & Tarantula to use in 2015.
Friday, August 29 View Page
Whats all this pink & green about on the 2009 PapBo?There are streaks of pink in the bottom of her ribs,running to the blossum end.I thought kins were orange??JK Doing daily plant/stem inspections
Friday, August 29 View Page
Never grew a melon quite this shape 260.5 ClementZZZZZ
Friday, August 29 View Page
I think she might go heavy to the chart
Friday, August 29 View Page
Getting a lot of requests for screenhouse information.There is a link to my suppliers website & basic how to construct photos.I will provide any help this fall/winter season to all interested. http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Screenhouse.html
Saturday, August 30 View Page
Kline Squash, Never give up.Taint over till its over.
Saturday, August 30 View Page
MacKinnon Field Pumpkin
Saturday, August 30 View Page
TinySwartzaneggers first crack.Let the nail biting begin.Shes is cantalouping up all over now.Hope she dont go through.
Saturday, August 30 View Page
Yes I sit in this chair and bite my fingernails,I wont need to add calcium to my soil for 2015.The fingernails should supply enough calcium for a monster!LOL!
Saturday, August 30 View Page
This is my back burner baby.Seems it didnt get much attention but is on the same water/fert zone as TinySwartzanegger.RonBo(2009) has grown over 10 inches in circum in 6 days.Will tape Sunday,I think RonBo is about 1200 lbs.Funny how its the same color & shape as PapBO?But I see others(growers)all kinds of different shapes.Then I see my Tiny is the same shape as last years Tiny but some people have totally different shapes & colors.Starting to wonder if soil conditions have an influence on there shape & color?? Anybody else make this observation??
Sunday, August 31 View Page
Action JACKSON IS ON FIRE!! 198 circum WOW!!
Sunday, August 31 View Page
What a BUTE!!! still baby soft
Sunday, August 31 View Page
16 six and made of muscle.Taped all today for a August final This is PapBO!!
Sunday, August 31 View Page
TinySwartzanegger! She may not be the biggest,but shes a looker!!! Had to break out the 100 foot tape.
Sunday, August 31 View Page
This is Dolly II the 1067.5 Kent.Shes a brick House.She may be behind the others.But I think she might be a sleeper.
Sunday, August 31 View Page
Dolly II a green machine!! Her Great Grama was the 1450 Wallace
Monday, September 1 View Page
Final weeding on TinySwartazanegger this warm humid AM>Must keep them healthy one more month.
Monday, September 1 View Page
Kline squash! Shes getting bigger!
Monday, September 1 View Page
Long Gourds loving these warm humid days.Ya gotta love Michigan cool summer till last week of August.September looking warmer then average.
Monday, September 1 View Page
PapBO Wallace(2009 X 1067 Kent)like his namesake A ROCK!! If not so, I will have egg on my face.lol I like egg on my face it makes a nice snack just before lunch. Estimate today? lets just say if it was a teenager it would be SWEET!!
Monday, September 1 View Page
6.57 Boudyo
Monday, September 1 View Page
Heres a nice one one solid mater.I bet its 3.5 lbs right now.Hitting it with the Bud candy voodoo and lite on the sensi bloom
Monday, September 1 View Page
Liz found this in the yard.Jackson says its Monster tomato worm lol
Monday, September 1 View Page
Just got 1 1/2 rain in about 30 minutes.This was my heaviest rain fall of the season. 1 1/4 made it in kin cave I
Wednesday, September 3 View Page
My wife still has this sweatshirt from the late 90s.The kins are starting to remind me of this shirt,so I asked her to dig it out.I told her its a collectors item.lol
Friday, September 5 View Page
Tiny Swartzanegger still packing on the pounds.I havent taped since Sunday and wont till Sunday.But she is getting taller,2 inches above my belly button now.If she goes like Ma Ma 14% wow!Still dreaming.A big Orange WR is it still possible?Nearly 6 feet wide.
Friday, September 5 View Page
Her crack is getting bigger! Been hot & humid for the past 10 days.Will drop 70 tomorrow from 87 Today.Thank you Jesus.The nights however will be in the 50s for at least 1 more week.Seems to be the temps they like best 70s/50s
Friday, September 5 View Page
Sideview Storms just blew threw.Looks like about 1 inch of rain fell good for another 3 days.No damage
Saturday, September 6 View Page
I saw this a few minutes ago and thought OH NO! I should of pulled the plastic.Storm blew in as I was coming home from work.Pulling plastic in high winds? RISKY>.But upon further looking looks like we got 1 & 1/2 inches of rain.My 5 gallon bucket the kin cave II & the rain gauge on porch have 1 1/2 in them.Must not have emptied this one.
Saturday, September 6 View Page
1530 Gehweiler stump outside with stump cover.The heat & humidity that arrived 10 days ago was not a blessing.Kins dont need high 80s & humid warm nights.I think this year will prove high 70s & mid 50s are just fine.I see leafs popping up with spots & mildew ans look at this stump.I dumped some Hydrogen Perxiode on this
Saturday, September 6 View Page
Cut the main vine.not taking chances at loosing this BUTE! well over 1500 lbs & looking great!I may take this one home to Wisconsin on the 27th
Saturday, September 6 View Page
Howard Dill winner?? Maybe?
Saturday, September 6 View Page
Note to self I think all this rain.We had rains like this in June hardly watered much till July and these last 2 rains will help these heavy genetics go even heavier.Every root gets water.I may have egg on my face at seasons end.If so please pass the pepper I like it spicy!!!lol
Saturday, September 6 View Page
The 1530 Gehweiler has caught up to Papbo (2009)in circum 202 inches and is only 100 pds behind.I decided to do a 6 day taping,figured it would play out better to tape on Saturday with most weigh offs on Saturdays.TinySwartzanegger has taken the lead back doing 19.8 lbs a day for 6 days,RonBo doing 17lbs a day.PaPBO doing 13.8 lbs for 6 days.What a Rollercoaster ride!!Woot ! Woot! Fingers bitten down to the first knuckle.LOL!Video 10 will be up by Friday.
Saturday, September 6 View Page
I just had a e-mail asking why I cut the vine on the 1530? The fruit is still on 75% of the plant I cut the main vine back at the stump.If your stump starts to rot.The rot will travel down the vine into the fruit.Then you have no pumpkin.This will still grow 5lbs a day or more with no stump. Thanks Mark
Saturday, September 6 View Page
114.88 Clementz long gourd doing good so far 62 inches
Saturday, September 6 View Page
137.5 Ansems LG 42 inches has brown marking on skin??Is this Bad?
Saturday, September 6 View Page
Kline Squash
Saturday, September 6 View Page
162 MacKinnon FP
Saturday, September 6 View Page
Time to remove cage & slide melon over the heat wave helped the melons big time.
Sunday, September 7 View Page
Ouch! 49 last night 60 in the Kin Cave.I heard one guy say I was cheating.lol I wonder if guys that run the 1/4 mile drag strip said that the first time someone broke out airplane fuel.Oh well cant please them all.Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater!!LOL!
Sunday, September 7 View Page
Moving little RonBO! Doing 17 lbs a day much younger then the rest.I culled the first one on this plant,cause it was moving slow and I decided I wanted to self this fruit.Fast approaching 1300 lbs now.RonBo like PaPBo really looks & feels like a rock.I have discovered one of the HH secrets SSHH!!Dont tell a soul.Heavy genetics are as much about watering and feeding & soil content as it is genetics.Just saying water & nutrients plays a huge factor.If these kins are not heavy.Not only will I have egg on my face.I will have the whole Chicken Coop on my face.lol
Sunday, September 7 View Page
Moved this one about 6 inches that should get her to the finish line.
Sunday, September 7 View Page
If you have to move one.This is the best place for strap.Moved 7 times so far no mis haps.You better have sand & no rocks under them to slide good.Good Luck to all!
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
The Rock! 2009 Wallace.last ck still in the teens per day growth.She keeps looking heavier by the day. Was going to make video 10 tonight Jackson is sick on the couch.So I will delay for a couple days.Storms coming tomorrow then a cold snap.Typical weather here.
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
The Block!!DoLLY(1067 Kent) II Looking greener each day
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
The Block!!DoLLY(1067 Kent) II Looking greener each day
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
The front of Dolly II ,Some one say I post a lot of pics. I say whos counting.LOL If nothing else this year I will have the World record on Diary posts>LOL
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
Orange! Orange ya glad I didnt Rhyme this one.lol
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
The Shock!2009 Wallace selfed.Look at the green???I think this one will go chart.
Tuesday, September 9 View Page
Green on the sides to.Ronbo 2009 selfed
Wednesday, September 10 View Page
They say theres a southwester blowing in,Heavy Heavy rains & 35 mph winds.Captain Bubba threw on his peg leg & batten down the hatches.Pulled plastic over both kin caves.Cold snap coming.
Wednesday, September 10 View Page
114.88 Clementz
Thursday, September 11 View Page
My Kline squash is a Monster!LOL
Thursday, September 11 View Page
My good friend Harold took pictures last week,He does this every year and gives me great copys.Dolly II 1067 Kent
Friday, September 12 View Page
6.83 Boudyo This is my 2nd biggest ever grown.Will store in fridge for a weigh -off
Sunday, September 14 View Page
This past week has been wet cold & cloudy 39 degrees last night.Highs in the low 60s Im really surprised at the growth 91 lbs on TinySwartzanegger & my Long gourd is 99 inches today.
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
Nobody can keep a secret.If you tell 1 person the cat is off and running.LOL SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!Keep it a secret but go tell a friend Video 10 will be up today.I was hoping to have Jackson Reed in it,but the poor kid got ill with the hand & foot crap.We call it the creeping crud.Sorry for the delay.Busy keeping the monsters healthy so the video is not my best effort.But you can see what I have the LG is 99 inches in video I taped it after the fact.lol SHH Keep it a secret Margaret & Glen Phill & Jane dont know Lgs only like 3 weeks old & were warming up(getting Sunny)Lots of clouds this year again.It growing great in the cold 43 degree nights & doing 2 inches a day.SHHHH!!!!!
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
If you need seeds or growing info I will be handling requests starting in November.I will post feeding schedules,videos and how to obtain seeds later.Real busy right now keeping the kins going.Also if you have veggies to enter non GPC I will file your entrys & post them after the weigh-offs.Thanks & have a blast at the scales.Its the Hap Happiest time of the year!!!
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
Is that 36 degrees?? they said 43 for low.Wow 52 in the kin cave.
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
Is that frost??Yes it is.No warning at all.
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
Papbo plant 2009 Wallace today,Great nutrients Old plant still nice!
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
DollyLama 1067 Kent Plant! Still nice! I credit the root mass expanders from Advanced Nutrients.
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
TinySwartzanegger Plant 1317 Clementz,SHHH!! secret # 89 I add voodoo juice to my foliar sprays.A little dab will do ya!! No compost teas were used this year whatsoever.Only foliars with Advanced Nutrients.
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
The shirts just came in.If you think you have a special fruit they will have at good shot at winning your local weigh-off and you are willing to get me a good photo on the scales,plus you did use the Advanced products let me know I can hook you up with a free shirt.Im not selling them they are for WWGG members who want to promote these great products.Sorry they are limited. I couldnt get 143 LOL!Please contact me if your thinking you have a good one going!Mark@worlwidegiantgrowers.com
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com correction
Wednesday, September 17 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TAJiaxcDuc&feature=youtu.be Video # 10 is up Good luck to awl! See you at the scales!
Thursday, September 18 View Page
Green Bay Glen got Bubba fired up today!!lol Going to be 38 tonight.Nope not on my LG Not while Bubbas still walking.lol Must get LG longer/turns out while hanging tarps & placing infa red heater inside.I noticed my 114.88 Clementz is really the 137.5 Ansems.Weird 1 fruit has a shrivled end but this one doesnt 110 inches long & doing 2 inches a day only 3 weeks old.The little long gourd that could.I think I can I think I can!! Thanks Glen I needed a poke in the A$$!!LOL!
Thursday, September 18 View Page
Danger Will Robinson Danger will Robinson.There calling for 41 tonight that means 36 to 38 where I live.I bet we get frost tonight.Michiganders beware! Bubba Frost alert!!!
Saturday, September 20 View Page
This is the Kline squash I planted back in July. 1324dmg.Just found the pack I left on my desk.I most likely wont beat the Martins or Hunts out for the master growers award.The squash is about 200 pds might hit 400 with great weather.Which is great growth!I think I can win the kin class & possibly the melon class.They will smoke me on mater &FP. My LG I might be in the 120s with some luck.But Heres the BIGG BUTT!Im a dreamer full of passion,I never give up till the fat lady sings at the scales.In this case it would be Andy Wolf who sings last.LOL So Im not unrealistic I just believe in the power of positive thinking & with God all things are possible.Good Luck to awl!
Saturday, September 20 View Page
I found another use for my white chair.I just set & watch TinySwartzanegger grow & drool bite finger nails & drift off into utter madness.lol Shes over 70 inches wide & 2 inches above my belly button tall.I dont think she will be the biggest this year in the world ,by any stretch of the imagination.But I think I have a new PB for sure.lol I think I have a great seed here.Thanks Dave & Ron for making this cross possible. Not bragging just sharing my passion & joy with those who can appreciate it.I called a friend last week who grows down the road.Hadnt talked in a month.I said.I think I have a couple new state records going.He said.I wouldnt be bragging You will jinx yourself.OMG! If I hear that one more time I will puke.So misunderstood? us that walk to the beat of a different drummer.Well back in the straight jacket I go.Its for the best!!!lol
Saturday, September 20 View Page
Meet Eva Longourdia!!! 112 inches doing 2 inches a day.Were looking at a warm snap this week so I think I can keeper going.The little gourd that could.I think I can!!!Hoping to get her over 120 for a new PB!!
Sunday, September 21 View Page
Martins! Be very very afraid.LOL!Eva Longourdia is now 114 to 115 inches long.We had a rainy night at 63 degrees.Shes on FIRE!!! Only 16_17to inches to go And were touching the ground.Calling for sunshine all week.Eva like her nameske is ruthless & cunning.Shes a young gal(137.5 Ansems) maybe 25 days old.You grow GIRL!!!!!
Sunday, September 21 View Page
Ok the pumpkins are not the only thing moving like turtles.Now I have to watch where I step the baby snappers are here!
Sunday, September 21 View Page
Outside temp at 5 pm cloudy maybe 2 hrs of sun today
Sunday, September 21 View Page
68 in the kin cave I with gables ends open, plastic is pulled over to keep warmer & dry heavy rains out.
Sunday, September 21 View Page
2009 Wallace This is the runt,kind of the back burner baby.I forgot to tape it last week Taping 396.5 today so 1321 lbs on 2012 chart 1343 on the new chart.Does anyone know what these freckles are??It has a healthy stem and appears to be soild as a rock!I may take this one to Oakland Nursery after OVGPG to see what it weighs.
Monday, September 22 View Page
Thought for the day please leave your feedback on the General discussion board here on BP I see a lot going lite this year.Fast & big seems to get a lot of air bubbles.I have had my share of those,My 1478.5 Jackson Reed was taping like 1630lbs in 2011.This year that same OTT would be 1562 lbs.I think the chart is getting much better.But Here is the big BUTTT!Dont blame the seed entirely I have found in the past 3 years that watering & feeding(soil) is just as important as the genetics.Watering is the hardest part of growing these giants.It needs to be just right.In Bubbas not so humble opinion.Good Luck to AWL!!May your World record be 1 lb smaller then mine.LOL
Monday, September 22 View Page
46 degrees this am the next few nights shoud be 5 dergrees warmer with sunshine 70s forecasted by mid week,which is not the norm.
Monday, September 22 View Page
Love my spelling?Im gardener not a english teacher lol
Monday, September 22 View Page
Its the final grow down! If this hits the ground Eva Long Gourdia will be 132 still moving almost 2 inches a day. inches 46 last night.Eva likes it cold!!lol 29 dap!
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
39 this am.They called for 45 for the low.
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
Eva still going Should be about 120 inches now A new PB for sure.New PB on 2 maters 5 Kins & a Long gourd.Wow!Not bragging Just feeling the joy of all my hard work & efforts.I will reveal my feeding secret of Eva Longourdia at a later date.Eva appears to be gaining speed the closer she gets to the ground.lol.I hope removing soil becomes a issue.
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
The next week night temps will warm up 5 to 10 degrees.I hope there right,plus sunny all week in the 70s Woot WOOT!
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
I have lost at 6 big maters this year to crap.
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
Heres an old Indian trick Bubba learned in the Calvary.Take & fold a sheet of paper 4 times.Place a bucket of sand next to Kin.Place paper in between.
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
Remove paper.See the space between bucket & kin.If by morning the kin is touching bucket,its still growing outward.I want to see whos moving the best??I have to cut 2 on Friday & head to Wisconsin to meet some good folks and have a blast!!Its the Hap Happiest time of the YEAR!!!
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
This is my new good friend Todd Cotterman.I have known his family casual for years.But growing giants creates a lot of great friendships.Todd decided he wated to grow his first kin last spring.He started late & took a 1478.5 Clementz cull from my garden on June 13th.Wow! taping like 1200 lbs now!!Woot Woot.We weighesd it today SHHH I cant tell a soul! 1st prize at a contest 5 grand New friendships, priceless I love this Sport!!
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
PapBo 2009 Wallace X 1067 Kent has come along way since the June 25th Pollination(tear running down my cheek).I keep waking up earlier everyday.Like Christmas to a 8 year old.The suspense & anticipation is endless.Will she make it to the scale. Will Papbo set a new State Record?Will the record keep for a week or two?Will my depends diaper hold up when I crap my pants at her weight? or will I loose my lunch when she goes real lite??Either way Its the Hap Happiest time of the YEAR!!!!!!!! Good luck to awl! Dont forget to pack a depends you might need it.lol
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
Will Bubba be voted the sexiest Man alive by People magazine? The suspense is endless.lol
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
Eva is still on fire! 10 inches a day WOW!
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
lol 10 inches from the ground doing 2 inches a day
Thursday, September 25 View Page
Eva!! bust a move LonGordia is doing over 2 inches a day.WOW! If she hits the ground that will be 132 inches,There is about 4 inches above the fruit.If I half to start digging a hole then Bubba will make a bonus video with Bubba doing the LG happy dance and sing Bubba Presley s new hit record Eva Las Vegas!!LOL! Note to self raise trellis 12 inches next year What the hec make that 20 inches.Im a dreamer!!!
Thursday, September 25 View Page
Getting my poop in a group! this pallet I just built is 5 foot 4 x 5 foot 4Plus worked out nice with 16 foot boards.Thinking well next year we might be hitting 2500 lbs & TinySwartzanegger is already 70 inches wide.Making sure its 4 way for the fork lift drivers.My son in law is out replacing the bearings on the trailer I borrowed.If you loan me your trailer you get it back with newly greased bearings & any bad ones replaced.Its the least I can do.ThanK ya Very mulch!!
Thursday, September 25 View Page
Papbo & Action Jackson (1530) are 70 inches wide also.Sorry I left them out.We will find out what these 2 weigh this weekend.
Friday, September 26 View Page
EVA Las Vegas!!! SHHH!!! Keep it a secret but go tell a friend Bubba might have a new State Record Long gourd.Stay tuned to Canfield OVGPG weigh off to find out.Or will I have some egg on my face??LOLOL either way! Having a blast!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 29 View Page
What a blast at Bengstson Pumpkin farm in Chicago.Shazzy is real Hoot & Don young was there great guy much taller then on the internet.lol Great meeting everyone.My 1530 Gehweiler took 2nd place at 1641 lbs heavy on the chart.The winning pumpkin was the 1692 Gehweiler.How funny! Chad is not only a member of Worldwidegiantgrowers.com & last years champ in the pumpkin contest with his 1530.He also was my biggest purchaser of the Adnvanced Nutrient products in 2014 lol Beat by my own Sponsors juices!!!LOL Congrats Chad! Ill be BACK!!!
Monday, September 29 View Page
The 1882 Gehweiler that won Sturgeon Bays Pumpkin Mania Congrats Chad
Monday, September 29 View Page
another shot 1882
Monday, September 29 View Page
The side view 1882 Gehweiler
Monday, September 29 View Page
The 1768 Clementz a new Michigan State record!! Woot Woot! Papbo Wallace the 2009 Wallace X 1067 Kent.This is the little plant fumbled into the planting hole in video 2.My new PB!!or is it???stay tuned for the next weigh offs.
Monday, September 29 View Page
The Martins 4th place 1719 Ok Glen Wheres my steak dinner??lol Just Kidding There new PB congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 29 View Page
Don Barons 1738 3rd place & Howard Dill award winner!! Grown from my good friend Quinn Werners 1730.There both great growers! Congrats.When a seed outgrows Ma Ma You did a lot right.Dons 1738 was the new state record for 20 minutes.Congrats!!
Monday, September 29 View Page
What a great Weekend.I won 4100$ thats 5300$ for the season now.With 3 kins to go.Its not about the money.You cant buy happiness.But Bubba always says."You can rent a lot of good times"lol Nice meeting Scott Steil What a nice feller & awesome grower.Setting lots of new state records this year.I had a lot of people shake my hand & tell to keep up the good work.We love Bubba,the videos & what your doing.Keep it going! Thanks to all for the encouragement & kind words(tear running down cheek) We have only just begun,The only thing that will be bigger then the WWGG club will be Bubbas EGO!!!LOL! its all fun till somebody gets a BES LOL See ya at the next Weigh off!!
Monday, September 29 View Page
EVA!!!!!!!!Las VEGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Shes a new State record 131 inches & still growing!!!!!!! Now im counting chickens again.This is the longest Chicken I have ever grown!LOL. But Heres the Big BUTT!! BUT If I get Eva to weigh-off It will be official!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! what a year!!!!!
Monday, September 29 View Page
Ok now Im off like Bubbas Dental records. Time to promote & sell the kins I will get seeds of course.
Monday, September 29 View Page
Came home from bowling & found this 11x16 photo of Jackson & I on TinySwartzanegger hanging on the front door.My good friend Harold must of dropped it off.Thanks Harold!Its a mazing to look at this 1 year later.Spitting image of Mom.Only some 6O to 70 inches bigger then Ma Ma.I hope shes no air bubble>lol
Tuesday, September 30 View Page
Thanks LoreLee For the great picture,Really enjoyed meeting you.My 260.5 Clementz didnt like 52 degree nights like the kins & Lgs did only 10 feet away.But on the good side I won the first annual Sturgeon Bay contest. PUMPKIN MAINIA! 100$ and a nice ribbon.Thanks to all the cheese heads & Scott Stiel.I think Glen really does have cheese in his head! I really do!LOL!
Tuesday, September 30 View Page
BTW I If I had to name the cheese It sure did smell like Limburger to me.ROFL JK I Liked Glen He is a fart smeller!!
Tuesday, September 30 View Page
Meet Steva Longourdia the 114.88 Clementz X 137 Ansems.A new PB also.Somebody pinch me.
Tuesday, September 30 View Page
Eva's such a dirty girl!
Tuesday, September 30 View Page
I must be dreaming I just gave Eva Longourdia a sponge bath.lol SHHHH!!!! Dont tell Ma MA Bubba she will have kittens!!
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Time to get out time big shovel.Evas on fire thinking 134 -135 right now.Well bubba is a dreamer,but he aint a moron.I did the numbers & even though I will beat the big cheese head & his lovely wife in 3 catagories out of 5.There field pumpkin & big mater will give them the points to win.So congrats to them or whoever can beat them Good Luck!I just happy & gave them a run for there money & be in the top 5 of that group.Hind sight is 20/20 I should have grown a proven squash seed this year.It was fun anyways! Keepem growing!!!!
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Picked my final mater Looks like a 4 lber to me.Will use as a back up for the 4.12 at Canfield.This was grown from the 6.83 Boudyo
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
T is for tough
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
I is for insane!
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Insane LOL
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
N is for narly!!
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Y? because I had to! lol
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
T I N Y !!! 1317 Sweet revenge from a cold crappy 2013. Baby Swartzanegger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Found a home for the 1641 Clementz she will spend her final days partying with some really nice folks.There gang of young teeenagers & young kids will use her as a rock climb.There having there annual fall party on the 18th & the size of this blew there minds.Will get seeds back in a few weeks
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
The 1641 on the front & 1768 in back.The 1768 is being displayed at the local hardware.
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
The 6.83 prior to picking.No its not a double like last year.lol
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Bubba went to the last car show of the year! He fit right in.
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Nice rides
Wednesday, October 1 View Page
Then Bubba had a brainstorm! Buy this Hippie Micro bus & head to San Francisco with a flower in his hair.LOL!I could drop down to Half moon Bay & pick up some big bucks!!HMMM!! Just might do that.Better go tell Ma Ma Bubba to pack the tooth brush and pumpkin orange nightie.LOL
Thursday, October 2 View Page
TinySwartzanegger is a bute! The Advanced Nutrients products rock!So far we have a 1892 1768 1692 1655 all grown with these great products.The top 3 here, had very generous amounts used.Then we have the Swartzanegger yet to come.Lots of new PBs from the root mass expanders.Who BTW claim to be 40 times stronger then the competition.I think its true.My smallest of the Kins (RonBO) 5 will be weighed in Dundee this weekend.Good luck to awl!!
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Eva has grown 12 inches since the 24th of sept.She was 31 dap then.1.5 inch a day average from dap 31 to dap 41.and still growing.Not bragging just documenting there growth rate for all to know what to expect.Lets see how far she will go??Enquiring minds want to KNOW!!!LOL
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Thanks Scott had a blast! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrx2R45upIY
Thursday, October 2 View Page
No worries folks I will make a video this winter explaing how to use the Advanced Nutrient products.I will also have a feeding schedule out this winter,But remember your soil should be tested You need a good rate(balance) of Calcium & boron in your soil to go heavy.It all works together.Bubba will have his pants around his ankles this winter & tell all.lol I hate to kill the buzz But TinySwartzanegger aint taping 2000 lbs.I posted recently she was 60 to 70 inches bigger then Ma MA.Ma The 1317 taped 1158lbs(14% heavy).So you do the math but it aint 2000lbs Didnt want anybody disappointed with my new air bubble.lol She will go heavy.Somebody bring a dozen eggs in case Im wrong,lol
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Ok Glen & Margaret be very very scared, fn this squash goes 800% heavy I got ya!LOL 1324dmg Kline X 1159.5 Kline Started plant late June.
Thursday, October 2 View Page
fn lol typo
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Eva is slowing down to 1/2 inch a day 134.5 now I taped her.Foliar fed today with Big bud B-52 & overdrive
Thursday, October 2 View Page
RonBO 2009 (selfed)is sure ugly solid as a rock! taping like 1340 lbs hoping for 1400 lbs.loaded early as it will rain all day Friday & cold & wet Saturday.Bubba is made of sugar he might melt,But you all knew that.
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Ready for Dundee this weekend.Due to bad weather forecast cant make Hamilton.Sorry Tony & gang cant leave Tiny & Eva to the frost & cold.
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Oh & dont forget the Dolly II still pushing outward!!
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Ma Ma Bubba will love this when she gets home.Hung on the living room wall by the front door.lol Top 3 at Ohio Valley 10,000$$ Picture with Jackson Reed & TinySwartzanegger priceless.
Thursday, October 2 View Page
Turns out the picture Harold gave me was a 16 X 20.Im sure TinySwartzanegger will be #1 somewhere if not Michigan then the county.If not the county then My home town.LOL!
Friday, October 3 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=229632 Check this out Nice Dan!!
Friday, October 3 View Page
It keeps getting sweeter!Eva Longourdia is into Bondage.lol High winds and cold front coming through,not taking any chances as a 2nd year long gourd grower with a PB of 114.88.I just put my new PB on the trailer at a pinch under 120 inches,beating my PB by 5 inches.If I get Eva to OVGPG next week will shatter my PB by 20 plus inches.Keep in mind The Piranha & Tarantula were not used last year as I was committed to Great White.The Advanced Nutrients products Rock!!She grew 3/4 of an inch last night it was 65 degrees.Todd Kline watch out Evas knocking on your door!!lolMy patch was a Advanced Nutrient exclusive.Strickly.Only 3 apps of Cal Carb were used foliar for leaf scroch.
Friday, October 3 View Page
Heres your calender shot! Eat your heart Girls.LOL
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Went to John Harnicas weigh off today A new PB for me on long Gourd
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Congrats to John on his new State record!
Saturday, October 4 View Page
WOW! and a new State record Pumpkin.I had the title for 1 week LOL! Nice Kin!
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Congrats to Todd Cotterman.He grew a 1197 lb pumpkin from a culled Jackson Reed (1478.5 Clementz)on June 13th.WOW!.Used Advanced Nutrients religiously & put a lot of effort & work into it.Rookie of the Year for the WWGG.If you are a Rookie grower & a member & beat 1197 please contact me.Prettiest Pumpkin award.
Saturday, October 4 View Page
My true green Squash 1324dmg Kline seed started June 24th
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Heres The Cottermans Pumpkin grown from the 1478.5 Clementz!
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Ron Bo Wallace 2009 selfed July 1st pollinated
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Ken Sweet
Saturday, October 4 View Page
Well a great day was had by all! Night night for Eva Longourdia who grew a little better then a 1/2 inch last night.Should hit 136 plus tonight.She likes her privacy so I hung a drop cloth.low tonight 39 predicted that means 35 out here in Muddy waters.
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Jackson will be TinySwartzanegger for trick or treating at the church.
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Eva is still moving I place the card in the bottom of hole.Last night her tip was center of the e this am she is bottom of the r.figure 3/8s on a 42 degree night at DAP 42 You GROW GIRL!!
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Didnt get as cold last night as they said it would.looks 40
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Not letting Eva feel the cold wind,The north wind doth blow what will poor Eva do then? Get Bubba to grab a 1500/750 watt heater!LOL
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Pushing Eva like poparatzi on my front lawn.lol If she keeps going she might meet Prince Jack!!LOL Really I dont think she can hit a WR But I will knock myself out trying!!LOL
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Getting colder so Tiny gets the flannel sheets.Sorry Ma Ma Bubba but that burlap bag looks kinda sexy on you on a cold fall night.lol She pushed the marker out about a 1/16 last night.As long as shes moving Bubba is fired up & grooving!!lol
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Daily mouse track & tunnel inspections.If I see a mouse turd I call every exterminator in the county & have them circle the Kin Cave.
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Bubba figured I come this far ."I might as well keep going"LOL Eva Longourdia wouldnt aprove of a plastic house,but I was all out of diamond coated visqueen.lol 5 nights left to grow 3 inches to go!The little gourd that could.High today 50 & cloudy As soon as my help gets here we will pull the plastic & anchor it down.
Sunday, October 5 View Page
Congrats to Jason Terry! Three weights are: 1287 lbs weighed at Cullman AL 1163 lbs weighed at Bear Wallow KY 1254 lbs weighed at Allardt TN Jason S. Terry Latest update My new Rookie of the year thus far for WWGG if you can beat 1287 please let me know .
Monday, October 6 View Page
Forgot to post this last night. I think I can! The long gourd that could.Cant wait to see last nights growth.I was told they grow day & night,but mostly at night.John Harnica gave me some great advice as did another great LG grower.Hoping to set a new Michigan record & Ohio Valley site record if the lords willing & the creek dont rise.Maybe Eva Longourdia is the freak Im hoping she is and will go all the way??only 4 more days to picking.
Monday, October 6 View Page
correction Jackson Reed informed me He is not going to be Tinyswartzanegger for trick or treating,He said" Im going to be all the pumpkins" LOl Atta a boy! Think outside of the box!!
Monday, October 6 View Page
I know this is wrong posting nude photos of Eva Longourdia on the internet and all,but I had to.lol Well I broke out the tape and I found I was off a bunch on her measurement.The nice thing its in my favor.Wow!!
Monday, October 6 View Page
This is Evas top When it comes to long gourds they call Bubba the Muddy Waters strangler.lol I use insect screen to tie them off,it can breath and its really strong.I removed the duct tape as I thought it could hinder her growth.I replaced it with torn towel.This way if we get a 50 mph wind she is protected.BTW the measuring tape is wrapped around the spindles above,so the measurement begins at 10 inches.So you can stop saying OMG!!lol she is 137.5 and did 1/4 to 3/8s last night.I think I can I think I can!!4 nights to go !!
Monday, October 6 View Page
Ok this is a better shot of Eva I got rid of duct tape like I said.warmer & windy today 57 out.I foliar fed her with b-52 F-1 overdrive & big bud.I also gave TinYSwartzanegger a overdrive & a carbo load plus some Nirvanna. 1 liter each on 1600 sg feet.watered for 1 hour. ok back to EVA, I pulled the tape she is a 137.75 now.1 1/2 inches and I will tie the world record.I have left 1/8 of an inch up top to be conservative.tape is tightly secured cant move a fraction.I think I can I think I can The LG that could!!
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=230171 People are asking when did you start your long gourds?? I may not have an exact date as I didnt keep a written Journal as the present World record holder of most diary posts on BP..I figured who needs to LOL! Then went in the ground sometime after this photo & with a cold summer I pollinated August 24th.September had warmer nights then July & August.LOL! it was to late for the kins & melons.But not Eva & Steva there were young & ready to Rock the LG world!!!
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=219249 Sorry heres the pic of LG seedlings
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
I had one hell of a time starting the LG seeds.I only lost 1 2009 Wallace seed and both my snowballs.other then that all kins germed.But the LGs must of had 2 out of 16 germ.I soaked em choaked & smoked them.only 2 came up.I wanted to grow one on the back barn ,but had no plant.
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
I once cried because I had no plant,till I met a man who had no gourd.So we had lunch & discussed our dilemma.It wasnt long we were of one accord.So we finished our meal served by Emma,and headed back to the garden of EVA.So we loaded up for Canfield it was time to leava!! lol See what waking up at 5 am does to a man.lol
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
The southside of the Evatorium.hanging capacity 2.lol but only 1 left.Been real windy so I added sand buckets.
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
a better lok at Evas Top.(Note tape set at 10 inches)
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
Ok I pinched her off at 138 Woot Woot,Cant get a good pic in hole.Still stroking a 1/2 a day.I was getting morning to night 1/4 inch gains,seems shes getting a 1/4 inch of daytime also.40 degrees last night.kept the cold wind off her and like 45 in the Evatorium. We got a long ways to go 1 1/4 inches & a short time to get there 3 days Eva might do what they say cant be done.WOW! will it be close I might have to delay my departure 12 hrs to get the final 1/4 inch.LOL
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
Ok heres the boring Pumpkin stuff.TinySwartzanegger is still pushing the needle.last evening you could see a fine white line to the right of the wire.This am all blue.You grow girl!!! Dont think she will win Canfiled,so many awesome growers out there.But Hey what a crazy year, and to be part of this,Im truly blessed.
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
I think I can!! 138.25 nice sunny cool day high 57 low 40s You grow Girl!!!
Wednesday, October 8 View Page
Ok Eva still pushing the tip now 138.5 I thought I will ck the top and she appears to be a 9 & 7/8s at the starting point now.I guess they grow both ways.So a So I would say a comfortable 138.5.WOW! Another windy day 35 mph predicted.I hope the Evatorium holds together??
Wednesday, October 8 View Page
Then Bubba stopped to ponder?Is Eva really still growing or is the trellis sinking??Could the ground be heaving?The patch is a landfill on a flood zone??Bubbas brain was weaving.LOL See ya in Canfield to find out!!
Thursday, October 9 View Page
Bubba woke up in a cold sweat last night.Some guy in Switzerland was growing them so big he needed body guards.lol Wow! what a dream?Then he saw on the computer the dream was real.Congrats Beni!!!!
Thursday, October 9 View Page
TinySW pushed the needle again.Still putting on pounds.32 degrees last night 49 in the kin cave.Will she place in the top 3 at Canfield?Will Eva make 139.25?Will Bubba win the Grand Exihibtor award?Will Bubbas 4 lb plus mater if make the top 5 this year at OVGPG contest?Will Bubba get his gourd on??LOL Hope to C ya at Canfield
Thursday, October 9 View Page
Wow! My last day taking care of this awesome creation God has blessed me with.If she goes 1750 or 2050 dont really matter.What a buzz it was growing the Fantastic Four & RonBO!& dont forget EVA!!To much time wasted thinking I need to win.I already have won,however it falls?? My hometown since 1968 wants to bring my kin downtown on the 25th & have 600 kids crawl inside her.lol One at a time of course.This will be awesome.Bubba will have a fan club of 600.lol! I think I can milk this fun till Christmas I will bring TinYswartzanegger home after Fall Festivities and slap a Turkey costume on her for Thanksgiving,Then there's Christmas I can put a beard & Santa hat for Christmas.The Bubba Rollercoaster ride is long & FUN!!LOL
Thursday, October 9 View Page
Jackson claimed the MacKinnon pronouced 131 Ma kin non that I took to Dundee last week.Nice shape.My bigger FP the 162B goes to Canfield.
Thursday, October 9 View Page
Went to the Goodwill store found this great blanket for 5.99.This is Dolly II spending her first night outside.I want to get a jump on loading tomorrow.So I took the Kin cave II apart.Its all coming down so I can plow the whole thing.5 years growing in the same spot.Plowing is a must.I think Dolly II will do pretty well at the scales.
Friday, October 10 View Page
It was the morning before Canfield & I awoke to a chatter,I ran to the window to see what was the matter? It was Bubba a truck & a trailer with 8 black tires & Eva tied to a ladder. So Bubba grabbed uncle Judd & Sherry & headed to the Kin cave to load the Big orange monster kin shaped like a cherry. So we drove off to Ohio with folks waving & big smiles. Bubba screamed Merry Weigh-offs to all & have a good flight! This truly is Christmas to a 50 year old child. Have Fun this weekend! Bubba & TinySwartzangger!
Sunday, October 12 View Page
Wow! what a rush!! Loosing by 3 1/2 lbs LOL! Looks like I need a better effort next year.I missed it by 1 watering lol.Its Awl good! Were back home.Im glad my 84 year old uncle came with us to see this great season end.He brought me Ray Watermans Newsletter in 1995 & I grew my first Giant in 1996.We grew together for years.He was very impressed with how far we have come.This is worth all the tea in China.
Sunday, October 12 View Page
Jason Gfellers daughter at Canfield.Jaylin was the hands down cutest pumpkin there.
Sunday, October 12 View Page
Sunday, October 12 View Page
I think my spelling stinks Jaylynn ??
Sunday, October 12 View Page
1609 Clementz Dolly II Ok Chris Kent I think I did your seed proud.Now were even for the 297!!LOL
Sunday, October 12 View Page
Bubba was a hit! Good looking ladies asking to get there picture with Bubba.LOL!
Monday, October 13 View Page
This is by far the biggest check I have received.I cant wait to run this down to the bank!I dont think it will fit in the drive thru drawer.lol I cant wait to see the looks on the tellers faces when Bubba walks in with this.LOL!
Monday, October 13 View Page
Monday, October 13 View Page
Wow! What a rush!! Bubbas evil plan to take over the giant pumpkin world is starting to unfold.LOL! My smallest pumpkin of 6 from (1478)Jackson Reed 1124 lbs was the only 1st place kin.lol Plus my long gourd won 1st Thank ya Eva baby!!! I won Grand Exhibitor at Canfield that Jerry Rose took last season.Bubbas Back Jerry!LOL Congrats to Jerry he has a top 3 kin average of 1799 Wow!!
Tuesday, October 14 View Page
The 1067 Kent really oranged up since the weigh -offs.lol I figured they paint Christmas trees why not pumpkins.
Tuesday, October 14 View Page
Had to leave Tinyswartzanegger at the hardware store today.Turns out the leaf springs are busted in the trailer I borrowed.3500 lbs per axle load limit.note to self.Dont borrow 35 year old trailers. lol so they have a fork truck to unload them.She sits next to PapBo (2009 Wallace)the now 1768 Clementz.Will pick her back up tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 14 View Page
Not bragging or anything. I think I'm correct if I'm wrong please tell me how?.The 1947.5 is the Heaviest Orange pumpkin ever grown.(all time) what a beauty 8% heavy With the 2009 Wallace bred back in with a normal not sucked in blossum end.I think this seed will grow the first 2000lb orange kin.Going out on a limb here.CuZZ I like to.lol
Wednesday, October 15 View Page
Ok! Just to document my dream season TinySwartzanegger 1947.5 lbs Michigan State record 2nd at Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers PapBo Wallace 1768.0 State record 1 week Action Jackson 1641.5 2nd place at shazzys Dolly II 1609.0 4th place Dublin RonBo 1395.5 8th Dundee Jackson Reed 1124.5 1st place Canfield fair Top 6 Total 9,486 lbs 1581 lb Top 6 average 1672.3 Top 5 average 1748.1 Top 4 average Top 3 average 5357 1785.6 average wins a GPC coat! Woot Woot! Top 2 average 1857 lbs Plus the Long Gourd 2014 Champion for Great Pumpkin Commonwealth & new Michigan State record by 9 inches my 138.5 long gourd. New Michigan State record mater 4.44 lbs beating my 3.89 from 2012 Not bragging just thought this should be on record for future years.Ok maybe a little show off here!lol Will get video 11 soon hopefully by the weekend Thany Ya! Very Mulch! for watching
Wednesday, October 15 View Page
Working on video 11 today! Nice warm wether this week.seems to always do this after the season is over
Thursday, October 16 View Page
Ok some folks dont pre weigh.Good for you! Bubba aint the sharpest tool in the shed,So he likes to learn.On Sept 13th I weighed my kins.A lot was learned from this.Dolly here weighed 1508 on the 13th she ended up 1615 on the morning we picked her.So we learned her final 6 inches of growth were 17.83 lbs an inch.TinySwartzanegger weighed 1813lbs.So TinyS final 10 inches was 14 lbs an inch. Now I knew which ones to give the final royal treatment to.Papbo weighed 1680 I could have left Papbo on & would of easily hit 1800 lbs still moving 5-6 lbs when picked.I learned a lot pulling my head out of the sand.To each his own.Glad to share this valuable info,Don Young was right he posted this belief a while back.It was nice meeting you were a fun guy at Chicago.Keepem growing! I'll Be BACK!!
Thursday, October 16 View Page
http://www.worldclassgardening.com/grower/mark_clementz Tiny seeds for sale here or you can wait & support a club of your choice.They will be available to all clubs to support the growing community at large.This seed grew the heaviest all orange/round pumpkin in the world.
Thursday, October 16 View Page
Heres the pic! correction 1947.5 is the second cutest pumpkin in the world.Jaylynn is the cutest.
Thursday, October 16 View Page
Thursday, October 16 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=219797 Here is the 137.5 Ansems on June 20th grew the 138.5 Clementz
Thursday, October 16 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=219912 I pollinated the 1947.5 with 4 male flowers 3 from PaBO (1768 Clementz) that would of gone over 1800 if I let it grow 2 more weeks for Canfiled & one from Ronbo(1395.5) that would of gone over 1400 lbs both nice shaped 2009s.So I think this cross will bust the 2000 lb mark next year.Will get a seed count on Monday on the 1947.Cant wait to grow Tiny! What a great plant.I dont think any of her offspring split.
Friday, October 17 View Page
Time to pull the seeds from PapBO the 1768 Clementz.
Friday, October 17 View Page
Thick as a brick!
Friday, October 17 View Page
Ma Ma Bubba said don't point that thing at me it might be loaded.lol
Friday, October 17 View Page
Played hell counting the seeds with Jackson.lol He counted at the same time I did.LOL
Friday, October 17 View Page
Cant wait till Monday to cut the Swartzanegger Open!!
Saturday, October 18 View Page
1947.5 being shared with the locals at a greenhouse business.Shes right a home with roof over her head.They will help me Monday slide her off the pallet on to her blossum end and stood up to be carved for HollyWeen! in downtown Holly the 25th of October.
Saturday, October 18 View Page
1947.5 being shared with the locals at a greenhouse business.Shes right a home with roof over her head.They will help me Monday slide her off the pallet on to her blossum end and stood up to be carved for HollyWeen! in downtown Holly the 25th of October.
Saturday, October 18 View Page
high today 46.Burr!! Put screens/visgueen away on Thursday.long gourds are in the garage.I will pick up drip tape tomorrow this will be a plowed patch in 1 month or less.Greenhouses coming down and stacked to the side.Plowing to me is more important then a cover crop.May do the cover crop if time allows.
Monday, October 20 View Page
Standing the 1947.5 Clementz UP!
Monday, October 20 View Page
Went just as planned
Monday, October 20 View Page
Now TinySwartzanegger(1947.5)is ready for Hollyween with 600 kids on the 25th & then on the 29th Trunk or treat at the Rock Church in Fenton.Please join us! The heaviest Orange/round kin ever grown in the world.
Monday, October 20 View Page
Getting the seeds out.
Monday, October 20 View Page
The bottom is 7 inches thick.We will find out how thick the front & sides are this Saturday when we carve her for the kids.Thinking a traditional face with triangle eyes and such. Good seed count, so 100 seeds will go to OVGPG seed sale.Plus any clubs that ask will get a couple sets.Its AWL good!
Monday, October 20 View Page
http://www.ovgpg.com/seedList2014.php Hers the link to Ohio Valleys seed sale.Looks like they still have a few Tinys 1317s left.Please support a club!! They should have the 2014s up by late November I would think?But dont quote me on that.
Monday, October 20 View Page
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYbQh8WCc6Y Video #11 is up 2014 Weigh-offs!
Tuesday, October 21 View Page
Jackson reed asked to come out & see the Poon--kin.lol These are my 2 favorite Poon kins in the world!!
Wednesday, October 22 View Page
It keeps getting better! My hometown since 1968 Holly wants to start a weigh-off next year.This will be a late one in October like the 25th for the HollyWeen festival.They came to me I didnt go to them.I tried all this 12 years ago and they all looked at me like a dog I just showed a card trick to.lol They didnt get it then.lol Time really turns things around.I tried starting a Michigan Club back then too but gave up when I had the same reaction from people.Bubba dont give up anymore.he just keeps trucking forward.Just as happy as if he had a brain.lol
Wednesday, October 22 View Page
Roots from the 1067 Kent.I starting dragging vines out of the patch today.I need to clean this up before snow flys.So please excuse me if I dont get the WWGG results up till after Im plowed & ready for 2015.I think we can bring the title back to North America next year.I can see lots of room for improvement in my patch for next year.Only 4 more lbs a day & the title is mine.lol They say Beni is young & cocky.Well Bubba is old & cocky.LOL!! I'll Be BACK!!!lol If anyone wants to tally the lists of WWGG winners?There is a membership list on website.I didnt get very many non GPC entrys.So it would be pretty close.I could add the others.Otherwise I might not post lists till November.Weather is looking good for clean up this week.Thanks for your patience.
Thursday, October 23 View Page
2009 Wallace roots
Thursday, October 23 View Page
Jackson organized the pumpkins then asked to have his picture taken.lol I have all the vines picked up & drip tape removed except on the 1478 & long gourd melon area.Nice day in the sunny high 50s maybe 60 out.Sprayed round up on the weeds,hope to burn them in 2 weeks prior to plowing.
Thursday, October 23 View Page
120 Clementz was looking mushy so I cut it open
Friday, October 24 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/2014_Members_List.html Jason Gfeller put together a unofficial list of winners for the WWGG if you dont see your entry & it should be in the top ten.Please shoot me a note.This is a rough draft so please dont get excited if your missing.Thanks Jason.I didnt double check it as Im still busy cleaning up the patch.We have all winter to finalize things.Snow will be here soon.Thanks for your patience.scroll to bottom of page.
Saturday, October 25 View Page
Ok we had a couple missed entrys so if your 9th or 10th enjoy it it might be short lived.lol Please check list I did add John Butlers squash & FPs well as Chris Lyons FP 124 this am. I really didnt check the list(prior to posting) as I must get the screenhouses disassembled before snow flys plus the 1947 is still on local tour with 2 more events.So this is real early in the awards season so bare with me.I will add the sunflowers & bushel gourds later as the contest are still open to Australia & such.Thanks Jason this at least gets the ball rolling for a December final posting.Members can at least see if there in the top ten.(or Close)?
Saturday, October 25 View Page
Fun Day in Muddy waters
Saturday, October 25 View Page
Wow! what a nice Jack o lantern.Some people thought it wasn't real till we started carving it.
Sunday, October 26 View Page
My new found friends the Cottermans.The friendships is this sport are more amazing then the kins themselves.Pictures taken after the crowd had left. http://www.abc12.com/story/27015842/hundreds-watch-as-giant-pumpkin-turns-into-jack-o-lantern#.VExTwx1glVU.facebook
Sunday, October 26 View Page
Ready for Halloween.Got a little crazy & cut the mouth to big.so I always save the Great stuff cans from jobs.I used them to fill the mouth with foam to support it .lol Note when carving big kins leave at least 12 inches in the center of mouth un cut.I left like 5 inches & it broke through.lesson learned.
Tuesday, October 28 View Page
Stopped and carved this nice kin on the way home tonight.The 1696 Kaminski.its usally mine at this local home.But I couldnt sell the 1947.5 so I passed this year.I did rent the 1947.5 out one weekend for 300$.Rent a kin!!LOL
Tuesday, October 28 View Page
stood the 1067 Kent up today.That was no east task.Thanks to Darrel Berrys lifting ring we got her done.I will get seeds out soon.1067.5 crossed with the 2009 Papbo Wallce.cant wait to grow it. Nobody can tell we spray painted it.It was half orange. I think it will grow a heavy wide long kin.
Tuesday, October 28 View Page
thats the 1609 Clementz we stood up Dolly II
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
Tiny Swartzaneggers last night on the town Trunk or Treat at the Rock church.My daughter Liz Jackson & her boyfriend Alex.This was there night Bubba stayed in the truck.lol
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
I couldnt beleive the crowd well over 5000 people went through.All we kept hearing is OMG! is that pumpkin real? It is! There usually lopsided & ugly.It cant be real.One woman stood there for 20 mintues and then said to me.Ok tell me its not real is it??lol I sad yes it is.lol Wow!!
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
There were so many cars the sheriff was directing traffic.This is about 2 miles from Marvin Mitchel's house.I hope you weren't stuck in this traffic Marv.
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
Some of the kids got a little ugly
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
& uglier!
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
My daughter asked if Bubba could stay home.I honored her request I didnt want to steal her show.Her boyfriend said Bubba should come.But I left Bubba in the bag!!lol.Bubbas in the bag!.But heres the Big BUTT!! Elvis still made an appearance,LOL!!!
Wednesday, October 29 View Page
The hulk showed up again to.I must say I have never seen a pumpkin get so much attention & create so much fun.What a great time this has been.Well tomorrow morning I will lift the pallet off the trailer & return it to its owner.We will see how long the 1947 Clementz will last sitting in the front yard before it collapses.(tear running down Bubbas cheek).I bet they still keep stopping with cameras for weeks to come.Wow! Lets do this again in 2015.Will there be a TinySwartzanegger III???LOL WeLL BE BACK!!!
Thursday, October 30 View Page
Labels are ready for the club seeds.Will get more seeds today from the 1609.will get the 1641 on Monday.If your club wants to send a bubble.Please do Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com So I can ship in 2-3 weeks.The seeds from the 1947.5 & 1768 will be available at auctions only.Then later at WorldClassgardening.com and the Bubba Challenge in 2015 will include 1 seed from each of the top 3 winners.So please support a club this fall winter.They wont be free in less you win a raffle as a member this winter at WWGG.Need to keep the clubs alive.Thats real important to our future as a community.
Friday, October 31 View Page
This is the way the 1947.5 Clementz will look.Simple the label seals the pack.once opened the seal is broke.If you get one from Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers they will be in there package as they will get 100 in bulk.Other then that this is the only way they will be packaged 1 seed per pack.If theres 2 I will write 2 on pack.
Saturday, November 1 View Page
Dolly II 1609 Clementz Thats a 10 inch mud knife 1067 Kent X 2009 Wallace(1768)
Saturday, November 1 View Page
1609 seeds decent count Im guessing 300 here.
Sunday, November 2 View Page
Spent the afternoon taking down the wall of the kin cave 1.Also this dark soil to the right hasnt been flipped or tilled in 2 years.So its all coming down before Thanksgiving & getting the 12inch plow.This is the only way I feel I can keep growing in the same spot.Its been 5 years now.The root mass expanders from Advanced will also be a huge help in staying disease free.I stacked the walls in the back and tarped them to keep the snow off.One more afternoon and it will all be down.46 & sunny today.I love working the patch.Theres only 3 months Im not out here.
Sunday, November 2 View Page
Prepping seeds and labels.Club requests coming in.I updated the videos on the video page at WWGG website.Here it is if you missed any of the 11 videos.One more coming soon.On how to use the Advanced Nutrients products.My 2014 was an exclusive of AN products.Other then Cal carb nothing elase was used.Heres the link http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bubbas_Secret_Garden_.html
Monday, November 3 View Page
Congrats to Pete & Cindi Glasier that look like the 2014 champs for the 2014 WWGG season.Even though the contest is still open.I dont think anybody is going to beat this one.2036 lbs!!! We will have seeds to be won from this giant for members this winter.
Monday, November 3 View Page
I have received some corrections on the WWGG results,I dont have time to go in the web designer and up date.Hind sight being 20/20.I should have waited to post un official list.I should have corrections made & up by Thanksgiving.Still taking down screenhouses in between bowling on Mondays & bidding jobs while working 40 hrs a week doing remodeling.Plus trying to clean up garden when the weather permits.2015 membership will start in January as I need to work out new details with Sponsors.Be patient Grasshoppers.We have lots of time till spring kick off!I will send out lists to give all a chance to see if there entry is included.Once the patch is plowed I will have lots of time.
Monday, November 3 View Page
I think growing 6 plants this year and ending up with 6 kins from 1124 to 1947.5.Maybe why Im so busy chasing down seeds and all.Still waiting for the 1124s & 1395s to be shipped.I'm getting good seed counts.nothing under 300 seeds.Last year I only had 2 kins from 4 plants & 2 squash that 0 made it.Well of any size that is.
Tuesday, November 4 View Page
My computer will be down for a couple days as I am sending it home with my computer geek for a update & enema!!lol You can e-mail me a Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com I will use my I phone for a few days.Thank Ya Very Mulch!!
Saturday, November 8 View Page
I thought I would post this for the new folks on BP who havent seen it.I decided a couple years ago I wasn't putting enough into this great hobby.So now I'm giving 100%.lol Going green for sure!!I love to go as organic as possible. side note: snowing out cold & crappy,hope to get patch put away on Sunday.
Saturday, November 8 View Page
Went by the hardware today to cut up PapBo(1768).The owner said people were still enjoying it.So we will leave it for another week.He said he could dispose of it with the fork truck if it collapses into pile of mush.I told him to at least give PapBo a breath mint.lol
Saturday, November 8 View Page
The 1641 Clementz had to cut her up & haul her away to the great compost pile.(tear running down cheek)by customers request. If you would like to buy a seed from this pretty kin.You can buy here.http://www.worldclassgardening.com/products/seeds/pumpkin Or wait & buy from a club of your choice this winter here on BP.Most clubs are only asking for the 1947 & the 1768 so these may be harder to find at auction.Great seed grew outside not in a screen house.
Saturday, November 8 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=231599 If you haven't seen the red Jacket Check it out! Very COOL!!
Sunday, November 9 View Page
Almost ready to plow I figure 2 more hrs of tear down clean up.I cant say it enough times,plowing is a must if you grow on the same spot year after year.Tilling wont do it.Its not as much work as you think.I build 12 foot sections & screw them together.They come apart quickly.The trick is to buy good screws they dont strip out easy.Greenhouse's are nice for wind & hail protection,plus keeping a little warmer at night.Whats much more important is what & how you feed them.I plant to move farther up the ladder on the leader board next year.I haved learned a lot this season.With a decent cool summer I will take my new knowledge to the top.BUBBA WILL BE BACK!!!!with the Terminator 3 Bubbas sweet revenge!!!LOL
Sunday, November 9 View Page
Packaging seeds for the auction requests this evening Spent 5 hours in the garden today.I dont think this is just a summertime sport/hobby.
Tuesday, November 11 View Page
Long gourd seeds are ready to ship.You can buy these from your club/auction if you like.Seed count was 190 seeds.So 95 packs(2seeds) 20-30 packs for clubs. 20 packs for sale at http://www.worldclassgardening.com/products/seeds/long_gourd to fund WWGG 30 packs for WWGG membership giveaways this winter/spring & for trades with growers who have always hooked me up in the past.Must take care of the hands that fed me 15 packs for Bubbas private stash. .Supply limited.Or it would be a free for all.
Friday, November 14 View Page
The seeds came today from the 1124 Clementz the only 2014 kin to win 1st place at the Canfield fair August 26th.Good seed count looks like 500 seeds.This was the 1478.5 Clementz X (1395.5)RonBo Wallace.This should be a great cross.Tall & chart Pumpkin X wide long & heavy kin.For those who cant afford to support a club at auction or seed sale.These are free to grow.Just send a bubble with a note.If you dont add a note.It might come back empty.lol
Friday, November 14 View Page
My long gourd seeds are all empty.Bummer! Glad I found this pack of 137.5s .I will be planting them next year.Good seed counts on the kins.A big fat OOO on the LGS sorry guys
Saturday, November 15 View Page
Heres your first chance at some free seeds .http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=26&p=526280 I plan to grow the next hopefully Orange world record with these seeds. Im thinking we will have a contest at WWGG in 2015.Largest Orange kin in the world separate category.So there will be 3 contest for kins.Heaviest Kin Heaviest Orange Kin Bubba Challenge. Hoping to keep the prize levels the same as 2014 or bigger. There will be some changes made before we get started.Still working out the deals with Sponsors
Saturday, November 15 View Page
so theres no confusion Contests 1.Heaviset Kin 2.Heaviest all Orange kin 3.Bubba Challenge Can the same kin with both or all 3??? I would have to say yes it could.Why not.If its heavier then all the others.It wins all 3. This is subject to change.But thinking this makes sense till somebody tells me why it doesnt.I will go with the majority thought on this.
Saturday, November 15 View Page
People laugh at Bubba cause Im different Bubba laughs because your all the same.Just thinking this is a diary right??So the minimum posts should be 365, less then that and you have dropped the ball over and over.LOL! Its awl good!!
Saturday, November 15 View Page
TinySwartzanegger still hanging in there.now its 28 degrees out.I told Ma Ma Bubba I will haul it away when it collapses it may still be here the 1st of the year.If it stays cold it may still be here in March.lol! Maybe I will bring it to the GPC awards in Pa.LOL!
Saturday, November 15 View Page
Mushy but frozen hard as a rock!!
Sunday, November 16 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/ViewArticle.asp?id=138 The Auctions are coming in about 1 month.Please buy a seed and support a club of your choice.I thought I would post this as I couldnt find it listed on the home page.Please join us next month.There are also silent auctions starting soon on the auction & raffle boards.This can be found on the message board list.Thank Ya very mulch!!
Sunday, November 16 View Page
OK! Heres The Poop Scoop! 2015 plans Ma Ma Bubba hates the swing set.So Bubba is going to cut it up & drag it to the curb.Jackson Reed will be traumatized but with a little counseling & some good meds he will pull through.What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.lol I will truck in 50 yards of dirt & compost/potting mix & have a new spot for a 7 th kin plant on new soil.This will increase my odds of staying disease free & getting a WR to the finish line.Today should be my last day cleaning up the patch.Next weekend I have a tractor coming to plow the garden & brake up the sod under the swing set. Bubbas diabolical plan to take over the Giant pumpkin world & bring the title back to North America is starting to unfold.LOL! Whos with me??LOL!
Sunday, November 16 View Page
Well got the long johns on headed out to the patch to do the final clean up 30 degrees out 36 for the high predicted.I must be dedicated lol! Well here is Video 11 if you missed it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYbQh8WCc6Y I will start working on Video 12 Feeding with Advanced Nutrients next week & I will get the WWGG website updated by Thanksgiving weekend.I will take the 4 days off & get all the results posted on all contests.I may also have some good news to announce by then about 2015.Remember! What did Adam say to Eve on the day they first met.Stand back I dont now how big this thing will get.LOL
Sunday, November 16 View Page
Screenhouses are stacked and numbered for easy assembly in the spring.I raked up all weeds and any dead leafs that were left.Long gourd vines are gone.We will plow next weekend if the Lords willing & the creek dont rise.OK So I downsized the swing set,I talked to Chris Kent today he seemed pretty upset that I was cutting up Jacksons swingset.LOL I thought he was going to call child protective services & report me for child abuse.lol I promise he gets a new one in the spring.He spent very little time on there anyway.He liked the sandbox and the garden instead.He likes to throw rocks like his Grandpa.lol
Sunday, November 16 View Page
Never fear grasshopper knowledge is king.Study be diligent & never leave the Kin Cave & one day Bubba and when you can steal pumpkin seed from your masters hand.That day you will be crowned PUMPKIN KING!!LOL!
Monday, November 17 View Page
The Big 53 today.Jackson claims he is making my cake.He is quite ambitious and quite a imagination.This is the best present ever.SHHH! He doesnt know about the swingset yet!lol
Monday, November 17 View Page
I came home from work & Jackson was back at it again.They said when he came home from daycare he said he was making Pa a birthday cake.lol Determined little guy.The nut dont fall far from the tree.
Monday, November 17 View Page
The childs gifted!!LOL!
Tuesday, November 18 View Page
Tuesday, November 18 View Page
My favorite Birthday card of the 2 I got.LOL
Tuesday, November 18 View Page
From Charelston South Carolina James Island
Wednesday, November 19 View Page
Its still fall by the calender.We havent had early winters like this since the 70S that I can remember.It was always like this through the 70S & early eightys.Hoping to plow the patch this Friday.lol
Thursday, November 20 View Page
The 1947.5 has germination.This test was taken down under mate!A new found friend will grow TinySwartzanegger in Australia to see what she does & what color she will be??I hope you grow a Monster Mate!!!
Thursday, November 20 View Page
Hey Mark, I was wondering if you have a fertilizer schedule program on growing these giant pumpkins. Something that you could send and I could print it out. I believe I need to do something a lot different then what I have been doing. I think I need to use more then a gallon of liquid fish and a gallon of liquid kelp for foliar spraying. Thx Mr.grower Yes I will have this available early January along with the new 2015 contest layout & growers information for WWGG Thanks Bubba
Friday, November 21 View Page
Bubbas patch still hoping to get er plowed this weekend.A little snow wont stop us.
Friday, November 21 View Page
Bubbas man cave & office for WWGG.Ma Ma Bubba thinks its a bit much!!lol
Friday, November 21 View Page
This is the wall I see most of time while on the internet.The horse border was from my daughter when this was her room.Its a nice touch reminds me of those great years.
Friday, November 21 View Page
Eva Longourdia It was only my second year growing the mighty long gourd.So not really sure what the roots look like as far as size???But here they are.
Friday, November 21 View Page
Screen house walls are stacked.
Friday, November 21 View Page
Getting the garden flipped over for a new season
Friday, November 21 View Page
Ok swing set gone.made room for a 7th plant.I think the 1947.5 will go where in the new spot closet to the house.Now 2014 garden is done.Time to grow the WWGG membership.I will update the 2014 results on thanksgiving day and the 3 days following.Will also get that AN feeding schedule made for all of you requesting it.Have real big news Jan 1st.There will be some big changes made for 2015.Be patient grasshopper!!Its awl GOOD!!
Saturday, November 22 View Page
I sent this seed to Paul in Australia before I had labels made.
Saturday, November 22 View Page
Heres TinySwartzaneggers 1947.5 germination test down under.You can buy them at a club near you starting in December.Auctions held here on BP.You can find the list under ODDS & ENDS on the uppper left hand corner of BPs homepage. Thanks Mate!Paul from down under.
Saturday, November 22 View Page
Went and saw this tonight.Wasn't highly impressed with the first one,but I love Jim Carey.So I chanced it.It was much funnier then the first one.Some big laughs.A must see! Bubba & Ebert!! LOL!
Sunday, November 23 View Page
Tinyswartzanegger starting to droop.Its like 50 degrees today & snow has melted.Will get cold again on Tuesday.They used to have contest when I was a kid on Bevins lake down the road a mile.They would set a car on the ice and have a contest on which day it would fall threw the ice to the bottom of lake.So Im thinking same thing here.When will TinyII drop??I will put a post on raffle board to guess the day & hour I find it collapsed??Shes getting mushy,I can almost push my finger into it.I will post a few more pictures of the condition of the inside & out.
Sunday, November 23 View Page
The inside.
Sunday, November 23 View Page
Shes getting mushy.Will stand stand a few more days & freeze again.Once froze she will stand for weeks.Contest at raffle board.
Sunday, November 23 View Page
Its raining now! Wixom grower might win.lol
Sunday, November 23 View Page
Shes strapped but once its mush it will fall
Monday, November 24 View Page
Party over!
Monday, November 24 View Page
OH!! The Humanity!!!!!!!!!!!LOL! It was a great ride! Milked it to the finish. Thank you TinySwartzanegger I'll Be BACK!!!
Monday, November 24 View Page
The only reason its still up a little.The 2x4 brace inside is holding up.If I wait one more week I can clean this up with a snow shovel & a shop vac.lol
Monday, November 24 View Page
Just looked out the window.Now its 100% down for the count.lol Great guess wixom grower 7:42 am official time of death.(tear running down cheek)
Monday, November 24 View Page
Now when people ask How long will they keep???lol Its documented.
Tuesday, November 25 View Page
Andy Box and Ned Sandercock with the 1503 Box grown from the 1317 Clementz.I should get some time this 4 day weekend to post some great results from the WWGG membership.
Wednesday, November 26 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Attachments/Michigan_Giant_Pumpkin_Growers_Seed_Promo_Pack.pdf Get them while there hot.There are only 25 packs total.
Wednesday, November 26 View Page
BTW My pumpkin was orange as was John Harnicas 1865
Thursday, November 27 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=148639 Everybody is talking about the high cost of building a greenhouse.They really dont cost that much.This is 2010 I grew the 260 Clementz in there.24 x 39 This is a few hundred dollars to build.
Thursday, November 27 View Page
Ok I need some help with my feeding schedule.I have a 20 lb Turkey and 11 guests coming over for dinner.I need a 2nd opinion here Please advise? Do I have enough toilet paper?
Thursday, November 27 View Page
I remember sending away for this when I was 9 years old.Anybody else remember this??
Thursday, November 27 View Page
Heres the front side of comic book dated 1970
Friday, November 28 View Page
2014 Prize Standings (unofficial) 1st.$1,000 plus $300 msrp in Advanced Nutrients products! Congrats to Pete & Cindi Glasier 2036 lbs.WOW! 2nd $300 Chad Gehweiler 1882 lbs. 3rd $200 John Harnica 1865 lbs. 4th $150 Quinn Werner 1700.5 lbs. 5th$120 Gene McMullen 1692.8 lbs. 6th $100 Jackson Gehweiler 1692.5 lbs. 7th $100 Russ Pugh 1639 lbs. 8th $100 Gary Adams 1634.5 lbs. 9th $100 Ryan Helsel 1519.5 lbs 10th $100 plus 200 in free products!Todd Kline 1507.8 lbs. This is unofficial till Jan 1st If I missed your entry please contact me.
Friday, November 28 View Page
I will post these here this weekend.The website will be down periodically as I post them on each specific page also.
Friday, November 28 View Page
WWGG 2014 Prize Standings (unofficial) 1st.$1,000 plus $300 in free products! Bill Neptune 272.5 2nd $300 Chris Kent 258.5 lbs. 3rd $200 Todd Dawson 232 lbs. 4th $150 Llyod Bright 227 lbs. 5th$100 Tim Brussels 224 lbs. 6th $75 Marty Schinkner 209 lbs 7th $60 Al Davis 207 lbs. 8th $50 Bill Foss 193 lbs 9th $50 Bill Edwards 191.5 10th $50 plus $200 in free products!Marvin Mitchel 186 lbs. This is unofficial till Jan 1st.Please contact me if I missed your entry.
Friday, November 28 View Page
2014 Prize 2014 Prize Standings (unofficial) Worldwidegiantgrowers.com 1st.$1,000 plus $300 msrp in free nutes!Todd Kline 136.75 2nd $250 John Harnica 132 inches 3rd $125 Glen & Margaret Martin 130.38 4th $100 John & Sue Nieuwenhoff 128 5th$100 Al Eaton 127.56 6th $50 Gary May 126.5 7th $50 John Butler 123.5 8th $50 Art Johnston 121.75 9th $50 Phill & Jane Hunt 119.75 10th $50 plus $200 in free products! Marty Schnicker 112 If I missed your entry please contact me ASAP!
Friday, November 28 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Giant_Tomatoe_Class_.html Heres the link to the tomato page I will post pics later.Time to mail some bubbles.Will resume posting results later today or Saturday.Enjoy your weekend.
Friday, November 28 View Page
2014 Prize Standings (unofficial) 1st.$1,000 plus $300 in free products from Advanced Nutrients!Dan McCoy Wow! New World Record!! 8.41 lbs!!!!!! 2nd $300 Bill Foss 7.10 lbs 3rd $200 Quinn Werner 5.98 lbs 4th $150 Fabrice Boudyo 5.85 lbs 5th$100 Mike Mansfield 5.41 lbs 6th $80 Chris Lyons 5.03 lbs 7th $60 Chris Kent 4.94 lbs 8th $60 Phill & Jane Hunt 4.77 lbs 9th $50John Butler 4.72 lbs 10th $50 plus $200 in free products!Art Johnston 4.66 lbs Please contact me asap if your entry is missing here.Dec 31st deadline.
Friday, November 28 View Page
RonBO(1395.5)Clementz seeds arrived today 2009 WallaceXselfed 3% heavy.Looks like a great seed count 400 to 500 seeds.Ed Moody took RonBo to Frankfort up by Traverse City and did a great job with his art work & displaying.If you need a free seed This could be a great one to grow.I hope to grow it myself.If you want this seed send a bubble with a note & postage of course.103 W.Sherman st Holly Mi.48442 Dont forget the note.
Friday, November 28 View Page
Heres RonBo! Nice shape solid fruit I think it will grow BIG!!
Friday, November 28 View Page
World Wide Giant Tomato Contest! 143 Members & growing 52 in this contest! June 1st deadline to join Welcome our New Tomato C0-Sponsor! New for 2014 Season. 2014 Prize Standings (unofficial) 1st.$1,000 plus $300 in free products from Advanced Nutrients!Dan McCoy Wow! New World Record!! 8.41 lbs!!!!!! 2nd $300 Bill Foss 7.10 lbs 3rd $200 Quinn Werner 5.98 lbs 4th $150 Fabrice Boudyo 5.85 lbs 5th$100 Steve Marley 5.75 lbs. 6th$80 Mike Mansfield 5.41 lbs 7th $60 Chris Lyons 5.03 lbs 8th $60 Chris Kent 4.94 lbs 9th $50 Phill & Jane Hunt 4.77 lbs 10th $50John Butler 4.72 lbs $50 plus $200 in free products! Ok Correction added Steve Marleys 5.75 Me BAD!! Please contact me asap if your entry is missing here.Dec 31st deadline.
Friday, November 28 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Field_Pumpkin_Class__2.html Here is the Field pumpkin standings for WWGG if your not listed.Please let me know.This is not final till Dec.31st. Cograts to John MacKinnon on a nice WR!!
Friday, November 28 View Page
More great seeds today! I will have these available to WWGG members this year.I may just throw the top 60 packs in a bag and each member that joins the mater contest will get mystery seeds.70 members 70 packs & so on.Then you can post on your diary which seed you received.I may have a blog or forum on the WWGG site for you to post your mystery seed on the WWGG site if you choose.I wont be listing them this year.To much work.LOL There will be some big changes I will announce on Jan 1st.So if you want to send your seeds The top ones will be given out to grow to the membership along with some of my seeds.
Saturday, November 29 View Page
Thanks Iwan for the great seeds.Bubble headed back across the pond this Monday.Jos Ghayes are going to Belguim.Sent out GVGO to Canada.So far this is about 30 bubbles out to clubs & special people.Im documenting it all on paper.If they dont make it.Let me know!! Please support a CLUB!!Thank Ya Very Mulch!!
Saturday, November 29 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Giant_Green_Squash.html Squash results are in I will post Russ Pughs pic when he resends it to me. Sorry Russ I lost the picture.
Sunday, November 30 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Giant_Green_Squash.html Looks like Russ Pugh is the winner in less a wwgg member enters a bigger one before Dec 31st.Thinking I will bring the checks plaques & awards to Pa. March 20th.Hope to see you there.This will save on shipping & allow time to get awards made.I have some special ones designed.Hope to meet all you growers there.In case you havent heard the GPC is giving out a 2009 wallace seed in a raffle to all who pre register by Dec 31st.Prices are great 92$ a room.Please join us!!
Sunday, November 30 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bubba_Smokey_Challenge.html Results for Bubba Challenge Congrats to AWL!!
Sunday, November 30 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Tallest_Sunflower_.html Tallest Sunflower results Congrats to AWL!
Sunday, November 30 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bushel_Gourd__heaviest_.html Bushel Gourd results Doug English please send a photo of winning fruit.
Sunday, November 30 View Page
#999 LOL! Who da thunk!! Bubba World CHAMPION Diary poster !!!ROFL!!
Sunday, November 30 View Page
For my 1000 post Check out this great slide show.I see OVGPG is updating there site to. Looks great GUYS!! Heres the link http://www.ovgpg.com/photos/galleries/2014weighOff.php
Thursday, December 4 View Page
This was my 789 back in 2000 or 2001.I have always loved the orange ones.
Saturday, December 6 View Page
Ok I started to update the home page.http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/ I will post more pictures soon.If you have a good photo with your fruit please send in to me.JPEGs are best.Photos of you with your fruit.Dont be shy. I have some changes in store for 2015 Membership.Some new growing products will be on board along with paying top 5 places for novice growers & 5 top places for the HH contest.Thinking the 1300 lbs & under your a novice.1300 PB & up is in the Heavy hitter contest. So the new grower has a better chance at winning.However if you are new & confident you can enter in either contest.I will do this for all the veggies. I will send out an update soon to members
Sunday, December 7 View Page
This is a 4 station controller for drip tape Irrigation.I havent hooked it up it 4 years.Most likely never will.Came in a package deal.I water manually.If anyone needs this make an offer.No need to never get used.
Sunday, December 7 View Page
NIB new in box heres the brand.
Sunday, December 7 View Page
SSHHHH!! Cleaning the Bubba cave today and making video 12 on feeding schedules will be up in a by weeks end.
Sunday, December 7 View Page
Hung all the new plaques & rosettes today.Today is my Fathers Birth day he would have been 75 today.Been gone 28 years.War & cancer are terrible things.It is also the day they bombed Pearl Harbor he was 2 years old then.Then later joined the Navy for 23 years & retired early.
Sunday, December 7 View Page
Happy Birthday Dad!
Sunday, December 7 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Giant_Cantaloupe_Class_.html Lopes are small this year!If you have missed entry let me know you have 3 1/2 weeks till deadline.
Sunday, December 7 View Page
If your proud of what you grew this year as a WWGG member.I would be proud to show a picture of it on the home page slide show.Please send your photos if you like.I will post till I run out of space.If You sent them before and dont see them on there send them again to be sure I have them.All places are welcome to post.Please send ones with you in it if possible http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/
Sunday, December 7 View Page
If your proud of what you grew this year as a WWGG member.I would be proud to show a picture of it on the home page slide show.Please send your photos if you like.I will post till I run out of space.If You sent them before and dont see them on there send them again to be sure I have them.All places are welcome to post.Please send ones with you in it if possible http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/
Monday, December 8 View Page
If you want to buy a 1947.5 Clementz I highly recommend you buy them here. http://www.ovgpg.com/seedList2015.php I have given out a couple hundred now to clubs for auctions & seed sales.I will not be giving them out free to the masses after the auctions.You may win some through the WWGG membership.So please support a club.The auctions start Dec 20th here on BP Friday & Saturday nights.Please join us. I hope this isn't taken wrong but if you cant afford a 50$ seed.You cant afford to grow it.It cost money to keep a plant healthy.No 2 ways about it.I will give out the 1395.5 & 1609 Kent to those on a fixed income after the auctions are over.The 1124 is available also1478 Clementz X 2009 Wallace picked on august 25th
Monday, December 8 View Page
Added note for those who feel all seeds should be free.The prize money is raised by selling products that sponsors donate & seed sales & membership revenue.The prize money is NOT a check written by a big company.We work hard at this.So please support the sport!
Monday, December 8 View Page
Hear YE Hear YE!! Bubbas Slide show is looking good! Just loaded 3 more pictures.Keep em coming Guys & gals!!!!!
Monday, December 8 View Page
http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/ Heres the link!!lol
Tuesday, December 9 View Page
I got this e-mail this am.I found it very interesting they way are minds think they observed things from a distance. Sent from my iPad. Tell me why you think the 1947.5 can get any bigger with a 2009 pollinator that only grew to 1768? I think it is clear that you grew the heck out of both seeds. If you argue that the 2009 has produced larger pumpkins than 2009 lbs and therefore it could make the 1947.5 even larger, I'd say the seed you planted didn't have the potential or it would have grown larger. That being said I now have five 1947.5 seeds along with two 1317 seeds and will grow the1947.5 this season. I just don't think it has the juice to get bigger- you maxed it out. It was a Beautiful pumpkin.
Tuesday, December 9 View Page
So you think the 1947.5 & 1768 both were maxed out on there size & weight? Well the 1768 was hit with SVBs in about a dozen locations as I removed the screen as I thought it was to hot in the Kin cave 2 .So at about 800 lbs -1000 lbs I found the damage in over a dozen locations.I had to keep sliding The fruit back as my fruit positioning was poor.This caused the vine to split & a steady dripping went on for the last month of growth with a fan on it.We had 52 degree nights in the heat of the summer with 40s & lower in Sept.My soil was not perfect neither was my feeding.Under better conditions the 1768 would of hit 2000 lbs the genetics are there.I wont tell you all the mistakes I made with the 1947.5 as these mistakes is how I learned what will help me to grow a WR someday.Hind sight is 20/20.The 1947.5 would have easily went over 2000 lbs had I knew then what I know now.The 1947.5 will grow some 2000 lb kins as will the 1317.The genetics are clearly there. Thanks Mark
Tuesday, December 9 View Page
Here is a another mistake Bubba made with the 1768.Remember video #2 I placed the tiny plant in the hole.transplanting it.?? I fumbled it out of the bag.That plant would of had a better start left in the bag 5 more days.It would have grew faster as our weather was real cold that week.Lesson learned.Dont plant small seedlings with cold weather predicted. SHHH!! Keep it a secret, But go tell a friend!!LOL
Saturday, December 13 View Page
Video 12 is up the season finale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hi6dJMU_ts
Sunday, December 14 View Page
Dont panic! I just got a e-mail from a non member.He was concerned about the 1000$ a plant to grow a kin in video #12.Well we will be switching to a more economical product in 2015.So keep your growing funds in hand.I will make more announcements soon.It will be a better fit for the growing community and cost less.I should have more news in 30 days to post.Lots of details.
Sunday, December 14 View Page
I dont want folks to be confused so I will post this latest e-mail here. Hey mark- You look bummed at the end of last video...don't worry.. Spring will come quick this year...I have plans to grow two kins next year ..drip irrigation for the main patch w the advance nutrients and the old fashion way for the new patch...I want to grow tinys seed..is that gonna be part of the bubba challenge next year?.. Or should I be looking at the auctions. My response:The Bubba challenge will include 1 -1947 seed & 1 -1503 Box plus the 1461 Gehweiler.This years champs.If you want Tiny you will have to get at auction or I will sell a few to members to fund site.Sorry I looked bummed the cold weather is killing my arthritis.otherwise Im just as happy as if I had a brain.lol I will have a new brand on board this year which will cost less for us to use.Im done using Advanced. That last video 12 was my final commitment to them. Mark
Sunday, December 14 View Page
Tiny= 1317 Clementz Found at Auctions. Supply is almost gone.I have a few to sell at WCG. TinySwartzanegger = 1947.5 Clementz Will be available in Bubba Challenge 1 seed and at Auctions.The Bubba Challenge this year will be as well as all membership fees. The membership fees will no longer be 25$ I will post new fees this winter
Sunday, December 14 View Page
This was the 1609 Clementz all the 1067 Kent male pollinators came from this plant 4% heavy.Putting Big orange & heavy back into the crosses.I think they will all do good to great!Mailing more bubbles out in the morning.
Sunday, December 14 View Page
Shhh! Went Christmas shopping For Jackson Reed today.He loves BatMan.Keep a secret & dont tell a friend.lol When I saw it I had to buy it.He will be on it all next summer after he tears up the house with it this winter.lol
Sunday, December 14 View Page
I figured I will get the usual socks & hats & underwear for Christmas.So I bought this for the Bubba Cave.I always get what I want for Christmas!lol
Monday, December 15 View Page
TinySwartzanegger!!!1947.5 Clementz In the land down under!! Shes a BUTE!! Keeper going Paul. MY new BMF!!!!lol Thats Best Mate forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see the FRUIT!!!!!!!
Monday, December 15 View Page
Bushel Gourd Update! Doug English new world record 279 lbs http://worldwidegiantgrowers.com/Bushel_Gourd__heaviest_.html Keep sending photos members to add to slideshow on WWGG homepage
Wednesday, December 17 View Page
Hi Paul,Yes you can buy cheaper ferts.Other companys base ferts will work.Stay away from salty ones.I would feed like Beni Meier does a trickle feed in each watering.or feed them twice a week at like a 1/3 dose.The calcium I would use once a week.If you think its low twice a week.If you like to foliar feed you can do that in the evenings or early morning.Judge how much & often by looking at the leaf.If you get super green,time to back off.Lite green to medium ? keep feeding.Sensi Grow or Sensi Bloom? I dont think it matters on the pumpkins,either one.Even more important Dont walk on your soil.If you do keep it to a single path.The roots grow 360 degrees from plant.So if your walking all over the place.Your shooting your self in the foot.Use walk boards.Keep your stump dry & cover when it rains.Let your friends admire from a distance. Keep er going! Mark People keep asking! For those who want a basic feeding schedule I will make out a more precise one when I introduce the new (BRAND)products this winter.There will only be a few products,So it will be easier & more economical.
Saturday, December 20 View Page
Voodoo Juice shirts I have 3 large & 1 medium left.If interested in one let me know.These are the last of them as we are changing up products soon for 2015.
Saturday, December 20 View Page
Connoisseur I have 2 small & 2 medium & a 3xL. Make an offer or trade? Also 3 ball caps left. This is the last of them.
Saturday, December 20 View Page
This is for Jordan
Saturday, December 20 View Page
I just had a request for a autographed shirt.one large shirt gone to Fla. this am.LOL! Thank YA! Very MULCH!!
Sunday, December 21 View Page
The 1947.5 Clementz in the land Down under starting to run!! Merry Christmas from my our new friend Paul.He got a late start but we will see what color & shape the fruit will be.Thanks for the update mate!If you want seeds there will be some tonight at OVGPG auction here on BP 8 pm sharp! Dont be a Dingo be there!!lol
Sunday, December 21 View Page
Merry Christmas to all the Giant Pumpkin Growers of the World Tiny Schwarzenegger growing in the Land Downunder Paul
Sunday, December 21 View Page
Heres a video of the top 5 pumpkins at Ohio Valley this year.Quinn was saying at last nights auction what nice looking pumpkins they were. Thanks Quinn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hpxXddu3aU&feature=youtu.be Come to tonights auction here on BP! Its a blast!!
Sunday, December 21 View Page
1947.5 in front 1951 Brungard in back
Sunday, December 21 View Page
Ditto the other side
Sunday, December 21 View Page
Grown by Jason Terry from the 1317 Clementz
Sunday, December 21 View Page
1254 Jason Terry from the 1317
Monday, December 22 View Page
Shhh! Keep it a secret but go tell a friend!The secret isn't in the seed its in the soil.I was just looking through the top 50 pumpkins this year.Just about any of these seeds will grow a WR.The genetics are all pretty much the same.I see folks putting so much into seed chasing and not enough into there feeding & soil program.My 2015 membership will include more detailed videos & hands on footage then ever before.I also will be offering new products only 4 or 5 that will get you though the entire season start to finish with a feeding schedule to follow in print along with videos every 2 weeks.I feel my 2014 Pumpkins line up was only 75% of its potential and I have figured out how to gain the other 20 to 25%.Hind sight is 20/20.So stay tuned as I share this in 2015 at WWGG.More news in January to come stay tuned!!
Tuesday, December 23 View Page
This present came in the mail today.Says its from the North Pole.I must of been good this year.Santa s never mailed an early gift to me.I cant wait till Christmas to open it.
Tuesday, December 23 View Page
279.5 WR Bushel Gourd seeds came today. Thanks Doug! Please send your seeds for the 2015 Members free raffle.Seeds will go in every members pack that request them.
Tuesday, December 23 View Page
Dan was nice enough to donate these to the seed raffle for 2015.These will be shipped out mid March with the first membership packs.Just a heads up for you mater heads.
Tuesday, December 23 View Page
Whos your Bubba??I just found these in the WWGG seed vault.Thanks to Dan for tipping me off.He sent these last season.The mother of the 8.41 World record.Im thinking 2 for Bubba & 5 for the seed giveaway in the 2015 mater contest.so 5 people will win a 4.57 Boudyo.Membership will open March 1st.Sooner if possible.Thank Ya! Very Mulch!!!
Tuesday, December 23 View Page
SORRY typo 5 people will win a 4.57 MacCoy
Tuesday, December 23 View Page
More Great seeds! Here is the Indiana State record! Thanks Gary These will go in the WWGG seed raffle giveaway.
Wednesday, December 24 View Page
Wow! Another great Christmas gift came today!The mother of the 138.5 Clementz & the WR long gourd.I will add a couple of these to the WWGG long gourd free raffle for 2015 also.Cant wait to grow the 137.5 again.Thanks Fred & Merry Christmas. I will send you back a nice surprise.
Wednesday, December 24 View Page
Just found this in my mailbox from a grower.LOL This is a great hobby to meet great people.Merry Christmas to AWL!!
Wednesday, December 24 View Page
Do you Believe?? Bubba does! & He cant wait to sink his teeth into the Holiday & Ma Ma Bubbas big ham!!LOL!
Thursday, December 25 View Page
The perfect gift for a pumpkin grower! ThankYou Very Mulch!
Thursday, December 25 View Page
I keep getting seed requests. I wish I had more to share. Ive sent out quite a few to the auctions.Will you be attending any of these?I have a bubble going out to crazy growers in Germany. I also will have the Bubba Challenge contest this year.You get one 1947 seed with your entry.plus one from the 2nd & 3rd kin.Im starting to get low on seeds.Gave out over 300 of each already.The 1317s are down to a handful. If you want to grow the 1947 you will get 1 seed in the Bubba Challenge for 2015.Seeds will go to the first 50 to enter.If we get that many entrants? it will stop at 50 contest closed.In less you want to enter with auction bought seeds & not get one from me.That may be arranged. So if you need one hit the auctions.There will be no freebies to send out after today.Sorry
Thursday, December 25 View Page
My favorite gift of the year! Blake & Jackson had a riot.You can change the setting to belching & vomiting sounds also.I cant believe Ma Ma Bubba bought this for me.LOL
Saturday, December 27 View Page
TinySwartzanegger 1947.5 Clementz In the land down under! Thx Paul Keep up the good work mate!
Saturday, December 27 View Page
Heres is one of Beni Meier record breakers.If anyone would like to grow this ?shoot me a note.Im digging through Bubbas seed vault today.
Saturday, December 27 View Page
Saturday, December 27 View Page
Just a heads up I dont use the Comcast email address anymore and havent in over a year.So if you want to contact me Mark@worldwidegiantgrowers.com is best.Leave a subject please.
Saturday, December 27 View Page
I was cleaning the basement today & found this its 7 years old.I see the attitude is still the same for the most part.This kind of reminded e of some of our discussions here on BP so i thought I would share it.lol
Monday, December 29 View Page
Thanks Pap!
Monday, December 29 View Page
Heres the Pumpkin patch at 5:45 pm today.They were saying two months ago The worst winter ever was coming.been very mild so far.
Tuesday, December 30 View Page
Bubbas going to grow this baby.seed looks a lot like the 1317 seed.Funny the 1947 seeds look more like dad the 2009 Wallace a bigger seed.I have 2 more on the way.So Im thinking the 1947 will start to be a longer fruit like dad,tall wide & long& heavy= WR!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 30 View Page
http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=209672 Bubbas seed choice of the year. The 1625 Ganter I dont know why I like it/LOL The best of the 1495 stelts???
Wednesday, December 31 View Page
Wow! Look what I just got in the mail today in a club bubble from Utah.I will splurge tonight.Dont eat much sugar as it feeds arthritis.Oh well will take a walk on the wild side tonight.lol!Also got a pack of 1625 Ganters in the mail and a book from a grower.Wow! I love this Hobby!!Thanks Guys!!
Wednesday, December 31 View Page
Wow! That was the best Dark Chocolate I ever had I split it with Ma Ma Bubba.She loves Chocolate. Thanks Chad!


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